ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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How do you stop hating yourself?

Guys, how would you feel if a girl (who has a crush on you but you have no clue) texts you every day? Would you be turned off or would have make you curious?

A girl texting me every day? I'd think there's something wrong with her for paying me so much attention.

bra size?

I would be texting him casual stuff. I've been friends with him for a while and I've done everything EXCEPT tell him I have feelings for him (i.e. Skyping, selfies, asking him out).

Mine? 36B but I don't wear bras and haven't in eight years.

Depends on what we're talking about. If you keep sending me albums to listen to, I don't have time for that everyday.

There is no single answer to this question. If you like him, ask him out.

10-12 DD-E, so 32-34 DD-E

Do girls like drunk texts from their crush when they say shit like how much they love them.

Depends. If I like her and/or there's a decent conversation going on I'd be happy about it, it'd be a reliable dose of good energy to make my day better.

If not I might get annoyed after a while.

Girls, what are some things that make you go "oh yes daddy" but aren't obvious flirtling like prolonged eye contact or compliments?


I generally don't like a crush being out drunk when I am not around. Makes me sad and miserable. Getting texts usually reinforces it, especially if he goes back to normal when he is sober again.

The one perk is when the conversation gets rolling on text, and he has it as proof the following day, it can help me be honest about my feelings. That's also what makes it very depressing if he then acts like nothing happened afterwards.

Don't expect him to respond right away all the time, but it is certainly fine.

He probably acts like he is not desperate aftwards. He could still be into you.

>what are some things that make you go "oh yes daddy

This is the cringiest line ever, and I could never say that to a guy.

How can I talk to two cute twins? I actually have a crush in one if them but they are always together and that is a little intimidating to me... I've already talked with the one I like the most, she's funny and smart and we have some interests in common but again, I dont know how to aproach her whitout some stupid joke about they being twins

>He could still be into you.
Talking from experience. If he was into me, he sure has taken his time, considering this was 1,5 years ago. Never brought it up again. He drunkenly said how much he liked me, and I responded back in kind, and confessed I had had a crush on him for years, but always thought he didn't like me.

I am still sticking around, stupidly hoping it wasn't just a cruel joke, but it probably was.

If I like you well enough then I don't care, probably even like speaking to you. If I think you're boring then it'd annoy me.

Interesting, I thought that was the mainstream now.
But you get the point, subtle stuff that you find attractive.

Uh, nothing really except for a physically fit body.

Just approach and talk to her.

As someone who used to spend a lot of time with my sister, we got used to it. It is only weird to you, not us. No need to make a big deal out of it.
>I dont know how to aproach her whitout some stupid joke about they being twins
Don't. Make. Twin jokes. That's a surefire way to make us cringe out and leave.



What does it mean when you bicker with your girl? Basically my dude complains when I don't have much to say

I can't force conversation but he wants me to start convos everyday

Nothing because I'm not a trailer trash whore.

Can't remember. A or B. Don't use a bra because there isn't anything to hold up.

Also it feels awful to wear a bra.

You a boring bitch. And he is tired being the Sole Entertainer.

Ah. Well.

Thanks user.

He wants more suprise elements in the relationship

>subtle stuff that you find attractive.

Being a good man. If you're polite to service people, or make a cute joke with a kid or an elderly woman, or help a woman with a stroller get off the bus, I'll think you're hot.
If you're good with kids and dogs, you're hot.
If you are well dressed and put effort in your general appearance.
If you're courteous.
If you're funny, witty, interesting.
If you're dedicated, passionate about your hobbies, ambitious, intelligent.

Would you guys mind your girl being a cosplayer?

I love making costumes, and really like wearing them, but usually (always) in private. I have sold a few of them to friends, but I am way too shy to take pictures of myself and post them online, and not sure if a potential boyfriend would find it weird and off-putting or not.

>subtle stuff that you find attractive.
Probably just being cute in general, by showing proper emotions.

Last guy I fell hard for, was a very soft type, was amazing around kids, and had this almost childish glee when he got gifts. It was adorable.

But I just generally dislike the "unfeeling macho man" stereotype that unfortunately seems to be replicated by 90% of all guys these days. I just want a man who doesn't mind being a softy.

Not all of you are like my narcissistic mother or my rapist, right? Just say yes and I'll go to sleep.

Sorry you went through that stuff user. Have you seen a professional about those things? If not you really should, it can help you work through any lasting damage and move on with your life, as well as learn to trust women again, better than any post on Jow Forums could.

Guys, would you prefer knowing I have been subject to rape or not if we were starting to date? If yes, when would you find it the best time to know?

It was my older brother back when I was a kid. I have a therapist going on the 8th year now, and honestly only feel it much on the fact that I for some reason require a lot more physical contact than normal (sex is not just fine, but fantastic at sating that need). It hardly affects me, so I was curious if you'd prefer to not know, or if you preferred the truth.

Brother killed himself when he was caught, and my parents never wants to talk about him. There is a chance a long term boyfriend/fiance would find out, I suppose, but I don't even really know how. It's a small family.

>narcissistic mother
>my rapist
No sure who that is or how that person was, but I can't even confess to a guy, rape is completely out of the question.

>Not all of you are like my narcissistic mother or my rapist, right?

I got this girls number off tinder last week and we spoke about meeting but one day she started giving me one word replies so I assumed not interested and didn't bother to keep the convo going. I'm thinking maybe she was just having a bad day, is it worth my while seeing if I could revive things with simple 'how are you' type of text or should I just leave things be? I stopped talking to her like 5 days ago

There's this girl who seems REALLY down to fuck. I am too. I wanna bang her brains out and can't wait till we meet up.

However, our conversations sorta make me think she might have feelings for me. As much of a pussy as this makes me sound, I'd rather not get laid if it means having to deal with any
>but I thought you really liked me
crying afterwards.

So how do I get through this without hurting her feelings? Like I said, I'm more than happy to forgo the sex if it means sparing her feelings.

If she hasn't deleted you, she's fair game.

Who gives a fuck. It's Tinder.

they don't have to be. It's enough that the world will never acknowledge your victim status beyond the most token measures, simply because you're male.

I feel like a few months into it, when you are getting serious and committing to long term would be the right time. Mental problems aren't something you bring up on the first date.
Previous gf claimed to be asexual on the night I met her, and if I wasn't so madly in love I would have reconsidered. Half a year down the road when we started having sex she turned out a real freak.

Why do ugly non jew but fucking ugly fuck girls with disgusting noses and a fucking horrid chin think theyre hot? Idk please tell me. Like shes not even jewish and its offensive to be this fucking ugly when there are clearly hot jewish women out there. Like its fucking anti semitic to be ugly as fuck and steal a crooked jew fucking nose and not even be jewish. Shes german apperantly btw. Idk.

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How do I stop crushing/falling in love so quick? When I get introduced to someone new I immediately determine if shes hot I think about a future together.

>23m never had a gf

You sound mad and don't make a lot of sense.

Like im serious, how do you ugly fucking cunts who are just actually fucking gross and have an un attractive man faces just delude yourself into thinking youre hot, feminists? Its gross. Maybe loser fugly women like you deserve that idealouge cause you'll never fuck chad. Its antisemitic to be so fucking ugly and steal amazing hebrew complexions. Fake jews lmao. Honestly though feminists are actually unapologetically ugly and you pathetic losers fugggos deserve the cult you virgin dying soon to be cat lady fucktards. Ugh just die please you non attractive sparkle glitter fuck land whales. You will never be a model. Haha dye your hair more and maybe you will actually die someday rid the gene pool with unattractive virgin fat tumblr tards. Fucking gross.

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>Few months
Yeah that's my thoughts as well, I was just more wondering if I should tell at all.

It's just a topic that has been beaten to death already, and I'd rather not even let people know about it. I lost friends because I hated feeling like a victim in their eyes, and the worst possible outcome would be if a guy stayed with me out of pity or some misguided White Knight bullshit.

>Anime screeching autist
Go to GIOYC thread. These posts suits far better there.

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>t.low quality genetic feminist ugggo
Im sorry chad will never give you a sponge bath you disgusting pig. Now go tumbr urself why men are oppressive you unnattractive zero. Hotties are for the hotties only no gross fuck fat feminist losers allowed.

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Im sorry every disgusting feminist looks like a dude and never took the time to better themselves....oops I mean...Gurl power haha....fucking western women and feminism ahahaa keep it up.

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Girl here, but a previous weeb boyfriend of mine loved buying me cosplays and having me wear them. Mostly for sex, or at least build up to it.

I wasn't really into anime stuff, and not much of a gamer, but it was fun regardless. Those outfits were super risqué though, I don't think I could have worn them outside either.

No, I agree with you, just saying this is the wrong thread for these posts.

I think not telling friends if you don't want to and don't need the support is one thing, but you should tell someone you're in a relationship with. Ideally, someone you're in a serious relationship with is closer to you than anyone else. You two eventually reach a point where there are no secrets between you two, and knowing about each other's experiences as well as understanding one another matters a lot. Tell them when you're comfortable doing so, and when the relationship is serious enough to merit it. But I really think it is worth telling them and that it would be dishonest and to the detriment of the relationship to never tell them. A relationship is inviting someone to share in our lives, even the darker parts we'd rather leave behind.

True, I mean got nothing to lose. Just don't want to seem like a creep who can't take a hint.


Im not into cosplays much but if my girl would make and sell them that'd be cool. I'd ask you to wear some for me, actually.

That's true. I suppose I should.

Guess I'll just bring it up when we get to a point where we are considering a permanent relationship/marriage.

I feel like "weeb" guys are just really creepy and nasty most of the time. Been to one anime convention, and it was awful. Everybody smelled of copious amounts of deodorant, or like bathing was a foreign concept, and they all looked like hobos as well.

How do you find a weeb who is actually somewhat normal?


I was more into wearing them myself. I could make them for a boyfriend, I suppose, but I was more interested in showing it off to him. I just feel like a weirdo for wanting to do that.

>I want to have my cake and eat it too
>I want a guy who's hot AND into nerdy/weeby things
Fuck off, you entitled cunt.

i can pretend to like weebshit for a while if you ride my dick cutie


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>but I was more interested in showing it off to him.
Yeah that was my point.

Come on, Jow Forums. Don't make me go to Yahoo Answers.

>Everybody smelled of copious amounts of deodorant, or like bathing was a foreign concept, and they all looked like hobos as well.
Fuck that's me

The best and yet risky move is to sit her down, tell her you're really into her and ask her if she's into you. If she starts talking about feelings and such, tell her you don't feel the same and would rather to stay friends.

But this still sounds retarded so idk

I never said they have to be hot, just... don't look and smell like you have lived on the streets. I would think that's a fair requirement.

And I was asking were that poster found a weeb boyfriend, who is supposedly fairly normal.

I just hoping to find a guy who is okay with it. Why he is fine with it doesn't really matter to me.

Most guys don't give a fuck as long as they find you attractive.

hop on then

>How do you find a weeb who is actually somewhat normal?
By pure luck.

He was normal at first, refused to meet in his apartment. We had a lot of fun though, and when we suddenly came by his place while on a long walk, and he accidentally revealed it, I insisted on seeing his apartment. Poor guy was beyond embarrassed, because the entire apartment was full of anime posters, he had two body pillows with some anime girls on, and had (male) cosplays hanging on display.

It was surprisingly neat and tidy though, and no weird smell. It was weird, but it was more surprising than anything else.

Shave and bathe you fat neckbeard. Basic social behaviour is required if you want to date.

Women go on and on about
>le basic dating rules
But in my experience it's all bullshit. To get a girl you need to be either born hot, or have the "spark" whatever the fuck that means.

I fucking hate how women talk about "basic requirements" because it's all bullshit.

Just ensure she knows. Literally tell her you aren't looking for a long term relationship, but only a short fling or FwB.

I've reeled in emotions for that before, because I was overly attracted to a guy, and he wasn't exactly the best match personality wise anyway.

You'd be surprised.

I had a really good friend I had a short FwB arrangement with. I *really* liked him, but... God, I felt like I dried up whenever I saw him. Soni friendzoned him.

He nagged me a lot about why girls hated him, and I decided to literally take him to a barber shop, got his ugly unkempt beard shaved, and got him a proper haircut that wasn't shoulder length "I have never heard of combs before" ugly.

Suddenly he was very cute, and it took very little effort from his side to get me dtf after he stuck to the "don't look like a hobo" style. He is still laughing about how damn easy it was to drastically increase his chances with girls.

And the so-called "spark" is called emotional/personal match. That just doesn't exist between everybody, and you can't change that. It has nothing to do with actual appearance. Some people just doesn't mesh well.

Go take me RIGHT NOW to a barber and clothes shop, pick out everything for me, I'll pay for it all obviously and then we'll see if my chances improve.

If they don't, you have to admit I'm right.

That guy was likely an exception. Because I can tell you from personal experience that putting in effort rarely, if ever, actually improves chances with women for most guys who aren't naturally good looking.

>To get a girl you need to be either born hot, or have the "spark"
No one is either though... You might have a certain face shape or whatever, and maybe some natural colours more appealing, but most is about your personal grooming and weight control.

I used to feel the same as you towards my girlfriends, until I started working out and putting effort into myself. It takes a lot, sure, but that's how you look good. Nobody is just naturally beautiful with no effort. Some require more effort than others, sure, but not to the degree that magazines would have you believe.

>have the "spark" whatever the fuck that means.
It means chemistry. Have you never met someone and just got along with them fantastically? If not, then I feel sorry for you

>I fucking hate how women talk about "basic requirements" because it's all bullshit.
What, dealbreakers are bullshit?

I'll second this somewhat. I used to trim, shave, clean myself up as well as I could but it made no difference. Today I look like a hobo because why fucking bother, some men are just defective and don't know how to make that "spark" with anyone.

For most women, the spark IS the dealbreaker. You'd know this if you were a guy.

No, the spark is A dealbreaker.

toxic whore you are, holy shit

Same thing.
Point is, women need the spark, unless the guy is naturally a hottie.

Which is fine. I'm not telling women what to find attractive. But what I hate is the lying about
>user, just shave, shower regularly, don't be a fatass, don't be a sperg, and make some effort to socialise and you're BOUND to get a gf :) teehee

>naturally good looking.
What the hell does this even mean.

Unless you can point to actual things that make a difference here, I don't believe you.

Hell, even the supposedly "attractive" actors often look pretty terrible, if it wasn't for vast amounts of make up and a well trained body. Daniel Craig is an unkempt beard away from looking like an ugly creep.

I legit can't think of any widely accepted "hot guys" who are hot by default. It is pretty much always because of proper training, shaving/trimming, and nice hair.

But go ahead, show examples.

I'll be honest, it sounds more like your personality is scaring away girls, rather than your appearance..

Studies have proven that things like strong jaws and clean skin are universally attractive to women.

But nah, keep lying.

>universally attractive
There is no such thing.

I was waiting for this rebuttal. No, I never act anything close to this when talking to girls I might be interested in. I'm always chill, conversational but not too in-your-face, try to make them laugh, ask them about themselves, etc.
I don't talk to them about politics or MGTOW or complain about being foreveralone or anything like that.

Brad Pitt, Henry Caville, the guy from Twilight, etc.
All those guys are considered hot by a vast majority of attractive women.

The only people that say that are other men who think that getting a girlfriend is like getting an achievement in a video game by fulfilling certain criteria.

Getting a girlfriend is easy, but don't act like it's not almost entirely based on looks.
Like I said, what I hate isn't the fact that women get a choice, it's the fact that they LIE about it.

If you say so. You've clearly got women all figured out.

My experience with women says so, yes.

I haven't even talked about dating apps, mind you, which is a whole 'nother facet.

If you're not getting dated because you're ugly, I'm not sure why you'd be surprised that women don't want to date an uggo. Or did you actually believe your mother when she told you you're perfect the way you are?

Like I said, they can reject me for being ugly all they want. Just don't then turn around and say
>lol user just take a shower and lose some weight and you'll have girls all over you ;)

If you get Jow Forums and wear tight shirts, then join tinder - you will certainly have girls all over you.

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What is it about men who naturally have the spark with all girls?

I've never had chemistry with any guy, but it had to be the manwhore who I ended up having chemistry with.

Do we actually have the spark, or is he just a pro at making connections with all women??

>Do we actually have the spark, or is he just a pro at making connections with all women??
lol what the fuck do you think

But then why is he with me for 2yrs :(

I met a guy from Tinder twice now, and also had sex twice (yeah, I know). The first time ended really well, we had a lot to talk about too and he asked me to stay the night. Second time, not so good. He came in under a minute and seemed like, down about it so I tried to joke a bit but it didn't seem to improve the mood. When he asked me how I was and I replied I was good, he said he doesn't trust when people say that, and that he has bad experiences. I asked and he didn't really want to share, so I just talked a bit about trusting people and whatnot, didn't go too deep into that.

So he still seems kinda queit and I ask what he wants to do, and when he says nothing I kinda figure he doesn't want me around so I started to leave. Then he asked if it was something he said, and I replied nah it just seems like you need some time alone. I really wasn't comfortable with the atmosphere so I figured it's best to leave but with explaining myself somewhat. So I said it seems like there's an issue and I don't know what it is, and he said again he isn't really comfortable with talking about it. I said okay, I hear you, I don't wanna force you. But still was gonna leave. Then he asked one more time if I was offended and I felt stupid immediately afterwards but said: kinda, yeah. I don't remember how I said it but immediately afterwards I did say that not really offended, just a little bummed out. And then left.

Decided to shoot him a msg saying sorry I didn't mean to pry, cause I didn't want him feeling bad about it. He said a change of topic would've helped, I said I kinda got the impression he didn't want me to stay (cause yeah, that was the vibe I was feeling from him at the time.) And then I was stupid again and texted: "I guess it just makes me feel like there was something wrong with me." And he's seen it, and hasn't replied.

Is it safe to assume he's not gonna want to see anymore, even casually?

No. These guys are not appealing at all to me. Most are short and take steroids and have small penises.

Well yeah, because when you're short and have a small schlong you compensate in other ways.

Doesn't have to be completely jacked, with 20+ years of lifting either. Slight definition, strong lats, look great in t-shirts and really make you appealing in a generalised way.

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>I was waiting for this rebuttal
Alright that's fair. I suppose, I am just an oddball for more or less acting the same whether I am anonymous or in person.

My friend said she's making a twitter in passing b4 she went to sleep

I'm gonna msg her later to ask for her twitter handle, but what account should I follow on?

I have 2, one irl and one online. Online one is much more active and "me", i just keep it separate for privacy I guess. Irl is inactive and has like 5 tweets. I'd like to follow on my active one, should I? Not worried about anything on there btw.