Other urls found in this thread:
>The Baltic German nobility was the privileged social class in the territories of today's Estonia and Latvia.
>For centuries Baltic Germans and the Baltic nobility constituted a ruling class over native non-German serfs.
You're welcome, OP.
Are the Balts and Visegrad group friends? I hope so. They're my favorite peoples.
>russia is a social construct of germany
we should be more than friends
I did not mention Russia.
look at the image. you dumbfuck turk
I saw your image.
It misses the part where germans ruled over you as serfs.
And don't be such a defensive snowflake.
It's all just banter.
>I saw your image.
>It misses the part where germans ruled over you as serfs.
apparently you missed the massive red text, but thats part of the reddit culture i guess
It's 3 in the night EstoniaAnon, you couldn't pick worse time for /balt/
We literally were your ruling class.
Why would we need Russia to rule over you.
world needs to know about the cancer that latvia is
>baltpol at 3am
Brilliant idea, OP
shut up mongol
>t.harmony voter
The fuck is your problem? Are you that autistic pidaras who is always winning in balt threads about estonians winning latvians their independence?
Your opinion on Poland?
Pardon my retarded.
Bitch nigga who sent german scum to steal baltic land.
its true, while we mobilized, they were too busy sucking the bolshevik cock and not defending their country
Disappoint, son.