Thank you hero

Just wanted to say thank you to any service member browsing tonight. I appreciate your sacrifices in order to keep us safe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're welcome.

is he doing merc work? I'd be surprised if they let him reenlist with that severe an injury.

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Lmao, look at this fucker. Maimed by fighting for ZOG, and he goes back for seconds. Meanwhile this 56% ZOG puppet state becomes even less 56%. I hope he gets a bullet in his head.

Don't think so. Many special operations forces can have injuries and be redeployed. As long as they make a good recovery and finish physical therapy.

I agree we need to bring you from raghead lands to defending our own on the southern border for a while. That way they can be with their families.

God bless boys

As a Jewish dual-citizen, I would also like to say thanks.

what do you think it feels like to have your ass kicked by a one-legged man?

Kek, based

Odds he'll get a gig at IHOP after his contract is up?

Thanks to all veterans for keeping Israel safe

imagine losing your leg for Israel

Hail Bibi tho

zogbots will cope

>I appreciate your sacrifices in order to keep (((us))) safe.

>being a good goy for israel

I may be a fucking loser NEET but goddamn atleast Im not that pathetic


what is this? this is US military?
Whats with trashy tats and ballcap?
looks sloppy and undisciplined

Imagine thinking this. You welcome terrorists with open arms, this man takes the fight to them. If it wasn't for it troops, we'd for sure have another 9/11 on our hands. Remember osama bin laden? Yeah he's fucking dead. No thanks to pussies like you.

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>losing a limb in a pointless foreign intervention
many such cases! sad!

not even once

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Wow, surprisingly wholesome. Don’t thank me bro, you paid my salary.

he was a merc the first time around faggot. Stop worshipping these people, heros dont get paid.

Lol not for the jews though, silly.

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>slumps past the recruiter on the way to GameStop
How does it feel to be a massive pussy?
Does your dad cry at night?

The US has done nothing for seven years in Syria, only defended ISIS and supplied weapons, and now run like fucking rats.

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Show your flag Ivan.

Found the riled up ZOGbots. Thanks for your service goyim!'s mad.

Run rat Run!

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Bring it on vodka nigger.

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This "going to war is a must for character development" is a medieval scheme that Kings (and later dictators) used for recruitment.

Nowadays you only see this state of mind in the middle east and africa. Don't try to reintroduce this shitty mind-games into democracies. The profession of a soldier will be much more honorable without idiots who fall for such bait.

It's not even technically murder because muzzies aren't human.

Hey, fuckin ' scum, nigga your daddy.

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I've seen this pic really often today. Where is this from originally?

> subversive foreigners and FIS agents LARPing as Americans trying to influence American citizens to not respect service members.

pol is a fucking PsyOp designed to poison the minds of Americans. They want you to hate the military and spit on those who serve, while demanding the withdraw of American forces worldwide. The rest of the world wants to get rid of the US dominance overseas. No good American should fall for these tricks.

>They want you to hate the military and spit on those who serve
Yes, spit on those who serve Israel.

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> meme flaggot uses JEW INSULT
it's not very effective, you dumb cunt. You guys need to come up with a new angle.

safe from what? niggers 10k miles away?
not a threat. I'm more distressed at the possibility of being car jacked by niggers in detroit.
Perhaps the jews should thank the service men.

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The US military should be shooting at traitors like you.

I bleed Irish blood from 1772, but you'll never know, cause I'll break your neck like a chicken wing at Hooters without a second thought.

Get to fightin' or get out, vodka nigger.

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Awww..another Kenyan trapped in Berlin

>The rest of the world wants to get rid of the US dominance overseas.
The founders did not want the US to be in foreign entanglements. If anything the real PsyOP fags are the ones crying when Constitutionalists want us to take care of our own country for a change, and stop being the Global Cop for those who want a one world government.

Thanks, for real seems to mean more to me when people say it without being in the company of someone who served. Just seems more...genuine.

You do your cause no favors when your valid criticism of US foreign policy is wrapped up in bizarre conspiracy theories and a general hatred for those that serve.

how could one not want to go die for israel?
white men dying for kikes, leaving their families and loved ones to suffer, its just about the greatest thing ever

going to dinner now. Bye, FIS faggots.

what a boring meme

It is no conspiracy at all it is fact. I do not hate those that serve at all, I just think they should be on our border doing their job of protecting our nation from invaders.

Fuck you. I didn't fucking keep you safe, motherfucker! NOTHING we did while deployed kept Americans safe. If anything, we gave Al-Qaeda (and just regular-ass insurgents who got fed the fuck up with our occupation and decided to pick up an AK) live targets. And don't give me that bullshit
>well, you fought them over there so you didn't have to here
because that's the biggest fucking jewish lie I've ever heard. We fought and died for banks and israel. PERIOD.

Show your fucking flag, shill.

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>reality is a meme
whatever faggot. have fun kissing the ass of those that do a job children can do
at least children soldiers dont demand a thank you like i asked them to do something

And before you light me the fuck up and say I'm some liberal or muslim or whatever the fuck (like you fucking shills always do when a REAL soldier calls you out on your bullshit), give me a fucking second...

>german shitting on africa
user who fails at text comprehension: He is a Kenian!

Awww....sorry Paki.
Like I give a fuck

But you didn't refute my comment though...

Drinking Bud Lite will do that to the best of us.

Don't fucking thank me for shit, (You) fucking shill. All I did was make the world a LOT LESS safe.

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Born in Hamburg. Raised speaking Missingsch.

Pic related. I didn't include historically acurate flags for legal reasons.

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lmao dumb cripple hope he loses the other leg

based desert drone

How many of yall in the services feel the same way? Are you a lone wolf or is this common knowledge?

>No good American should fall for these tricks

Nearly every American killed overseas in the last 20 years has died because of Islam or Judaism. Nearly all of the TAXPAYER money wasted refereeing the rest of the world has been because of Islam and Judaism. Nearly all of the laws surrounding our constitution and the 1st and 2nd amendment are seriously under attack because of Islam and Judaism.

What fucking tricks are you talking about? There's no language in the constitution, US Code, political speeches or anywhere half ass indicating for the US involvement all over the planet.

But we do it anyway. That's the trick you filthy kike or kike loving maga nigger. It's kinda fucked up you guys will have to get shot first before we start on the rest of the traitors if a civil war ever breaks out.

>not obese
>good looking fingernails

If you removed the exif data I give the picture of your hand 10/10. I do NOT thank you for your service! Thanks for being JQ woke though! Much love

>Maimed & Killed for Israel
what a cuck

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Damn straight. Good luck to you, Ameribro.

And no thanks to you (for the military service), but I admire your spirit.

One tour, came in PV2, promoted fast through the surge and popped smoke after just making 5? Fuck off guy, you are "right" but you know fuck all about the Army.

>muh dying for israel!!1
how about shooting hajis because it's fun? no one has ever joined the service in honor of israel. No one fucking cares about israel and killing a couple desert monkeys isn't gonna add another spic to the 56% pool.


refute this already

Eat a dick you zog mind controller

I don’t think many Americans on pol hate the military. Quite the contrary, actually. I always sensed the war fighter was respected here.

No. It's not even related to my post and I don't argue it. I don't think going to war is for "building character". What it's for is characters that are already built that way and looking to do something more than wagecuck or be a worthless neet.

Like getting kicked by nothing at all

I had fun. No worries m9. You should have enlisted and gone to Iraq tho. Lifetime of stories in 8 months in the desert.

Also you get a block of time where you do nothing but bro out and hit the gym. You get to the point where you have a truck on fire and rounds are starting to cook off and you're like "FUCK MY IPOD IS IN THERE!" and you run back into the truck to get it. Or you go "guys the wires are right here and the IED is pointed the other way, it's fine, look I already cut them. Nothing bad happened I can't get in trouble for this. I'm going back to sleep now."

>If you removed the exif data
exif data is automatically removed

Sorry it took a while. My wife made dinner.

This is so you don't think I'm some pogue (non-combat arms faggot, also spelled POG: Personel Other than Grunt).

The war was unnecessary and yes, I had plenty of friends die for no fucking reason.
Bring the fucking troops home now.

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I was 17 and bored and had no self-confidence. I was going to have a boring neet-like junior-year highschool summer so I asked my dad if I could join the guard, since they'll take you at 17 at that time. He said "fuck yeah of course I'll let you go." So I went to basic before senior year.

Thought I was fat. Went into and out of basic at the same weight. Took a long time for it to hit me that I wasn't the fat fuck I was pre-puberty.

Let's be real here. Did Osama really exist or was he just another Mossad Psy-Op.

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We gave em 50 uparmored F-150's.

They took the weapons off and sold them to one group.
They took the armor off and sold it to another.
Then they sold the trucks.

Iraqi police man. You can't take the nigger out of the sandnigger.

As an American and veteran I respect my flag, family and the soldiers ect. Everyone should serve imo but we can't control where we are sent or what we do. It's a meme that we "fight for israel". I signed up for America and nobody else. I deployed too and directly transported supplies and watched my own get killed. It is what it is. However, we should have been gone out of Afghan 15 years ago and never been involved in Syria. It is what it is.

Hello my niggers.
Can anyone explain to me why do you americans take pride in getting maimed by waging wars on foreign soil?
We're almost nearing 100 years since america had to fight an actual war, so I don't get it.

more liike they gave them whole to mahdi army XD

You have that news article where that general calls for troops to die for Israel? I'll see if I can find it. How can anyone believe we're not fighting for Israel? How is that they're the only ones who profit from all of these foreign wars?

every nation in the world has historically honored their troops. The only reason you don't see it much outside of America today is because no one else has troops anymore.

Semper Fi my Rebel friend!

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see I knew this shit was coming. That's why I posted this .
As you can see from my service record, I was deployed to Iraq when my previous ID expired. Had to get a new one for the month I was in before I went on terminal leave and ETSed.

And yeah, I was "stop lossed" to go fight a second time in a war I knew was bullshit, for reasons I never believed in.
>pic related
Half of you will inevitably ask,
>if you didn't believe in the war, why'd you go back for a second time?
Stop loss is where they involuntarily extend your term of service to send you back overseas. I probably could have "played the crazy card" and got out of it...although I wouldn't have had to "play" since I'm WAY fucking nuts after my 1st tour. At any rate, couldn't live with myself if I knew my friends were shipping out and I weren't there to have their backs.

tl;dr Halliburton/KBR made a fucking KILLING over there while I watched it happen and my friends die. NO BLOOD FOR BANKS / ISRAEL

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It wasn't enough user not matter how much it was it wasn't enough. Thank you.

I don't understand how it is hard to see that US soldiers are fighting for their families and country. Let me explain. Every empire in history has fought wars for strategic resources (oil) or influence and leverage (geopolitical hotspots like Syria and Afghanistan). It is no different for the US.

If the US hadn't gone to Iraq oil prices would have spiked up (the entire region is at play including Saudi not just Iraq). That would have wrecked the economy and made everyone poorer. The soldiers' families would have suffered, literally.

If the US hadn't gone to Syria or Afghanistan it would have lost influence in the region and allowed Russia or China to advanced their interests. End result - weaker US, poorer citizens.

There is nothing wrong in fighting such wars since they ultimately help your family and country. I just wish the politicians would call them properly. There would be no difference if they said " this war is for oil to keep your family well off" instead of "freedom and justice". People would understand.

Call them zogbots or whatever, but ultimately they are doing good for their families and country.

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>1 zog mind controlling general
>says i have to die for israel
>whelp i guess i gotta
No. I don't care what any overpaid and irrelevant general says. Any true nationalist is gonna serve his country. Regardless of the political climate is. I didn't agree with obama but I still love my country.

You faggots sign up to make sure shitskins terrorize whites in America.
You're all faggot cucks and boot licker to the kikes.
What have you done to keep WHITES safe?
Fucking nothing
>inb4 assblasted consticuck responds with
> b-buh whu ar yuh d-doin
I'm not the one claiming to be protecting Muricans when I go die for Israel am I ?

No no, I don't mean that.
I mean going to "fight for your country" to "ensure our safety" by doing anything but actually fighting for your country.
Partaking in war means you're either the aggressor or the defendant. That's fighting for your country. And the USA
hasn't done that since the end of WW2.

So I don't get it.

>If the US hadn't gone to Iraq oil prices would have spiked up
no they wouldn't
in fact they spiked up because US invaded iraq
stick to pimping your sister for tourists and stay away from geopolitics

I think the one thing i can agree on with you guys is fuck Israel, fuck the army over there, and fuck netenyahu

He's missing a fucking leg

Your absolutely brainwashed. Only reason people even know what is and afghanistan are because of these wars.
They were insignificant and Lall of a sudden. Muh wars

If you actually served and asked why you are there, your become enraged when you drug it the answers. Get fukt, pussy
Notice how been goes full panic when we pull out of Syria.
WE gave them money to fight it themselves