“Snipe His Ass” — Ocasio Supporters Call For Murder Of REP.Scalise

>Cortez fanfare is so triggered by everything.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called out Congressman Steve Scalise on Twitter with a condescending tone Saturday after the Republican lawmaker criticized her 70% tax bracket proposal."
>The same as they do on these boards.

Rep. Scalise said Republicans want to let Americans keep more of their own hard earned money and the Dems want to take away 70% of your income to give it to leftist fantasy programs.

Ocasio-Cortez replied by saying, “You’re the GOP Minority Whip. How do you not know how marginal tax rates work?”
>This exact phrase has been used on these boards;
>How do you not know how marginal tax rates work?

Ocasio dems are running a media campaign for her to boost popularity because she is unpopular. This is why the Ocasio threads have been none stop and the false reporting on a manufactured media event surrounding a dancing video that was released during the mid-term campaigns.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is Commie Princess responsible for little commie lemmings saying bad things?

its time to BOMB hilliary clinton, haha faggots

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Louisiana here, hope Scalise gets Speaker in 2020 when these dirty liberal fucks get voted out

Who’s this broad Cortez?

Yes. The Cortez crew is now trying to make her popular, because she is not, by threatening Rep.Scalise with another sniping attack. This is the guy that got shot by a bernie democrat socialist and the media covered for him. Remember this guy

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It wont be Mossad. It would be Americans since she poses a dire threat to our country.

Tell us how marginal tax rates work, OP.

>AOC will start Civil War 2.0
Wtf I lover her now

>we want gun control
>but only for our opposition
They are truly communist. Friendly reminder they want to be the only ones with guns

Why should I care about high income tax brackets when I'll never have the opportunity to earn over 50k.

>spic jew commie shill
Go fuck off you cuck faggot

A marginal tax rate is the tax rate on income set at a higher rate for incomes above a designated higher bracket, which in 2016 in the United States was $415,050. For annual income that was above cut off point in that higher bracket, the marginal tax rate in 2016 was 39.6%. For income below the $415,050 cut off, the lower tax rate was 35% or less. In the United States in 2016, for example, the highest marginal federal income tax rate was 39.6%, applying to earnings over $415,050. Earnings under $415,050 that year had a lower tax rate of 35% or less.

With a flat tax, by comparison, all income is taxed at the same percentage, regardless of amount. An example is a sales tax where all purchases are taxed equally. A poll tax is a flat tax of a set dollar amount per person. The marginal tax in these scenarios would be zero.

>no source

Your on the internet look it up. Not gonna be posting links. I posted screencap of headlines. That's enough.

>Not gonna be posting links
Lazy fucks like you should go back to plebbit


>The Gateway Pundit

Here you go anons, her twitter

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>a twitter user says something stupid

The Democrats already sniped his ass. It seems that the attempted assassination of a dozen Republican congressmen 2 years ago has been memoryholed.

Yeah, the left triggers easy at Trumps tweets.

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You're clearly not trying hard enough. I don't have any college degree whatsoever and I still pull in $80k doing graphic design with skills I learned mostly on the job.

Salise reply

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LoL, look who else is triggered by a tweet like Ocasio was to Scalis.

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And I bet the people saying this had no idea that a fellow demoshart tried to do exactly what they're calling for not too long ago because they're uninformed retards who gobble up corporate media propaganda like pig feet.

I dont see the issue. The recent case of an anonymous account mocking AOC got blamed on all conservatives by the media. Fight fire with fire

Don’t forget the literal trainwreck

>Muh open government
It takes two to tango

redpill me on Scalise

We're in an era where politicians take to social media to passive aggressively try to outwit their opponents to the delight of their bloodthirsty followers.

>why should I not bother positioning myself for success in life
This is beyond pathetic

Announcing a sage is a bannable offense.

This needs to change. We have thousands of new users ever single week and none of them know what a sage is. Nobody reads the FAQ. I understand why this is a rule. I have been here for a decade and I remember the sage bombs. But even that was better than what we have now.

We are in a new era. There are political actions committees, advertising firms, psychology professors and troll farms that see the Jow Forums community as a resource to be exploited. There are massive amounts of time, energy and cash being pumped into researching the type of OPs that trigger a pavlovian response to bump the thread. This isn't a conspiracy theory this is documented fact. The only way to fight this is to make sage cool again.

>congressman investigating pedophulia continues to have his life threatened
makes you think

Pic related for reference

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ive been saying this for years

>communists openly threatening political violence
Really activates the old almonds

>Muh open government
>muh butthurt at media ambush in the whitehouse

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Nice try fbi

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You went out somewhere and copy pasted something. That's not really the answer that someone who understands what a marginal tax rate is would give.

I'd expect something more like.

Split up all your income into groups of $10. These groups are called margins. Every $10 margin that you have gets taxed at a different rate. Your first $10 gets taxed at 0%, so you pay $0 in taxes for that margin. Your second $10 gets taxed at 10%, so you pay $1 in taxes for that margin. Your third $10 gets taxed at 20%, so you pay $2 in taxes for that margin. And so on. If you have $30, you will pay $0 + $1 + $2 = $3 of taxes in total.

The tax rate that you pay for each margin - 0% for the first $10, 1% for the second $10, etc, is called the marginal tax rate.

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>Holding public internet banter accounting to someone else

Why the fuck are Republicans being so fucking autistic when it comes to Cortez? She is literally a non-issue 1 term unless they keep memeing her infinitely to give her free press.

Seriously just ignore her, don't act like some rabid follower of her is her responsibility. If I follow and or support marco rubio and then just started saying "KILL BERNIE WITH A GLOCK 19" is Rubio responsible for me? No. Just stop foaming at the mouth over a lame duck commie and focus. Otherwise you'll be giving her unexpected support

Well, it was better said then I could have ever. :)

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>Why the fuck are Republicans being so fucking autistic when it comes to Cortez?
The leftists are the ones spazzing out when their own rules are applied to them. Eat shit, faggot.

LoL, love this guy. Seen the threads. Good job.

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I knew it

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70% for openers! Let her talk her ideology into a shallow unmarked grave! Let her talk, let her talk, let her talk... She's like a dyslexic salesperson with ADD...

Didn't a trumper just attack people at a dem rally? Didn't Trump offer to pay the legal fees for anyone who attacked counter protesters at his rally? Pearl clutching faggots

That shit has been dropped in a lot of ocasio threads. I never read it and assumed it was shilling for Ocasio.

AfterI read it and understand now.
I retractI was wrong about you and im sorry. You and I are right and this is more evidence of there little troll army infesting the boards.

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Lol, Cnn broke, "TRUMP CAN BUILD THE WALL WITH THE MILITARY" the crazy son of a bitch did it. He fucking did it.


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>Ocasio Supporters Call For Murder Of REP.Scalise


>lock them up
>you're all calling for murders
Your reverse fleshlight has damaged your brain

The fuck are you talking about?
You’re absolutely retarded..

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>I posted screencap of headlines. That's enough.
>what is DOM editing
You really should go back to fucking reddit, dumb american mutt piece of shit

please please please please please please please fire the first shot commies

please please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please pleaseplease please please please please

Jow Forums is smarter than that. Leftist commiefag identified.

We need to divide the country, man.

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Why are these people not being arrested?

So? A single twitter user mocked AOC for dancing. That didn't prevent 15 left wing news outlets from writing about it.

That actually explains it a lot better, thanks

How many people do you think haven’t heard of Ruby Ridge? It’s not like it’s a secret

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Obamacare was a democrat plan. Pretty sure that was drafted by insurance companies to mandate that everyone get insurance. The republicans have never done something that bad.

>How many people do you think haven't heard of Ruby Ridge?
I bet if you asked 100 people under the age of 40 if they knew what Ruby Ridge was, you'd be lucky if 5 of them had even the slightest idea. And if they were under 30 or 35, its more likely that none of them would know about it.

I’m not so sure.
There’s been tv shows and documentaries.
I guess it might depend on where you picked 100 people from..

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Imagine being an Ocasio believer before she pulls a Bernie and is either forced out by the democrat establishment or sells out to the democrat establishment

She Guevara

>the Dems want to take away 70% of your income to give it to leftist fantasy programs.
Which is a standard bullshit Republican line as they are intentionally dishonest to serve their donors. The top bracket is 70 percent of your income for each dollar made above a certain amount so this will not affect your average Joe Republican.
Ooooo some guy on twitter said something how horrible!

they;re called tax brackets, not margins.
Marginal tax rate refers to the rate paid on the 'marginal' (last/highest) dollar earned.
We should be talking about effective tax rates rather than marginal (because it is mathematically impossible to pay 100% of the non-zero marginal tax rate) but marginal tax rates get headlines.

Democrats are so scared they have to make fake news

It was a Heritage Foundation plan, before it was Mitt Romney's plan.

>Steve Scalies
These reptilians aren't even trying anymore wtf

If she does submit, then we'll know the Democrat Party can't be entryized and has to be destroyed, along with everyone in it.

Pretty much this. The stuff online is all $12/hour requiring a degree and years experience. The middle class is done. You can be super wealthy or super poor and nothing in between

Chek'd and kek'd