What's the problem with universal healthcare if it works well in other countries...

What's the problem with universal healthcare if it works well in other countries? Please back up your arguments with sources and evidence.

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Niggers and spics are too expensive.

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ref: IRL

>if it works well in other countries?

It doesn't.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

>works well in other countries
Please back up your arguments with sources and evidence.

Whether or not universal healthcare "works" in other countries is up for debate. Even if it did work in other countries, that doesn't necessarily mean it would work in the US.

Its affordable and even cheaper than what we pay for healthcare now.
This is just racism, not an argument

As a man who likes the thought of single payer healthcare you really made a convincing argument, not memeing.

I don't want it. Are you going to force it on me?

But that's literally the reason. The tax burden falls primarily on whites, and the fewer whites there are the fewer effective taxpayers there are.

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>What's the problem with universal healthcare if it works well in other countries?

I live in a country with universal healthcare and I find it odd that I have to pay the same as someone that doesn't take care of their body. Also, why is it my responsibility that you have healthcare? Why stop there? Why not a car? A TV? Friends? Invitation to parties? One could make the argument that lack of friends makes people depressed and therefore less healthy.

It's a stupid concept that breaks down the more you think about it.

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Multiculturalism, diversity, and ethnic heterogeneity preclude us from things like affordable universal healthcare. I'd say forget about it, but if you want to push for it, it will help speed up the collapse, so I say go for it.

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Where are yours?
Homogenous societies
Smaller populations
Regulations on food
His point stands, healthcare requires an ever growing amount of healthy youth paying in it is insolvent in the long run

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What is the cost of obesity to the American taxpayer?

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Shapiro is the only jew I like in politics. Hes tied with Seinfeld as my favorite jews. He just doesn't give a fuck and hates immoral weak retards. Hes also self aware and doesn't seem despite popularity to have formed any earth shattering ego.

What I find so weird is how people defend muslims and when people intelligently criticize the parts of their religion that make so many of them violent towards others there is no call or even acceptance of that truth. A religion that basically says everyone not in it should be execution and are monsters. I feel like they wouldn't defend that shit for a second if they were placed in a situation near one of them.

how come literally every canadian i've met state the complete opposite of what you've said?
are you one of those edgy teenagers? you know you have to be 18 to post on here, right?

The populations of those other nations are fundamentally different from the United states, thus their system is not an accurate representation of how it would wprk here.

But would that state of affairs change in an environment where non-whites were more able to receive medical care without going into debt? I mean, you just don't leave broken farm equipment out in the field to let it rust away.

All of it. The government doesn't pay for any of it.

>liking jews and liking judaism
The absolute state of circumcision brain, everyone.

Is it the parts of the religion, or is it the Western support of shills for those parts of the religion? Without the British, the House of Saud wouldn't exist. Without the House of Saud, Wahhabism would have been purged from within the ranks of Muslim countries decades ago.

The burden of proof is on you to prove that it matters.
Britain's NHS worked just fine with niggers in it until that jew Maggie started tearing it down.

Population, and ethnic diversity
>Worked fine with niggers until...
Nowhere near our level. Like I said, fundamentally difference in population size and composition.

Every Country with Universal healthcare taxes anyone who contributes to society 50 percent
Most European Countries are DIALING BACK universal healthcare not creating new healthcare systems from scratch because... turns out,... its not sustainable especially when you import Imigrants and insensitivity welfare

Different leaf here, our health care system is ok if you're not really sick. Broken leg? We got you covered.

If you have a real life threatening condition then the wait times are brutal.
My mom wasnt able to get surgery in time for her back and lived the rest of her life crippled because of a preventitive disk rupture in her spine.
My Dad had to wait for heart surgery for 8 months for a bypass, and he almost died on the operating table because the valve deteriorated so bad in that time. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and was lucky to survive. if he was operated on even a month earlier it wouldn't have been a problem.
My uncle died last month waiting in queue for surgery.

You likely only talk to people's whos experience in the healthcare system if limited and not to do with major health issues such as young 18-30 year olds whos parents haven't been through the meat grinder yet. And don't have the first hand experience.

We are also taught that healthcare is amazing and have propaganda shoved down our throats from childhood why is so amazing with no criticism so that pays a part too.

If you're old they just fucking ignore you - because it isn't worth their time. So millions of elderly people are left suffering and untreated while little Ahmed gets his bee sting attended to.

>but we're special
You can say that all you want but that doesn't make it proofs. You have to explain how scale or composition actually interferes with the delivery of services.

it's a good system.
niggers die in lines while rich people can receive medicare for free

The taxes would have to go way higher, and it'd be very stupid to do that since healthcare costs are inflated in the US and that wouldn't get even worse better if there was a public system (the only difference is that you'd pay for it by taxes and not directly). Privatized healthcare could have much lower costs if the obesity rate came down. Invest in public awareness campaigns against obesity for a fraction of the cost of a public healthcare system, and healthcare inflation will no longer be a problem. Also, it doesn't work well in other countries as others have said: you have big waiting lists for routine appointments, exams and cirurgies, and the quality is shit. Healthcare insure and private healthcare always beats the national health system and I wish the NHS would be abolished in my country so that the taxes could come down and replace those decrepit public hospitals by decent ones.

healthcare costs are inflated in the US and that wouldn't get better*

It doesn’t work in other countries anyone with money in Europe pays for their own extra insurance or just out of pocket care.

The United States already spends half of its money on federal healthcare for nearly half the population between Medicare, Medicaid the VA etc.

The only people who want “universal healthcare” are poor niggers and college kids that don’t give a fuck if the care is shit they just want free care.

If we have universal healthcare it would cost trillions and you would probably still purchase private insurance on top of paying more taxes you fucking twat

>The taxes would have to go way higher
Conservative think tanks have reported that single-payer would save citizens $2 trillion dollars over ten years and cover everyone.
>implying the government, as a monopsony buyer, has no pricing power
That seems like an unreasonable assumption that goes against basic economics and the experience of many such public health care systems.
>muh excuses about obesity
Of course, taxing the corporations who created this epidemic with cheap shit food would cover that.
>big waiting lists
If it's routine, you schedule it ahead of time. Lern2time management
>exams and surgeries
If it were important it would be moved up in the queue.
Also, these delays are more or less a choice of the people. They could spend more and get in more or less instantly, if they as a whole demanded. Good enough must be good enough.
>private healthcare beats the national system
Only if you're a jewish neoliberal who thinks you're better than everyone else.
>replace those decrepit public hospitals
Blame the neoliberals who run the euro. If you weren't letting jews destroy your public services, you would have much better ones.

Are you ignoring the conservative think-tank that ran the numbers and found that the USA could save $200 billion a year via single-payer?
Shouldn't you kill yourself for having circumcision-induced autism and for being a lying sack of shit?

Are you retardes a “universal” healthcare system would cost 10 trillion probably and it would be such a burden taking care of 40 million poor spics and nigs that the system would be slow, inefficient and fucking garbage

Here is the deal even before the ACA 90% of Americans liked there healthcare, only like 10% of the pop had “no care” and half of those were by choice.

There isn’t a healthcare crisis in America it’s a giant power grab by the left

>please use evidence to disprove this thing i said without evidence

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>one think tank thinks we could implement a single payer system and it will be 2% cheaper than what we have now.

Pretty bold but I’m going to go ahead and base my assumptions off of every federal program ever enacted costing more than expected and being terrible ineffecient

What is needed in the USA is similar to what France achieved. Basically they need to directly intervene and change policies that inflate healthcard costs, negotiate and institute price controls on prescription drugs and hospital care, and set targets on cost reductions. The system itself works fine for getting people into the hospital, its just that the costs are extremely inflated due to a combination of factors.

You are demonstrably incorrect, any country that negotiates and strongarms deals on cheaper generics and hospital care as well as requiring targeted cost reductions sees big savings. How the fuck do you live in europe and not know this?

It doesn't work well in other countries.
In australia and New Zealand, island niggers clog up the system. The government is running out of tobacco money to pay into the health care system, so the historically scarce funding is getting even lower now.
Our nurses are striking for better pay - they want roughly a fifth of what nurses in other countries, like the USA, make - but that's too much for our commie niggers to pay. They already ramped up the gas tax, after the pm campaigned on "making things more affordable" and "the price of gas must be lowered".
If you want ANYTHING done, you're waiting three months minimum.
I had pretty severe gall bladder issues. They refused to see me since every radiologist was booked out for three or more months.
After about a month of waiting, I finally saved up enough to go to a private institution.
>if it had been diagnosed weeks earlier, my gall bladder could have been saved
>instead this commie free nigger medicine country cost me one of my organs because they're running out of other peoples money

Public health centers all over the USA. And they are taxpayer funded.

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Works well with a population of max 30mil. Anything more and its just a burden.

>hurr durr I have a narrative I heard on AM radio and I'm going to fit everything into it
1. Democrats are bourgeois neoliberal, which is just another right-wing. Too many people around here are deeply invested in not recognizing this fact.
2. The ACA was a right-wing program, designed by the conservative Heritage Foundation think-tank.
Have you had a psychotic break, or are you just that American that you can't admit that your whole existence is a lie?

>now I'm going to tendentiously make shit up and fuck facts
It was a conservative think-tank trying to find a problem. They couldn't, so you'll just make shit up like the crippledick jew you are.
Yes, you really should kill yourself. Also for rebbit spacing.

>underfund a working system
>prevent it from working
>people carp about it
>introduce the predictable "solution" of privatization
This keeps happening because you haven't killed off your ruling class yet. Maybe you should grow some balls and demand the level of services a civilized population deserves.

Proofs, nigger.

> strawmen arguments about where I source my ideas

I’m done with this thread you clearly have no interest in know why people are against universal healthcare

I hope you get hit by a bus and spend the rest of your life a pants-shitting vegetable and that I drives your family bankrupt

we already get taxed 15+% on what we make, and 15+% on what we spend, with additional taxes on gas, multiple yearly taxes on car ownership, taxes on almost every single luxury, taxes on importing things, taxes on owning property, taxes on using the fucking bus services, because they're all government price fixed, union levies for almost every job that isn't a fucking supermarket job, there's only so much these commie niggers can take from us.
bonus: teachers, pilots, and bus drivers all strike constantly too.
These commie nigger kikes deserve the rope and soon.

Dude you didn't disprove 's argument at all

Instead of universal healthcare, you could totally defund Medicare/Medicaid and establish a series of interlocking health insurance cooperatives and divide the funds from Medicare/Medicaid amongst all citizens to be invested in membership in the cooperatives with a percentage of the unused money placed in risk pools for insuring high risk patients and the rest going back to the federal government towards the federal deficit.

>Proofs, nigger.

I live in a 30mil country?

Plot twist: 3/4 of Americans support it.
In other words, the 1/4 of Americans who oppose it do so because they're misinformed or they're jewish.
You really do have nothing.

>omg roads cost money to use
>how dare they tax us for them
That's the only way to get money when the only other option is to borrow your own money from jewish bankers.
>muh car
>muh luxuries
Maybe you don't need them.
>muh property
Get off your lazy ass and make use of it so it pays for itself, then. If not, then get rid of it and let someone who can make use of it do so.
Kill yourself for being an autistic jew.

He had no argument. He had a bunch of shitty, unsourced assertions and whining about a neoliberal market-based health care plan which is exactly the opposite direction from single payer, thus proving my point.

Taxes don't fund spending and government is not a business. Muh deficit = value created + value imported. Don't you kids know macroeconomics anymore or are you just believing what jews tell you so they can lend your country its own money back, at interest?

It doesn't work well on other countries, people in Sweden are dying from preventable diseases because of long wait times

Does debate change anyone’s mind anymore?

>anecdotes are proofs
Typical right-winger: he projects his own situation onto everyone else and expects others to act accordingly.

I'm pretty conservative, but I like public health-care for an ethno-state.

However, if I was a yank where you have nigger freeloaders... then I'd reconsider. We have our natives up here also.


Cool good thing we aren’t a democracy and I don’t give a shit if 99% of Americans want universal healthcare.

Thinking the general population has any wisdom or merit in what they think or want is a fools errand

I guess the leftist shills don't want to explain Public Health.

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What? You asked for proof. The proof is the pop is currently around 25mil and generally healthcare is fine here for now. Dont know what will happen when it inevitably hits 30 though.

you need to prove it works well in other countries. Please back up your arguments with sources and evidence.

>I have daddy issues and I need you to have them too
How does it feel, being a circumcised cuck?

It works well in homogenous societies were everyone is equal, but in a multicultural nightmare where everyone is not equal it forces people to carry the weight of the burden class.

A better change that would also cut costs is no longer requiring hospitals to treat those who can't pay.

Yet there are many other countries of similar size and larger that don't have such problems, or whose problems can be traced to exogenous sources such as Luxembourg.

You can look up infant mortality rates, life expectancy, and other key indicators for yourself, I'm sure.

That’s 600 billion divided by 333,000,000 people, which amounts to $1801 annually or $150 a month per citizen.
Or, you could just pay it out to everyone and let them figure out what they’re going to do with it.

We've already disproved that line of religious cant.

All you crippledicks and your brain damage.

If they weren't charging people super inflated prices for basic services then universal healthcare wouldn't be a problem

What? What does Americans being circumcised have to do with your idiotic commie nonsense

I'm afraid I can't. You have to provide the information you're basing your claim on

Americans are too unhealthy and the jews own big pharma so all medicines and medical equipments are too overpriced. Also you sue the shit out of doctors so they have to overcharge, too.

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>labor participation rate is at an all time low
>this means less people with the money to pay for single payer
>which means that taxes will be so damn high that the citizenry can’t save money for personal finances.


Niggers are why we can’t have good things. Healthcare works in Sweden as a 99% white ethnostate with a small population but falls to pieces when they add millions of freeloading niggers. Hep is deport niggers and I will support yoour universal healthcare... deal?

>IF it works well in other countries?
Pro tip: IT DOESN'T!
And works even less when ((they)) are hell bent on moving the third world in drain what little resources are left.

ITT: Mom And Dads Healthcare Plan

>letting poor people die is bad somehow.
Back to chapo nigger.

Look bro I dont know about other countries. I can only tell you whats happening here.

This plus we are not homogenous. Japan = highlevels of social trust
America= Pablo and liberals vs Literally hitler rednecks. There's just too many of us to get along and fight (((them))))

Have you never heard of monopsony pricing power?
Those malpractice lawsuits, in part, cover the increase in cost for all future health care, now that the patient in question is a high-risk case and therefore unprofitable to insure. Under a single-payer system, treatment would continue to be provided just as it has been.
We can tax those who caused that: car companies, corn companies, junk food companies, and so on.

>another shill paid to lie about taxes funding spending

Well, that's a problem you have to take up with your ruling class. The NHS worked fine before that jew Maggie broke it up and started the process of selling it off for parts.

Not an argument

Data from the OECD indicates otherwise.

I have a problem with a country of 325 million people paying for niggers who don't work and opening the border for people who shit out goblinos to break whites' backs even more. if you want universal healthcare, we need to live in a smaller homogeneous society with shared values.

>source: a blog who regurgitates half digested statistics
You could provide a much better argument for old people being the biggest users of medical care (which is definitely true across the board).

>What's the problem with universal healthcare if it works well in other countries?

You're making the claim here, so you need to answer these three: Compared to what? At what cost? Where is your evidence?

>tfw you realize all the anti-socialism rhetoric is paid for by massive corporations as an excuse for tax breaks and handouts
>tfw you realize Republicans advocate against the most basic environmental protections such as dumping industrial waste in drinking water.
>tfw you realize it has been a massive scam this entire time, and 99% of these billionaires are exploiting tax and regulation loopholes put there by Republicans using this free market rhetoric as an excuse

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>>another shill paid to lie about taxes funding spending
Interesting, you didn’t refute a single fact I presented. I guess I win this one again.

>unironically using the word racism as a pejorative
Lurk here for at least six months before posting or better yet never post here again.

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>Here is the deal even before the ACA 90% of Americans liked there healthcare

Universal healthcare should be for the left only. Conservatives can just use private insurance and fuck off and die.

Have some OC Autism. Public healthcare works.

Attached: USA_healthcare.png (891x729, 66K)

It doesn't work well in other countries...what part of this do you not fucking understand?
I'm in Kanuckistan, and it doesn't work well...6-12 months for a referal, not uncommon to sit in emergency 16 hrs with a broken arm...
And its fucking expensive to provide this...I am now being taxed @30% on income-weekly...and that's almost $500 a week now...

conservatives btfo

sounds like you're a poor nigger, quit crying and make more money faggot

>Democrats are bourgeois neoliberal, which is just another right-wing
Ah, your one of THOSE people. I think we can all agree to sage at this point.

Dude how is the life expectancy of the US lower than that of Costa Rica?

>sit in emergency 16 hrs with a broken arm
Bullshit, I was in hospital in November and was in and out within 3 hours on a Friday night in downtown Toronto. Referral clinic upcoming Wednesday.

>sources and evidence.
I'm from Canada, it's garbage.
We pay for it in tobacco and alcohol taxes. And the biggest users/wasters are drug addicts and alcoholics.

Two tier system, or the better options.
A. Substance abuse/psychological problems are not covered. That includes injury resulting from...
B. General stuff, like doctors visits for a cold, are not covered.

>psychological problems
I think some of them are, at least here in Ontario. I know they recently expanded it.

you can get private insurance and get better quality healthcare, just like in burgerland.
However if you're poorfag, it's better than nothing and you won't go bankrupt over medical bills. It also forces private insurance to lower prices to be competitive.

because right wingers are americas real niggers

ayyy lmao, I suggest you to look at Canucks or our hospitals and say you want to pay out of your ass for "free" healthcare. Fucking communist...

I like spending all my money on healthcare just so billionaires can be an extra nickel richer

>Asks people to cite sources
>Doesn't cite any for her retarded argument

Wanna know how I know you're a female?

Some person cuts themselves or tries to commit suicide, or wants gender reassignment surgery...
Not covered.

We are creating a society of dependents, half the population are psychotic health freaks and the other half are psychotic drug abusers.

Private companies should get a tax incentive for providing healthcare through employment. I'm tired of creating a society that just baby sits alcoholics, fat low self esteem gamers, social justice warriors and drug addicts, they contribute nothing and just want more and more and more.