Oneitis rejected me

>oneitis rejected me
>5 months later she’s dating a guy shorter, weaker and more beta than me

Fucking WHY

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money probably

>using words like beta
I wonder why you got rejected
Tune down your arrogance first then complain later

Probably because you think:
>shorter, weaker and more beta than me
are the only things that matter when picking someone to be with.

Different people have different tastes.

No he’s poor like everyone my age where I live

I’m just trying to distill that hes less masculine than me in one word

Well why the fuck did the internet lie to me and tell me height and looks were all that matter then

He's "her type" whatever that means. In some way that you don't see, he meets her needs that don't involve height, strength or alpha-ness.

All you've discovered is that women don't judge guys the way you think they do, and that what YOU see as your superior qualities are not those SHE wants.

Figure out what they are and try to develop them, or look for a girl who only measures guys by height strength and alpha-ness

>Less masculine than you
>Still fucks your bitch
It's because you have a tiny penis.

You only think he is weaker than you.

You just picked out what you wanted to hear and you were desperate to blame your lack of a gf on girls being vain bitches. Blaming is easier than taking responsibility.

The internet is filled with people who are just as confused and misguided as you are.

How would she know the size of my dick

No I could beat the shit out of him I’m certain, he has the build of a stick

No, fucking everyone on this gay ass site says “it’s only looks that matter”. Well fucking obviously it isn’t because every girl that’s rejected me has either dated a less masculine guy in the past or does so in the future

If it’s not looks then fucking what do I need to do

First off, quit being a spaz. If you're not trolling, the simple fact you act like a child on the internet is probably an indication of bigger developmental issues. If you are trolling, I'd say say it's probably an indication of developmental issues. Either way, I think you probably have developmental issues. Whichever side of the field you're on, you're still acting like a spaz.

Just tell me what I need to do, obviously it’s not looks related, so tell me how I get a gf. What is this stick man shit weakling doing that im not

It's because she likes him more

Because he is funny, smart and not an asshole.


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He's probably more intelligent and funny than you are. He may also have more interesting hobbies and past experiences which make him a more wholesome person.

Okay I fucking get it so what the fuck do I need to do then?

You're playing the game wrong. You're acting like a peacock. Strutting around making sure everyone knows you're a bad ass. You're not a flightless bird, stop acting like one. There isn't a play book on this. If there was a 10 step guide to getting laid, it would be the top selling book in the world. If you can't at least pretend to be interesting enough to score a date, then you need to find something that appeals to you and makes you interesting. Read a book on general relativity and you have enough knowledge to go on for days. You can easily turn that into an interesting 20 minute conversation. Like I said, literally anything works as long as it's interesting. Another dude wrapped up in his own masculinity, strutting around like he's the shit isn't interesting.

Because to her he's obviously more attractive. It could be physical, or psychological. Judging by you unironically having a oneitis and some kind of weird mix of inferiority/superiority complex I'd guess you aren't the most psychologically attractive guy.

Be yourself

you have all the answers already:
get smart
get interesting
get funny
All these things happen when you focus on developing as a person, investing time and resources into educating yourself and experiencing cool stuff such as travelling, befriending people of different cultures, sky diving, countless other stuff

Why do you assume I don’t already do that shit

I’ve travelled several countries, I play sports, I develop myself however I can

But still I get beat out by fucking runts who can’t even speak to a woman without stuttering but still somehow find someone who likes them

You honestly sound like a boring, weak, arrogant, insufferable cunt. I'm glad she rejected you, she can do better than an insecure bitch like you.

What the fuck, it’s not my fault

Why just insult my character rather than give me insight into how to fix it

your better off looking for another girl and trying to improve yourself with her plus being with a girl makes you attractive to other girls

Look man, let's assume physical attraction is objective. Let's pretend that every single person's opinion is exactly the same in this regard. If it's not his looks, it's clearly his personality. Why is that so hard to understand? You want some real advice? You're ignorant, and I mean that in a favtual way. It's clear you lack empathy, you cannot possibly fathom how this woman could choose someone else over you. You're acting like it's impossible, 0 chance. Something else has to be at work here. Some divine force, or unknown energy is conspiring against you, so that you don't end up with this woman. Don't you see how crazy that sounds when put like that? You're looking at the world with one eye closed, through a microscope. Take a step back and realize you're extremely ignorant to the world and the way it works.

Yeah I’m not retarded I know this girl is a lost cause for me

But this isn’t the first time this happened, I am consistently rejected by girls and then I see the guys they’re actually getting with and they’re always skinny shit nerds. One girl rejected me and then ended up dating a guy who later threatened to kill himself if she broke up with him. Like wtf

This. You assume this guy is nothing, while in reality, to your oneitis, is the other way around. Apparently your sports and travelling is not enough.

>5 months later she’s dating a guy shorter, weaker and more beta than me

He might have some positive quality about him that you do not. You might just not be her 'type'. Other possibility is that 5 months ago when you made the move, she was in a position in her life where she simply didn't feel like dating someone so she rejected you. But now, 5 months later she is ready to dip her feet in the water.

There is really no surefire way to know why she went out with him instead of with you. Stop worrying about it and look for someone else. Rejections happen to every guy. Be proud of the fact that you at least made a move. That's more than what the majority of people are capable of doing when they have a crush on someone.

>I am consistently rejected by girls and then I see the guys they’re actually getting with and they’re always skinny shit nerds
What kind of absolutely shit character you must have, my man

Why the fuck have people on the internet been telling me for all these years that it’s ONLY looks and height and physicality that matter then

The only fucking reason I started lifting and playing sports was to be more masculine and attractive only to find out that it doesn’t even matter and girls actually want skinny nerdy suicidal guys with “good personality”. There was no fucking point. FUCK this shit

It just depends on the girls. they have different taste like men. not as broad usually but they still do

>tfw attracted exclusively to lanky autistic nerds
Guys like OP cannot even compete

This, focus on yourself instead of talking bad about others

Out of curiosity why the fuck do you do this

Why do women make it impossible to figure out how to be attractive. When I was a high schooler I was skinny and no one liked me. Guys bigger than me got girls. So I started lifting and playing sports only to find out that’s not fucking attractive anymore

>lifting for women

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Be the person you want to be and then find someone who likes you

Because it's the internet man. For fucks sake, go outside. Those are literally memes. How many short men do you see with women? A lot. You think every single one of them has money? When the majority of people in America are middle class and below, you think that every shirt dude just happens to be in that minority? Holy shit dude, how disconnected are you? Get away from this place if you need to, but this is the internet dude. You can't just believe everything someone tells you, especially on Jow Forums, we're not your friends.

>the Internet represents real life

What the fuck else am I gonna lift for. Lifting is something you do to change your physical aesthetics. We don’t live in the fucking 1800s anymore, I don’t need muscles to go pick up shit on the farm like some poor ass country bumpkin. So lifting is just for looks. Why else would I change my looks if not to attract women

Well that’s just impossible

>she’s dating a guy shorter, weaker and more beta than me
because she's doesn't think so, he gets her hot and you do not

Oh yeah oh man the hottest thing in the world is skinny guys who spend all day smoking weed and looking at memes about wanting to kill them self

Fuck this gay earth

Purchase a new personality

>What the fuck else am I gonna lift for.
If you can't find pleasure in improving yourself you're never gonna find happiness

Women are not an unified mass, you absolute dunce. We vary amongst ourselves greatly in tastes and preferences. My best friends dates almost exclusively dumb jocks, because she likes their muscles and says that their stupidity and ignorance are cute in a way. In my opinion guys she likes are moronic simpletons, but hey, she thinks my nerds are pathetic and not manly enough. I like lanklets because I find them attractive, there is something in tall and willowy men, they can look very romantic and melancholic and I dig it. And nerds because they usually have cheesy-cringy sense of humour, often non-pc but not overly rude, and they know a lot about a lot of things and are usually eager to talk about their interests and explain how things work. They are usually more passionate about obscure stuff and that's something I have in common with them. They can be ambitious and have many unique life experiences. I'm a simple woman, if a guy talks science to me, even if I don't always understand it, my knees go weak. Also I noticed that for some reason nerdy guys really enjoy slow and sensuous sex rather than quick pig-slamming and it's something I really appreciate.

No it's not, just stop being an idiot. I guarantee, GUARANTEE that you're 25 or younger. Tell me I'm wrong. Then take a minute, read all of the advice in this thread and think. Every single one of us could be talking out of our was, with no real world experience. We could all really be fat, sweaty neck beards who have 0 experience with women. Or, we could be normal people who have been dealing with this "how to get laid" problem much longer than you. Either take the advice, or continue to do what you're doing now. Clearly it's working.

you would pick apart any guy she is fucking. not trying to get you worked up but women have different taste in men than you do. you have to learn to accept that fact

That's literally me and I literally got laid Saturday. I've said it once, I'll say it again. You're playing the game wrong.

>why did the internet lie
you poor baby LOL

>going weak at the knees from science

Makes no fucking sense for one. There’s nothing sexual about fucking atoms and particles

When I was a high schooler i autistically spoke to girls about movies and bands i liked and no one wanted to fuck me

You haven’t given any advice you just told me “be yourself and maybe a girl will like you” but that isn’t advice, that’s just fucking nothing

>how would she know
girls can guess your size by how you behave


>There’s nothing sexual about fucking atoms and particles
Yes, but there's something really hot about intelligence and knowledge

Why is it autists that always brag about being alpha are always the most insecure? Like holy shit nigga just b urself, don't care about stupid shit, god damn.

So if I become an autistic nerd you’re saying I’ll get girls?

post a pic of yourself

I've told you how. You want a play by play? Fine.
>Smoke a bowl while watching twitch
>Go to a bar
>Get a drink, go mingle
>Wait for some girl to eye fuck me
>Walk over and shoe horn in some sexy af general relativity talk
>Get another drink
>Call uber
>Get a laid

Probably. If you aim for girls who always end up dating skinny nerds, then it seems like your type is a girl whose type is a nerd. And just an afterthought - maybe it's your face? Do you struggle with acne or awkward facial hair?

Then she’s not worth it. Good moraled girls aren’t supposed to exclusively like big dicks.

No I’ve never had acne and grow great facial hair

Several of the guys I was rejected in favor of have acne and baby faces though

Then it must be your stinky personality

Charisma is just as important as looks. Maybe he made her laugh more than you. Maybe he has more common interests with her than you. Maybe he came into her life at just the right time to not get put in the friend zone and you didn't. Pretty hard to say without some more detail about why you got rejected yourself...

Careful saying that. If you have a big dick and say you want a girl with good morals the apologists will come out of the woodwork to tell you how misogynistic you are.

If I suspect he's gay then it's a no

Cause he isnt an insecure frog poster from 4chin. Go ride a bike.

I never posted any frogs bitch

And yet you behave like one.

It was a joke.

he's angry let him use whichever words he wants to use

Nope. While I hate to call myself intelligent, girls find me boring and will never see me as more than a function.
Aside from family members, I haven't had a woman smile back at me for the last decade. If I bring up my research anywhere outside of work, I hear people complain before I finish the sentence.
Online dating profiles often have your job listed and I can't get a reply. A colleague of mine used to refuse to tell girls what he did for a living. There are no "shortcuts" that are universal with all women.

But I know some women must find it a positive. I certainly find intelligent women way hotter.

Perhaps you have the roles reversed. Insecurity and putting other people down to feel better about yourself are "beta" traits

>makes a blogpost complaining about his job
>never actually states it
It probably has nothing to do with your work and everything to do with how you describe it


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If there was any easy checklist of things you needed to be attractive to women it already would have been posted you insufferable autist

So basically it’s impossible

You have to be lucky enough to be born/raised with the exact right kind of personality that will appeal to a woman out there. If you’re not, you’re FUCKED because improving physical appearance, lifting, etc, does NOTHING in itself to make girls attracted

It’s an impossible game. Female sexuality is retardedly arbitrary and isn’t based on any clear logic or rules. Women are just randomly attracted to any man depending on what they feel like. Which is why skinny autists who talk about nothing but science can get laid, or suicidal stoner sadboys

Well you're certainly not someone I would like to hang out with, and I'm a guy. So imagine how it'd be for women having to hang out with some bloke who would bore them to tears

>Women are just randomly attracted to any man depending on what they feel like.
It's hilarious that you think you're not part of that roll table and just keep focusing on one woman who doesn't like you

>You have to be lucky enough to be born/raised with the exact right kind of personality that will appeal to a woman out there. If you’re not, you’re FUCKED because improving physical appearance, lifting, etc, does NOTHING in itself to make girls attracted
Nigger why do you think there's one type of personality that girls like? I don't give a fuck about art hoes but clearly other guys do. Same shit with chicks. God damn you're retarded.

Well ive been rejected by every girl i asked

I never said it was one type. I said it was random. Girls randomly decide what type of personality they’re attracted to

Its impossible to change your personality during adulthood so if your personality isn’t attractive to any woman you’re FUCKED

>if your personality isn’t attractive to any woman you’re FUCKED
Find a girl that likes your shitty fucking personality you melodramatic faggot.

>just find food you melodramatic starving faggot!
>just find oxygen you melodramatic suffocating faggot!

She might actually find him charming, while you could have the personality of a wet paper bag.

If being tall is all you pretty much have to offer a girl, you really aren't worth much.

Sure it will land you a thot or two, but it only goes so far.

t. 5'6" manlet with a 5'10" gf

>Well ive been rejected by every girl i asked
All one of them?

>Girls randomly decide what type of personality they’re attracted to
Trust me it's not random. It's just (you)

>tfw last time you had a GF was 12 years ago
>Haven't gotten laid either in all that time
>Still happy as fuck with life because I don't decide my own value based on whether or not I have girlfriends
feels good man. Hopefully one day you'll learn to live a life you love like me without worrying about superficial stuff, OP.

Great so you’ve decided to live a life of voluntary celibacy

Well I don’t fucking want that. I want gfs and to have sex. I don’t like the idea of a whole life experience being closed off from me. Would you be happy if one day someone told you you were incapable of listening to music?

>voluntary celibacy
Not in the slightest. It's just not something I worry about. Instead of being miserable and hating other people because they don't try to mold themselves into some shitty image you have in your head of what a man is supposed to be, I focus on things that actually make me happy.,

Don't even try to tell me that what you're doing now is making you happy. It's pretty obvious that it's not. In fact it's the total opposite, what you do makes you miserable but you still do it because you think being a man means you have to go out and bang chicks. It's stupid.

I don’t want to live your lame celibate virgin life. Why can’t you accept that?

I want what every other man has. Sex and dates.

Its sad that guys actually do this.

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>celibate virgin life
um no sweetie believe it or not I lost my virginity with the first girl I pursued and I had an active sex life for several years after. I'm hardly a virgin. Celibate maybe but only because I don't really care.

Funny how the guy who doesn't have "what every other man has" is the one lecturing you on living a happy life while you're sitting here whining like a baby on Jow Forums about how the big meanie women won't like you.

Thank you. Height does help but hard work always wins. By that I mean like...improving yourself or something.

>he thinks the internet always tells the truth

Sometimes it's just impossible to quantify your own value compared to others in the eyes of a woman. Not all women are the same. There are generalizations that can be made, but that doesn't mean that all women will want the same thing.

Maybe she sees something in him that is worth more than masculinity or height. Maybe he's similar to her father, or she's really into music and he plays an instrument. He could also be mega shy, some women who like to have control prefer shy men.

It could also come down to timing. Maybe she wasn't ready for a relationship when you asked her. Or maybe she's known you for a while and considers you a friend, nothing more.

In any case, there could be a billion reasons why she picked him over you. Don't try to figure it out, just move on.

you think someone would do that just go on the internet and lie.webm

And with this, the bait became apparent.

You're looking at getting pussy like getting a job. you've built an impressive resume but forgot to actually be interesting. women, people in general, aren't fucking jobs. it isn't as simple as do x recieve x. you sound painfully autistic desu

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Hes probably less of an autismo like you