Insect Food

Why are chips made out of crickets showing up in grocery stores now? Are the food supply and civilization in general about to collapse?

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Not hardly. The amount of grains that just America grows could feed the entire world and still have excess. We literally subsidize farmers to let food rot instead of being harvested. Insect food is a meme pushed by the faggots that push the overpopulation lie.

Cheap protein, you burger. Plus, a lot better than regular red meat

>Why are chips made out of crickets showing up in grocery stores now?
jew agenda
>pushed by the (((faggots))) that push the overpopulation lie

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What about meat though?
>"Something needed to change in the food industry," Sturek said. "There needed to be better sources of protein for people, more sustainable sources of protein, and crickets filled in all the boxes."
>"The millennials, they get it," he said. "We can't have beef anymore. It's too expensive. Cheap beef is too expensive, for our health and for the environment."

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Yeah, I don't know what everyone's problem is with bugs. You save so much money if you buy a pack of mealworms and just keep taking care of them and letting them breed more of themselves. They'll even live off garbage like styrofoam.

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>says the memeflag
you obviously make poor decisions, your opinion is worthless

This is literally one step from being an orc

> I would rather eat deepfried corn or potato then bugs
Do you even protein

What did they mean by this?

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>t. Spends top dollar on shrimp and lobster and considers fast food to be a nutritious meal


Shrimp and lobster have lots of meat on them, unlike insects which are mostly chitin.

Shrimp and lobster are just giant sea bugs

>what about meat though
Meat get tossed on a regular basis, and is cheaper than it ever has been. We farm so much meat that we literally grind up thousands of male chicks within days of birth. Maybe 3rd world nations have a problem, but America is certainly not running low meat. I can go walk around to the shoprite around the corner and get a quiality steak from a local farm for 5 bucks. Anyone who thinks our industrial farming industry is going to collapse is buying into propaganda without any doing any research.

Oy vey, eat these bugs! You don't need meat under the NWO!

>can actually spend top dollar on food
where's your currency?

>Cheap beef is too expensive

What are you trying to say?

Yeah. Crabs are basically sea spiders.

But that guy still has a point. Theres hardly any meat in an insect.

Chrip chips are actually pretty bomb plus protein packed. Like it or not but bug protein will be the future. The amount of water needed per pound of protein so so much less for bugs than animals. Production costs are cheaper, land use is minimal. I would get used to it

why do you have to be such a fag?

Seafood is pretty good for cheap protein. Tuna and Sardines are both great.

>urb*nites really let themselves be degraded like this
I can't wait for a new plague to come and wipe you city dwelling cattle-brained slaves out.

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>the average american in 2030 will be a 300 pound gender-neutral mutt who feasts on a bag of crickets throughout the day

Lobsters are about as related to crickets as they are to barnacles. In both cases they diverged from a common ancestor around 530 million years ago. So unless you have trouble telling apart a lobster from a barnacle that's a shit argument.

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I don't trust this industrial shit
but...eating bugs is like eating seafood some of it is tasty;

Leaf cutter ant asses, fried, is fucking tasty. Toasted coconut grubs are a delicacy.
Ant eggs, Green Iguana eggs and other weird shit is culinary evolution.

t. native Brazilian
>ib4 monkey

Even 5 star restaurants are including these items as delicacies for a reason.
Does that mean you should eat industrial insect shit...fuck no.

>let them eat bugs filled with styrofoam

This is not going to end well.

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>for our (((health))) and (((enviroment)))
They're saying meat = bad. It's unhealthy and causes global warming, so go vegan goy!

>Production costs are cheaper, land use is minimal
Yeah, now tell me how that's good for consumers. Consumers aren't going to suddenly start eating bugs just because it's more profitable for businesses. Get real.

>Eat soi and bugs, not meat
>Live in a major metropolitan area because it's trendy
>Live in a hip GoyPod(tm) shoebox apartment, only $900 a month!
>Work a menial service job for a faceless corporation, because blue collar and manufacturing jobs are obsolete in the superior future
>Spend your meager disposable income on mindless corporate media and plastic crap from China
>Base your entire identity on shallow consumerist "culture"
Imagine being an urbanite in 2019.

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Wait until we start genetically engineering crickets to be like seven times their natural size

The elite need their slaves to be OK with eating bugs because thats the only food source that will be left after the engineered armageddon hits. Repent sinners, the end is nigh.

It's so the reptiles that rule us can make bug eating fashionable, so they can do it in the kitten

>Crabs are basically sea spiders.
Even less related than lobsters and barnacles. Crabs and spiders diverged from their common ancestor around 600 million years.

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Dry oatmeal master race will save the day

If they diverged millions of years ago and then never changed much after that point then the length of time since divergence doesn't really tell you anything.

If they didn't change much they probably wouldn't have diverged in the first place. Time since divergence from common ancestor is used all the time to get a feel for similarity. Go look up some alternative comparison if you want to dispute it.

patchouli reeking hippie scum detected



Cool speculation, bro.

>meal worms

Kys, sheep

They probably ran out of shitty food trend ideas. Now it's bugs.

whatever, if the companies doing this shit can manage to sell these, why the fuck not?

I'd try one.

>cheap protein
False, this lie needs to end


Kroger regularly sells perdue chicken on clearance at 2$ a pound. On canacucks and bean faggots pay outrageous prices for meat.

God its greats to live in America.

20 MOTHERFUCKING grams of protein*****

*****per bag

That's literally 4 slices of fucking bread.

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Like I said, post alternative evidence disputing it if you want. It's not at all unheard of to use divergence from last common ancestor to get a sense of how closely related different organisms are.

>Meat get tossed on a regular basis, and is cheaper than it ever has been.
But user, we literally need to replace meat with insects because something something climate change.

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Eating bugs is basically eating poison.

They don't have any ability to digest or break down harmful food sources the way animals we eat for meat do.

If you eat bugs that ate Styrofoam, you're eating straight Styrofoam.

You are making claims that do not actually follow from the evidence you provide and I am pointing that out. I do not have to take a concrete opposing position on the topic to do so.

I am not in the habit of taking positions on topics for which there is little evidence. There is no published genome for lobsters so why would I claim they are vastly different or very similar genetically to another species when I cannot possibly prove that claim?

>Eating bugs is basically eating poison.


>They don't have any ability to digest or break down harmful food sources the way animals we eat for meat do.

Animals don't digest things pike plastics. It simply passes through their system.

>If you eat bugs that ate Styrofoam, you're eating straight Styrofoam.

Your body will digest the worm, but not the styrofoam contents. Worms can digest the styrofoam until it forms another structure which is biodegradable. Eating worms isn't unhealthy, you're just hung up about it like Pence is hung up about being a faggot.

Is edible. Protein, nutrition, everything youll ever need. Be thankful for what the conductor can give us.

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The UN want to ban Raising Beef Cattle because of global warming, and transfer people to "controllable" ecological protein sources, such as synthetic meat and this insect shit. Its about projecting control, AGENDA 21 nonsense. Its super mega HOMOSEXUAL if you aks me.

Also universal basic income (the bare minimum you need to live) will be payed to you based on your good behaviour. If your behaviour is bad, then they reduce your protein rations until you start behaving good. All very nice and humane.

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its that song that says "the angels never arrived" . can you think of yourself eating these when playing VidYA

Food is plentiful, the chosenites just hate you and want you to eat cattle feed. They'd get you to eat shit if they could.

>Fed a steadity diet of neo-liberal propaganda through mindless, "psuedo-intellectual" entertainment that beats you over the head which the idea that everyone who doesn't participate in this distopian, consumerist, authoritarian, dumb-down society is a "Nazi".

I love how they still come in plastic bags (or similar) that will end up floating in the oceans for like fucking centuries.

How wrong are they really....?

>Why are chips made out of crickets showing up in grocery stores now?
chink money maker

seems cool

Well guess why

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The rate of consumption you grew up with isn't sustainable, in the last few decades they've been talking about doing this, how they could feed the population using insect protein. You might have cried about baby boomers, but you will live to see your own spoiled generation progress along similar lines.

Eventually you will be grateful for even a tiny morsel of insect protein. The feudal serfs rarely got any meat at all, they would feel lucky if a noble munching on a big cut of meat would let them catch the grease drippings and eat them in a type of bread bowl called a trencher. The slaves of our era require a bit more brainpower thankfully, so we'll get to eat bugs.

I don't speak whatever language that is. What the fuck is that food?