>life and sentience are the most important and valuable things in our universe
>This make suffering universally bad
>We should seek to limit suffering as much as possible while enhancing the robustness and joy of living things as much as possible
>You have no logical claim to the life of another sentient being
>NPCs are unable to recognize the value of sentience and suffering because they themselves lack sentience
>White cultures have an ancient connection to nature
>Protecting our planet, the literal mother of our species and race, along with the protecting the beautiful array or life on this planet should be one of the highest aims of our civilization
Have you taken the green pill yet user???
albert schweitzer also said blacks are a dangerous sub-race that will destroy everything whites have built
It's funny because it's white industry and corporations that have pillaged and raped the natural world including Africa.
the jew reveals his true colors
>this makes suffering universally bad
How’s that then?
>Triggered by facts
What are the top economic powers of the world? The EU and the US. Third being China which has only recently become a top economic power. You can't deny that it's white corporations that dominate global industry. It's just factually true brainlet faggot
Because you recognize that suffering is bad when it happens to you. You wouldn't want to be killed and eaten, or skinned alive, or slaughtered at six months old. If you recognize this is bad when it happens to you then it's self evident that it's bad when it happens to anything else that can suffer as you can.
>>life and sentience are the most important and valuable things in our universe
Sounds like your average white faggot, get some real role models
Solid use of argumentation, logic, facts, history, philosophy, etc
Yup. Because those veganism practicing Buddhists gave use those wonderful life sustaining things such as the scientific method, modern medicine, etc...
only the weak and fearful want peace.
>You have no logical claim to the life of another sentient being
what a retarded opinion, he does not understand how evolution works
How much more braindead could you be
Ahahahahahah. What the fuck? How does an ethical argument about your duties to other sentient beings have any fucking thing to do with evolution? Nice sub human IQ analysis skills you have there champ. Back to taking those big Mac orders
He's right you know. Life isn't innately valuable.
So is the only kind of suffering physical?
Most of the animals you so love exist only because humans use them, you retard
It absolutely is. How Is it not? Because you're an edgelord nihilist faggot doesn't mean everyone else is kiddo
It most definitely isn't. There is existential suffering, emotional, psychological. Like the suffering a mother endures when she births her calf and it is immediately taken from her and slaughtered. That is psychological suffering a human mother can also experience.
Living life for the sake of living it is degenerate, you become like a parasite. To live life selflessley for your family, nation, and race is one of the most noble things you can do. Reminder that to be Aryan is in essence to be a noble.
Grow a spine faggot, this is your average white vegan
>He literally thinks human beings created the animal life on this planet.
Evolution produced the diversity of life on this planet.
Human beings have exterminated 50% of the world's mammalian bio mass in the last 50 years alone
Human beings have reduced biodiversity a massive degree.
>Your argument absolutely btfo that somehow human civilization Is benefitting animals
Humans are the apex predators, of course they're gonna take over the earth's land. Stop thinking nature cares about your cuck'd view on morality
Your grasp of reality is weak at best. Your argumentation skills and understanding of facts are pathetic
>Muh humanity actually helps animals exist
Fucking LOL
Get rekt brainlet bitch and go back to cucking your Scandinavian nation's
>When he doesn't realize his own moral compass and ideas will literally lead to the exterminating of his race, species, and his planet
That's actually how fucking dumb you are
Bullshit, take a pig, if you imagine a wild pig - its chance of reproduction might be 50%, if you take a pig under human authority its reproduction chance is 100%, what do you think the pig will choose?
White mans biggest weaknesses are
>Our empathy
>Our compassion
If you notice that is where ALL attacks upon our culture take place, they always appeal to empathy and or compassion. Every single time.
>Oh will you think of the children
>Oh will you think of the six million
>Oh you're racist because skin color
>Oh you're a bigot because minority
>Oh but these people are starving in their countries.
>Oh she made one mistake and now a single mother.
>Oh it's not their fault their druggies, its an illness
>Oh it's not their fault their sodomites, they where born that way.
>Oh if you don't show tolerance and acceptance you have no compassion or empathy.
I'm so glad my training in the military stripped me of my compassion and empathy. Otherwise I might be one of those retarded liberals still who fall for these (((tricks))). You don't see jews showing compassion, Jews attack our culture and our nation claiming it's on the bases of compassion and empathy. In reality they say it so white people will join them.
There religion doesn't allow for them to show kindness to goy, it does however reward them for destroying and undermining the goy.
Idk user, would you like to live a safe life in servitude or a free life that is not safe?
Not an argument
Life is as valuable as its appraiser says it is. Just because you're scared of the void doesn't mean the void is 'bad.'
How do you expect to eliminate ALL suffering? Why isn’t suffering as important to exist as joy?
and as for your green text OP
Take a look at Nature, not human Nature but Nature in general.
Everything survives because it eats other things. Even a rock floating through space eats the suns and stars energy, if it doesn't then it has no gravity and falls apart, the plant steals the nutrients from water and soil and the sun. The bee milks the pollen of reproduction from the plants, The bird eats the living insects, The Cat will eat the bird, The dog or wolf will eat the cat.
>To deny or try and change the very nature of the universe is the truest form of liberal insanity.
>Everything must consume to grow
>Everything must consume to create
Life is cruel, wasteful, violent. Denying these impulses is to deny life itself.
You're a human being, you prefer freedom. There's a reason why pigs, cows etc. rarely try to escape - THEIR GENES AREN'T BRED TO PREFER FREEDOM. you're a brainlet talking about something u dont understand
Rejoice in suffering.
>Just because you're scared of the void doesn't mean the void is 'bad.'
A void will even consume to become whole.
A void like the vacuum of space will tear every cell that is not strong enough to hold together apart, eventually none will be strong enough to hold together because there is no emery provided in the void to hold them together.
Your argument is invalid.
I haven o idea what is your concept of 'void'
So now he pretends to genocide whites for mother nature. Interesting.
100% bro. keep it up
>Animals are magic and precious!
>Literal people that are dumber and uglier than me can be gassed tho.
I think this level of dissonance actually pisses me off worse than actual basedcuck vegans, being fascist AND a fucking vegan.
I was refering to the absence of life, which is not death but nonexistance. You're talking about some space shit and doing a poor job at it by saying "Void makes me uncomfortable and therefore it's bad"
>How much more braindead could you be
i could be like you. luckily i'm not you.
So metaphysical is what you are speaking of?
I'm based on science (hence the autistic meme), I'm not going to carry around a bag of rocks because "the energy", those things are purely a play on ones mind. It works because the user simply thinks it works. A positive attitude normally results in positive results only because it's positively goal oriented.
All voids destroy,
A void in the heart of love destroys mental moral. Purely mental
A void in the heart of cells destroys ones life. Purely Physical.
Just a bluepilled childish dream. Life is a hideous thing where the strongest and most cruel dominate. That's why Jews are at the top, and white males like Schweitzer are basically human toilets.