met a drunk nigger girl in a bar.
this is our conversation today (a couple days later).
its exactly what I expected.
met a drunk nigger girl in a bar.
this is our conversation today (a couple days later).
its exactly what I expected.
LOL so typical
Head ass nigga
Play with the coal get black shit on you!
>offering to buy anything
>wishing a happy birthday
You fucking retard. Losing your dignity to a fucking animal. You better be a shitskin
stop, you literally said those things just to incite a reaction and post it here.
you should have just played along with the normie routine and got laid, then ditch her
but she sounds like a hambeast
if he bought her the tacos and drinks, he would have probably got pussy in return. or bj at least. don't know if shes even qt tho so maybe not worth it
I was fucking with her completely following her gibs request.
I got her to beg like the chimp she is.
youre welcome.
>wine bobber
Eternity is a long time op
post a pic of her. censor the face if you need to
wasn't a loss man. I probably avoided herpes or some shit. I can fuck a white girl tonight fo free
she wasnt fat or ugly.
i probably would have followed through with fucking her if she seemed civilized... which obviously she wasnt
>i probably would have followed through with fucking her if she seemed civilized... which obviously she wasnt
she probably sucks good dick or rides it well
you got her ig?
Gibs me dat, and dat, and dat, and eat, and if you gibs me dat too we can share a lil.
This thread gave me cancer.
Goddamnit Wayne why don’t you just leave this fucking site alone? Literally nobody likes you, no one is inspired by you, and the amount of hate you get on here is only equaled by the amount of people who ignore you. You’ve never done anything interesting with your life so why the fuck would anyone vote for you for anything? Coming here namefagging with your “meme pictures” that have utterly pointless quotes literally impresses no one. Maybe spend a little more time in the gym and planning out your diet you fat fucking piece of shit.
Dat trigger control
Roses are red, violets are blue, niggers are black, you know that's true.
wow a taco and beer whore. and also a broke ass bitch with a google-based phone.
>being an ios cuck
shamefur dispray, dodged a bullet user
why did you say send noods? Stupid.
I can smell her niggerdom through my phone screen.
fucking slick move asking for nudes then
throwing the earning shit back on her.