Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution:

Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution:

"[The President] may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"

In other words, Trump can adjourn Congress until a time when he thinks they should return and rule via executive order.

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>executive order
what about those other things
presidential memos or whatever

No thanks

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So close to 1776. Anyway, that's pretty ballin'. Glad to know Trump has a deck full of aces.


>This mad faggot

ravioli ravioli military dictatorshipoli

What does this have to do with anything?
Trump doesn't even like jews that much

The Trumpenfuhrer will fast track himself out of office real early if he gets too stupid with this manufactured crisis. Pence and the cabinet will happily invoke the 25th Amendment. Its clear Trump is losing it.

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Not at all. I will pop popcorn and enjoy the coup to remove the crazy cocksucker.

You're underestimating RWDS.

You’d be hearing what sounds like popcorn from a distance but it won’t be kernels getting popped, fren.

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I hope the crazy lunatic loses it and imposes martial law or declares a fake national emergency. The military might remove him. We'll have a Argentinian style junta. Then you'll be happy.
pic related

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lol so delusional. It's going to be election night all over again for you fags.

Yeah honestly if Dems make up enough lies to ACTUALLY remove Trump from office, then I may consider the RWDS option because there will be no other choice.

his foreign policy and kushner says otherwise

I know you lefties base all of your real life conclusions on Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, but RWDS in real life are absolutely terrifying (kek autocorrected to terrific) and they always come into existence when Social Democrats ruin everything. I don't want this kind of shit in my country, but I'll support them over you. Sorry.

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Where are you from? A space station? lol

Why would he ever do that? How would doing that benefit Israel and God’s Chosen People in any way?

You're a fucking crazy psychopath. Anyone considering murdering people in these circumstances has clearly lost it.

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The ayys gave him the OK to fuck shit up.

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If Trump gets a wall the Democrats are finished and they know it. Not only is it his #1 promise to his supporters, it is 1k + mile landmark and his name will be all over it. The Democrats cannot let him have it and will go down fighting to keep him from getting this. It will be impossible politically for Democrats to tear it down once it goes up.

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Trump only uses executive orders to give tax breaks to swells.

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