What is wrong with some guys nowadays? Its either braindead jock players aka chads or pornaddicts with limp dicks or incels or seemingly normal guys who have """anxiety"" or are """depressed""" or guys who are so sick that they wear women's clothes and want to girls or dominated in bed
Where can I find a normal regular guy?
What is wrong with some guys nowadays...
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Are you a normal, regular girl?
Shitty bait. Fucking neck yourself.
What are you even talking about? I can't make out what you're saying
If those are the majority of guys nowadays, that makes them the normal ones, by definition. Better start tot enjoy pegging, sweety.
Idk lol the normal guys are dead haha
yes. The must abnormal thing about me is browsing Jow Forums Jow Forums and /fa/ and dyeing my hair brown from grey blond. Otherwise I'm just a regular girl
>normal guys who have """anxiety"" or are """depressed"""
What's wrong with them? I think I might be one of them.
The answer is women. You've done this to us, and to yourselves. Braindead jocks need no personality because women throw themselves at these men; every single man after that you mentioned is directly affected by the fact that women have become increasingly superficial, leaving these men to their own devices to relieve their sexual frustration.
Lack of male role models, school opressing everything what it means to be man, system where everybody is a winner, single mothers raising "men", overprotective parents, leftover estrogen from piss in water from hormone based anticonception in tap water, plastic materials releasing estrogen like chemicals into our bodies.
The very disparoty you are talking about
>complete assholes = unchecked pure male aggressivity, an animal if you will
>complete loss of masculinity = passivity, 0 action, no libido, no motivation to risk, no motivation to even approach girls or get a job or education, depression
But dont worry, the weak will die out one way or another: in a violent war or slow peaceful decay. In one way or another, the things will fix themselves.
At this point western society is in an identity crisis so normal has no value and normal always meant the standard of what society expects from you.
I'm sure whatever special snowflake you are looking for, and it is a special snowflake the way you described what you don't want, is out there you just never gonna find him because you both are miles apart.
That's the problem with society nowadays. I only met one dude so far, and I'm not gay, where I could say the lid found it's pot. Either you have to lower your standards or stay alone forever. A third choice would be to travel around the world and meet different people. I don't believe in turbodating where two people meet each other for the first time in an unnatural setting just to date but maybe I was wrong all along and this is better than traveling the world.
>But dont worry, the weak will die out one way or anothe
survival is trivial,
the weak will die out... but only because we're going to destroy most of the planet. It isn't a good thing
meet more people
maybe you're too boring to attract any serious attention from guys who aren't just trying to fuck you
why do you deserve a quality partner?
Hardly bait. Everybody not just guys want to have a mental disorder like anxiety or depression when they’re either spineless cowards or get sad from time to time
>falling in love decreases a mens testosterone level
I guess that's why I turn into a pussy everytime and only a rush of anger brought me back.
listening to nationalistic music increased my testosterone levels lmao
although maybe I'm mistaking what testosterone means here
>what’s wrong with having an anxiety or depression DISORDER
Hmm really makes you think. And you probably have neither and are just a loser shut in. Get out and brace the world.
>And you probably have neither and are just a loser shut in.
I don't know if I do or don't but I want to find out. If I don't I really don't get what is wrong with me then how can I have no friends and constantly feel worried and sometimes contemplate suicide and have nothing wrong with me?
Might be just part of your personality. I'm an introvert, not outgoing with people and also constantly worried about things. Thinking about ending your life is also pretty normal, at one point everyone does. However it's not normal if it's constantly and without any reason. Then you need to visit a shrink.
>Might be just part of your personality. I'm an introvert, not outgoing with people and also constantly worried about things.
Isn't that anxiety though? Is there really a difference between that and anxiety? Being part of your personality is meaningless it is just like you are saying you don't get to find help because it's your "personality" I don't really care about the classification I just want to fix my problem whatever you want to call it if it is personality I want to fix my personality so I can actually be a happy person.
Try to analyze how we got to this point before criticizing anyone.
I have worked in retail and was exposed to crowds of people at certain points. It can help you change a little but ultimately you are yourself and it is more or less destructive if you fight against yourself by not accepting yourself, trying to change yourself into what you cannot be. I don't put myself into the mental illness corner even if I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. If you really are unhappy then you need to do what you think makes you happy.
A shrink is someone that can help you figure out things but ultimately he is just helping you to do self reflection. People on the internet can't help you with that much. Figuring yourself out will however make you more happy than any other person, or changing into something you are not, can ever make you.
wow i fit your definition of normal apparently, cool!
I used to think that way too and it honestly has never helped me. I've tried going at it alone but it is like my mind refuses to let me be happy or just feel comfortable. I realize you could be right that therapy won't work and that suicide is the only real cure but I want to at least try it and I will try to believe it because otherwise there really is nothing else but suicide. Being alone doesn't really make me happy and I can't find friends if I am always anxious and depressed feeling.
>I realize you could be right that therapy won't work and that suicide is the only real cure but I want to at least try it
lol I never said that or you misunderstood me
I don't like being alone either and it makes me unhappy but I noticed I can't be around many people. Just one friend is enough. I prefer to talk about alot of things and get to know a person and see if I like them. If you spread that out over several people, it can't be done.
You just have to figure out what you prefer.
Well we both must have misunderstood each other because I don't believe I can be friends with tons of people but I have only one friend left and he lives far away and we rarely see each other or communicate. What I am trying to say is maybe it isn't my personality or a part of my identity I just need to accept maybe it really is like an illness that I can treat and get better from. I've tried accepting that maybe I genuinely want no friends like a schizoid but it isn't true I do want friends but can't make them. Maybe the reason is because I have an illness.
wh𝘢t the fuck is this shit
Why do you feel entitled to a "normal" guy, whatever that is?
Many men strive to be these "braindead jock players aka chads" because that's what modern women want.
It's not my fault that the only choice is struggle to get pussy or act like a retard. You did this.
you're a woman, how could you understand depression or anxiety?
Lower your standards. You aren't gonna find the perfect man without some sort of flaws. Everyone deserves a chance, and theres always more to a person behind the stereotype. Except for the dude that wears women's clothes, I dont think I'd trust that guy.
Gender dysphoria is a real condition.
>"What is wrong with my percieved deaignation of men?"
Get help.
Denial isn't a real condition you fucking mong
>hurdurr i have a penis but I think I should have been a woman
How come lady with gender dysphoria who wants testosterone gets it, but man with body dysphoria who wants to get huge gets therapy?
>What is wrong with some guys nowadays?
>seemingly normal guys who have """anxiety"" or are """depressed"""
Hint: the normal guys from whatever decade you want to pick were exactly the same, they just weren't as bad at hiding it.
You can thank your fellow women for the state of the western world, and western men.
The only men getting anywhere with women are the stupid jocks, the rest of us struggle our whole lives just to be looked at for a fraction of a second.
>no strong male role models, only actors pretending to be strong (when they aren't playing mommy's cuckboi roles)
> multiple generations of single moms raising "men"
>constant barrage of anti-anything man coming from women and feminists for the last 30 years.
>mostly female teachers and admins and authority in schools giving women an easy ride and constantly shitting on boys and grading them lower, or outright ignoring their existance, or even drugging them to the tits because they have a "hyperactivity" disorder because they don't want to/cant sit still and quiet for hours on end.
>Women completely stop putting effort into life the second the marriage is official while stilm demanding the world of their man.
>women taking over and changing every male job, hobby, activity, club, or event by force using the government and legal system as a bludgeon so it caters to them while still keeping their own things exclusive to women.
Gee, I sure do wonder what happened to all the "good" men.
Women always feel entitled. 90% of them were raised getting everything they ever asked for, which is why most of then still act like children well into adulthood, they never had to grow up, and everyone from their parents to the schools to the government celebrated and encouraged it.
Your inability to accept facts doesn't make them non-facts.
You respond to that "boring", "regular" guy that keeps sending you an earnest, well thought out but imperfect and boring message complimenting your photos on OKCupid or Tinder or whatever. Or try actually taking initiative asking out the next guy who you met eyes with, and the two of you started giggling for zero reason, but you wanted him to make the first move, but he didn't because he's afraid you're just some basic bitch that will talk about how you're going to "ghost on him" after 3 or 4 months when you get bored.
Unless you're gay, in which case good luck because gay men are nuts.
bystandard effect?
Men have always been a reflection of women.
Fashion has only existed because men prefer to dress in a way that attracts the most women, and women do the same.
Mankind likely would not have landed on the moon if women weren't so attracted to achievement. Women naturally create the precedence of what kind of behaviour gets rewarded, and which kind of behavious gets punished. That's literally the basis of human evolution, and why we're so intelligent like we are so now and bipedular and so on. Our dumber, four legged ancestors simply did not get to reproduce, because the primordial females of the time did not select them.
In the end, the reason modern men are so fucked up is because modern women are fucked.
Pic related, two of the biggest male role models in the music industry: a guy who raps about how many beautiful women he's dated and fucked, usually simultaneously (who females universally consider to be their favourite rapper) and a guy who has 7 children with 7 different women and likes to dress in women's clothing.
Tits or gtfo
I'm sorry that having the option of dating whoever you want doesn't also come with a better selection of men.
Fuck you.
You are so quick to judge people. "Normal" guys do exist, we are just never living up to your standards.
If we flirt too much, we are a Chad. If we don't, we are an incel.
And God forbid we say we are normal, nice or whatever you seem to be seeking.
Stop complaining and give people a chance. If one of your orbiters don't live up to your standards, just tell him what he need to improve and he will.
Life is hard for everyone. Taking a shit on guys who can't find relationships in the same sentence as you complain the many options you have are not good enough is the definition of punching down.
Becuase I'm a normal girl. I work and study, work out and eat healthy and I have normal goals for the future like a good job but also having a husband and a baby and a house. I'm sociable but not too much and i have peaceful temperament. I'm tired of dating guys who turn out to be mentally ill or have literally no life goals or life purpose My last ex was a stoner who wanted me to initiate sex every time because it excited me and when i got fed up with it and told him that its not normal because guys are supposed to be more sxually aggressive he I shit you not started crying and acting like a little bitch asking me if i dont thing hes a real man
My previous ex was a chad type and he would get drunk 3times a week and party like a teenager despite being 27 and choose gym over spending time with me and helping me renovate our apartment. He had a menyality of a child and horrendous sexual fantasies
I just want to find a nice regular guy I coukd date and build my life with but I only come acroess really damaged ones
>he'd rather lift than spend time with you
Damn, that nigga sounds alpha. He knows that female affection is fleeting, but gains and glory are eternal.
He's probably smashing a hotter chick than you right now.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I've been through some actual shit which fucked up my ability to relate with and form bonds with women. You may or may not be able to understand them, but be willing to forgive them for who they are. Try to grant them this simple kindness and hope they temper themselves into someone you like better.
>gains and glory are eternal
Most underrated post this thread. Oh, and this one
Im sure he is becsude sex gym and parties is all he knows even thou i did my best to show him there's more to life
>browses tumblr
>looks for normal guys here
idk, maybe outside?
im right here baby too bad im taken
>leaving these men to their own devices to relieve their sexual frustration
It's untrue because many men i know and the 2 men I dated have seriously concerning sexual preferences despite not being incles snd having gfs
Even my chad ex was had twisted sexual fantasies. Its not only about sex thou becayse these men are inept in life like they don't know manly stuff anymore and have childlish personality of a coddled irresponsible brat
here's the problem:
you're too basic. that's really it.
he's a real nigga, and he needs a real bitch, and you're not it.
basically, you need to settle for a square ass nigga, probably short and wears glasses, who works as tech support or an accountant and probably has anxiety issues or a small penis or something. sure it sucks, but chances are you do too.
>basically, you need to settle for a square ass nigga, probably short and wears glasses, who works as tech support or an accountant and probably has anxiety issues or a small penis
But thats all I want aside from anxiety. Idc about dick size unless its literally a micropenis but i want a guy who is mentally healthy. Its absolutely a must because i want to have kids snd for that i need mentally healthy partner otherwise it will damage my children
I think lowe value people attract low value people in dating, because they can‘t filter out good partners when they are out looking for one. Like you are here on Jow Forums where 99% men are going to be low value trash, see how there’s smething that leads you to bad people? It‘s your fault OP, there are good men out there. Another problem might be other women probably already locked them down in a happy relationship.
They are there, but most of the time they get swooped up by decent women.
Everyone has some mental issue, the perfect guy you want doesn't exist. Still, some of us try our best in vain because of women's hypergamous and quite frankly stupid selectiveness.
You reap what you sow.
Women shouldn't even be allowed to have a voice during the mating selection process because otherwise they select the absolute worst.
>where do I find a normal regular guy?
Probably together with his wife. Tough shit learning that you are the last of the people running once everyone competitive have hite the goal, right?
>says normal
>meant perfect
fucking women lmao
Because we live in a society that glorifies eternal adolescence. That it being a mindless jock or a social retard with anxiety and conditions this leads to for men, and being an entitled judgemental slut for women. Most people buy into the shit society promotes, so they turn up like this. It's hard work finding and surrounding yourself with people who aren't like this, but it can be done. Look for the quiet but strong type, at least that's where I had most of my success. As for anxiety, if it's not that bad, it's easy to handle, just give him confidence, and he'll love you for it.
I'd consider myself a rather "normal" guy, but i had very few girlfriends so far. The thing right here might be, that chads always take initiative, while the "normal" guys mostly take it rather slow and subtile. I think thats the problem generally and also one of the reasons why everyone thinks girls just throw themselves on chads..
Keep your evey open and take your time. Normal people dont ask for your phone number on first sight. normal people MOSTLY (some more extroverted of course do) dont ask you out on a date after the first few weeks or days of just being friends.
With me the deal for example is like this: i dont want to get into a relationship with a girl whos just out for a quick ride or has a terrible personality so i take my time. My last relationship started after knowing the girl for over 1 year and i still think i took it too fast and should have waited some more...
hope this helps
>these men are inept in life like they don't know manly stuff anymore and have childlish personality of a coddled irresponsible brat
It's almost like they've become women or something
>Not sissifying your loving BF
Not gonna make it
Same place they have always been, dating better women than you.
How old are you? Maybe you will find someone after graduation. College is full of kids.
Some people would say a lot of that is caused by the gradual effeminization of men, I think there's some truth to that. (In particular, "bottom" guys and the jocks that are basically lashing out against that.) Then there's also some truth to the fact that like it or not, problems we are noticing now have been around for decades; depression and anxiety often manifests itself as anger in men, there's always been angry Red Forman type dads out there in my lifetime and I'm 25. All you can do is wait around for the right person to come, which is cliche as hell and not a helpful answer, but how else will you find someone without settling? Explore your options!
I would also recommend changing your definition of normal. I'm a mid 20s female that goes to a lot of shows, meeting guys has never/ is not/ will never be a problem when the male:female ratio is 9:1.
I'm sorry I think your lost, this is Jow Forums
Nothing is more immature and unmasculine than refusing to take responsibility for your own damn actions. Nature intended for women to be picky about their partners, that's why a man can knock up multiple women but a woman only needs to be impregnated by one guy to conceive.
If you're lonely you either aren't putting enough effort into yourself or you simply have no redeeming qualities and will die without ever getting to enjoy fatherhood. There's hope for you yet but goddamn, being a whiny self-pitying fuck isn't attractive no matter what sex you are.
>t. rapist
>Where can I find a normal regular guy?
Africa or the Middle East
But seriously, get into a sport. you'll automatically sort out weaklings and fatsos
That's because you spend all of your time on the Internet. Nobody talks about chads or incels in real life. Although there are a lot of depressed and anxious guys.
It's probably also because you categorize and label every single guy.
>pornaddicts with limp dicks or incels or seemingly normal guys who have """anxiety"" or are """depressed""" or guys who are so sick that they wear women's clothes and want to girls or dominated in bed
We finally now have a definition for what it means when guys are "damaged goods".
>braindead jock players aka chads
These are fuckboys/douchebags/scumbags, avoid at all costs. Extremely egotistic, too childish to try to tie down for anything srs. Would probably end up cheating anyway b/c they're scum.
>Many men strive to be these "braindead jock players aka chads" because that's what modern women want.
>It's not my fault that the only choice is struggle to get pussy or act like a retard. You did this.
This. Chad is the real "normal" man, at least by the definition of what men should be
>I have no sense of romance whatsoever, that's for söy cucks. I'm selfish and I only care about sex, which is why my idea of what all women want is based solely on what whores want.
I'd rather die alone than be with someone who thinks like this.
You will never find someone without baggage or weird kinks but from experience look for the guys that wear really boring clothing those are the ones who are more vanilla I know it sounds weird but seriously like the dudes that wear plain color shorts with no logos on them everyday that's the vanilla bro
Traps will replace women in due time
>appeal to nature fallacy
I'm reading "The New Rules of Attraction" by Arden Leigh right now, it's very good. I would suggest you read it.
But to sum up your particular problem I'm going to paraphrase Kat Williams:
"All these bitches talking about 'niggas ain't shit' need to figure out what it is about their pussy that keeps attracting ain't-shit niggas."
You're either looking in the wrong place or you're very young and dating teenage retards. From experience, it's usually guys over 27 that have their shit together.
You're not gonna find quality men in clubs or at college, sorry to say. It is how it is, peace time always pussifies men and turns them into coddled retards since they never had to face hardships, always had their mommy looking out for them. I found an amazing guy at work, he's smart, caring, hardworking and respectful, everything a man should be. But he is 29 and started living on his own since he was 20, didn't live in his parent's basement playing videogames all that time. Wait till you're out of college and get a job, then in start making quality friends and maybe you'll also find a quality guy in those circles.
The basement dweller stereotype makes no sense. A lot of people don't have basements to begin with.
Yea I get mental problems like sometimes getting a bit depressed but not being depressed so much that you literally wont get a job because of that and still live in your moms basement
No. I don't want a perfect guy. I dont care about muscles or sense of humor or how much he makes or if he likes anime in vidya and sometimes indulges in that. I just want a reliable guy who won't be a total wreck but i guess it's what perfect means nowadays
Thanks user for advice I'll keep in mind about slow and subtle
No. I'm a woman and even though I'm not know it all and need help of others sometimes I'm not inept
23 so not that young and anyway my ex was older than me and he still acted like a dumb kid
Ofc nobody talks about chads and incels irl but lets face it these stereotypes exist for a reason and most guys I know and meet are within these categories
I'll look into that book thanks user
I don't mind some kinks and some baggage but i just have rotten luck and keep coming across guys with huge issues. Thanks for telling me about plain clothes I'll remember it
I'm actually getting my shit together, studying, working, and I don't want to waste my time with women.
>being this passive aggressive
No wonder why you asked this.
>Ofc nobody talks about chads and incels irl but lets face it these stereotypes exist for a reason and most guys I know and meet are within these categories
This is factually impossible. Incels make up less than 0.1% of the population.
i'm one of the seemingly normal guys who has severe anxiety and depression. if I wanted to get my shit together enough i wouldn't waste my time with girls. if you're think you're good enough you should get a dude that has potential, some what agreeable, intelligent and effectively motivate him to become something you view as worth being with. But more likely you're just another girl that thinks her shit is so amazing she deserves the 10/10 billionaire that gets it.
This isn't me trying to be spiteful or bitter these are real suggestions/things to think about.
This is bait you incels
People are flawed, news at 11.
>I'd rather die alone than be with someone who thinks like this.
That's too fucking bad then. Lower your standards just like I had to lower my standards and deal with you useless walking holes.
Just date a nice conservative guy. I was single until 21 and met a traditionalist guy, he actually works out, hates sissies, helps me with carrying heavy shit, calls men who bitch and moan and complain too much "faggots", knows a lot about IT, etc. I once dated a generic /b/tard who, after we broke up, became a disgusting tranny. Avoid anyone who's non traditional, that's what I've noticed.
The typical bait-and-switch, gentlemen.
>the weak will die out
The fittest will survive yet the unfit may live. I remember the book Jocko Homo Heavenbound predicting all of this.
Why are women such cunts? Were you not coddled? What hardships did you face? Fucking bitch.
They don't know what it's like to have your value be judged on something out of your control like your job.
The misplaced hubris makes me so angry.
I wouldn't mind slapping you around in bed and calling you a slut while I make you choke on my dick.
Does that work better for you? Serious question.
Well where are you from? Sounds like CA or you only use the internet