Why does almost everybody I know complain about their girlfriend/wife/kids constantly yet hate being single ?

Why does almost everybody I know complain about their girlfriend/wife/kids constantly yet hate being single ?

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because they usually don't talk about the good things

grass is always greener on the other side

Why does every faggot OP complain about people complaining?

I'm not complaining, i'm just wondering ?

>Why does almost everybody I know complain about their girlfriend/wife/kids constantly yet hate being single ?
Well, I honestly don't know dude.

I keep hearing my friends say stuff like:
>Having a gf isn't all it's cracked up to be.
>I miss being single

Yet they don't want to be single.
What a bunch of lying pricks, it just pisses me off.

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Because both things have drawbacks, and people normally just complain to their friends. You never tell people how happy you are and how content you are with everything going on with your life, you just vent when you're pissed.

Like - I have a stellar relationship. I literally never talk about it with anyone because no one fucking wants to listen about it.

People have unrealistic expectations when they enter a relationship. Relationships are great in the sense that they provide you with love, care, sex and someone who can help you with your life.

But people often don't think about the drawbacks having a girlfriend/wife brings, like losing your independence as a man. Secondly, most women come with a fair bit of drama which you didn't have to deal with when you were single. Thirdly, women tend to cost more money than they bring in.

i wanna listen, tell me about it

My favorite is
>user you don't have a girlfriend? It's ok they aren't worth it.
>Goes and visits his girlfriend every other week and constantly Snapchats her

Right. Not worth it yet you spend so much time interacting with her. Uh huh. Fucking hate this world.

People are afraid of being alone, so they cling to shitty relationships.
Normies start dating in highschool, then they jump from relationship to relationship until they end up in a shitty marriage.
They never go through the journey of finding happiness and completeness with themselves.

It's just how people are. They complain about jobs, relationships with the opposite sex, about friends or movies or sports. It's all a bonding experience, I guess we figure strife brings us together?

Biological drive, you can rationally not want it all day but your lizard brain wants that sweet sweet pussy and chemical feels regardless.

Basically like a drug addict that knows they have a major problem, but they cant get off the rock.

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I hated being in a relationship and therefore have now been single for five years, and it's fucking great. So not everyone is doing the double standard thing.

We've been together for 8 years. We're each other's best friends. We have a lot of fun together, still - I can't go a couple of hours without talking to him, we message each other constantly just because we are constantly bantering. We're also two huge introverts so we're the only people we do this with.
We pulled each other's out from the worst things, we've been by each other's side through anything, and I never had a doubt he'd be by my side through hell and back. I hope he knows I'd do anything for him.

At night when he has a nightmare he reaches for me in bed and puts his hand on my stomach, and it calms him down immediately. Every morning I bring him pancakes and coffee in bed. We still fuck almost every morning and basically every night.
Our 2nd date lasted 48 hours, and we ended up being really fucked up in a bar and getting thrown out because we were laughing so hard we were ruining the atmosphere of the place.
He basically saved my life, after I met him I became a different person and everyone I know told me that I blossomed as a person only after he fell in love with me. I did the same for him.
He's my life. I still lie in bed and stare at him, sometimes, while he sleeps. We sometimes still spend our good 20 minutes staring at each other's face like idiots and smiling.

True love, really. He's the fucking best.

That sounds great. I'm happy you're experiencing that. Never take it for granted.

You're about to drown in replies.

Where did you two meet? And what are your plans regarding children?

>it will never happen to you

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Because you’re a fag that’s why

Because we're forced to be together due to psychology/social benefits, not necessarily because that's what we'd want to do.

you're two men aren't you?

because men don't want to be happy

Why are women any better?

user this is cute as fuck. i hope when i get into a relationship itll be half as good
congratulations and good luck for the future!

if you want us to be happy and we respect you, we will be happy. that's the only one i can think of really. we're not better imo.

>Never take it for granted.
I'd never do it.

>Where did you two meet?

>And what are your plans regarding children?
We want to have 2 or 3 of them.
We actually started trying today.

I hope you'll find someone, user.

Nope, normal boring straight couple. I am even a woman (female).

Thank you very much! Good luck to you, too.

did you guys meet on a forum or something?

He came to my city for work rather often, but he lived on the other side of the world. I moved the second I got my degree because I'm european and he's american, so it was more convenient to graduate here financially wise.

I love how I cut half of my reply.

Yes, we met on a forum. We were also long distance for a while.

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either because of 'the grass is always greener' problem, they arent with the right woman, they don't have the needed resources to live a fulfilling single life (good friends, hobbies, etc) or, like most people, they need to vent their frustrations about everything, even the good things. I LOVE making movies, but you will hear me complain about it a lot. There's a lot of annoyance inbetween good things, and they cant complain abotu their wives to their wives, so here you are.

Your brain tells you that she's not worth it, your penis tells you to do whatever the fuck it takes to get it into that warm, wet hole... For most guys in shitty relationships, the penis is winning.

What type of forum? Sorry I'm prying so much, I just want to find an introverted girl

Forum about a shared interest.
Something like a Jow Forums blue board, to give you the kind of vibe.