Are mushrooms plants?

Are mushrooms plants?

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No they are fungus

Stole the words right out of my mouth.

its the POTUS cock


So this is what a slide thread looks like

are you a faggot?

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how dark are my med feet?

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>a mushroom walks into a bar
>bartender yells" get the fuck out of here, we don't tolerate your kind"
>the mushroom replies "but I'm a fungi"

Wow. This is, like, grade 6 biology. Are you homeschooled, OP? You know you have to be 18 to post here....

They're good space efficient foods. Everyone should have a mushroom farm in their basement. Mine just appeared naturally because I couldn't afford to maintain the house, but at least I'm no longer starving.

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yep, do not reply to them if you don't know how to do so without bumping the thread, also gore posting prevents newfags from hanging out in these shit fucking shill faggot raid threads. download Jow Forums-x and filter them out.

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Eat them

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they are closer to animals genetically than plants

theyre aliens

im laughing so hard right now omfg

come on pls

how dark are my feet?

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sorry its just that my fungus isnt safe in there when you're talking

>For the uninitiated they may look like a plant and act like a plant. But my movement and me know what they are.
>They are something completely different. Not getting their strength through their home-soil and the sun their ancestors already lived under, they dwell and spread in the dark and feed of the body of a healthy oak or feeding on feces and filth.

>They are subverting the forest and poison the soil to destroy the root of our plants. They are a greedy group of rootless spreading pests.

>Only food free of fungi are pure. Only water free of fungi is pure. Only a race free of fungi is pure.

>Heil our people. Heil.

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no...mushrooms are a collective of unicellular organisms that form an organism.

Mycelium, said collective, it not the mushroom. The mushroom is actually the fruit body.


Yes stop listening to Jewish taxonomy.

Honestly desu I don't know that I want a folder full of diced faggots and niggers to prevent them

