My gf is getting tattoos and I think they are ugly. We had a bit of spat over it and she says she wants five to six...

My gf is getting tattoos and I think they are ugly. We had a bit of spat over it and she says she wants five to six. She says they will be small but five/six isa bunch.

How do i get over this? Tattoos are so hideous.

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Tats are a deal-breaker for me. If it were me, I'd break up with her over it. Not saying you should, but understand that I don't think it'd be outrageous, childish, or overreaction for you to be considering it.

If you can't agree over tattoos how can you agree on a family or your future, you should considering speaking to her about this and then make your decision man.

>tattoos are ugly

>tattoos are hideous

All tattoos, user? All tattoos forever and always?

A tattoo is literally just a drawing on one's skin. Yes some drawings are shit but others are quite good. It really depends.

it's her right to express herself dude, it's a kind of an art in a way. I can agree that some tattoos look kinda dumb but like 1 or 2 is good if it's not some asinine shit. Talk to her about the tattoos she's getting and propose getting a few rather than a bunch.

There’s no real getting over it.
Additionally you are in a lose lose situation here.

Best thing I can tell you is to find out a physical quality your girlfriend likes about you and then tell her you want to change said quality.

Grow/shave your beard.
Find a hairstyle she hates and tell her you plan to rock it. SOMETHING to put it into perspective.

>All tattoos, user? All tattoos forever and always?
Not him, but yes. I would never date someone with tattoos she got voluntarily.

I understand that there are a lot of different opinions out there, but this is something that a lot of people feel extremely strongly about. Some think it's great for people to express themselves by getting something doodled on their wrist. Some think it's desecrating the body. I'm in the latter camp, though I also think it's stupid because the inks have never been studied or cleared by the FDA for use in the human body.

I don't have any tattoos myself, I'm actually the only person in my family to not have any - but jesus christ the level of autism that people get over something that doesn't concern or affect them is genuinely impressive. Like how does the tattoo ruin your day? You just see it and get mad?

I mean yeah there is some concern to be had with American ink and the consequences it has on one's health - but the same is true about drinking soda, eating corn fructose or looking at a computer monitor for over 8 hours a day.

I'm with you. I mean, for the most part. I can handle these small ones on this girl because she's beautiful, but any more than this and I'm totally fucking turned off.

Especially huge side tattoos... at that point I'd rather jerk off and be alone. I don't think there's any "getting over it," but maybe telling her that you think she's beautiful as is, and if she makes this change, you might feel different.

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Yea all are shit. Its ugly and I dont like the look.
I like that advice, to at least get her to bring it down a couple.
Thats the thing, we have talked about kids and our views align. The tattoos are the thing we disagree with. She already has one and is getting another in late september. Its just that I know kids>tattoos in terms of relationship but idk, i still dont like em.

>Like how does the tattoo ruin your day? You just see it and get mad?
On your average person? I usually chuckle to myself because they invariably look stupid. On a significant other? I feel like I've been duped.
Yeah. There's a great deal of variability in how people feel. I recognize that some people just love them, or think it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect them. They're free to think what they want, and I'm free to think what I want.

why do you not like tattoos to the point where you're going to like shave your head or get fat or something out of spite in an effort to make her be as upset as you are

she's not asking YOU to get a tattoo

It is her right to express herself by shitting up her body to become gross.

It's your right to bail the fuck out of a relationship with some kind of self-inflicted art project.

Gross. Bail.

>On a significant other? I feel like I've been duped.

how exactly are you being duped there

If you honestly think the things your SO does to his own body don't affect you in any way, you have a lot more wrong with you than a few ugly tattoos.

yeah you know what OP at this point if you are considering breaking up with her over an art project like this guy said then you may as well break up now before you start facing serious real-world difficulties as a couple like what kind of breakfast cereal to buy. You wouldn't survive that much if tattoos are already ruining your life

Im not looking to break up, but i guess just asking for ways to cope and how to stop bieng a little bitch about it.

I lead a conservative lifestyle because of my profession. I generally only date other people who live compatible lifestyles. If I suddenly discovered a tattoo on my SO's body, it would mean she doesn't live the kind of lifestyle that's compatible with mine.

I mean I'm not that gay or OCD or whatever that I would care that much if my gf dyed her hair or wore different nail polish or got tattoos, no.

>art project
Tattoos are not art. Full stop.

user can lose weight or gain back hair. She's about to permanently do something he's going to find unattractive.

And it's not going to be OP's fault when she comes in and he can't get a hardon anymore because she's not attractive in his eyes. She's clearly young and stuck in the "I can do whatever I want and people should just accept me" phase instead of the reality of "I could lose the attraction of someone I love and limit my job opportunities."

My ex-girlfriend's best goddamned feature was her, beautiful, long red hair. One day she showed up and "surprised" me by cutting it as short as mine and dying it black. What a surprise, having sex now was nowhere near as fun and she had to keep wondering what she did wrong.

Look at any 53 year old woman’s body and think what that tattoo will like then (assuming she is 25 now)... a dark splotch. Same with guys...just worse on women as they have a higher percentage of body fat. Yeah...that tramp stamp will be taking up the top third of her ass, and her behind the pony tail neck ink down on her back. All smudges with no color left. Two generations coming up of aged ink sags...every bit the same as the 70 year old bald guy rocking his grey pony tail

>dyed her hair or wore different nail polish or got tattoos
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong.

or it could mean that she just has a tattoo, if you want to be a weird muslim about it then I guess that's your choice.

It would be a shame, for you, to find a girl that is 99.99% compatible with you but she has like a tattoo of Charlie Brown or whatever or her ankle and then you throw the baby out with the bathwater because art is for liberal retards or whatever

You know a conservative lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with your political beliefs, right?

There's so much wrong with your post, it's hilarious. In addition to >>>/global/rules/3

>being gay for hair

uh no not really they're all dumb shit that no one should care about except for women themselves. a girl could forever dye her hair and forever keep it sort or whatever but I wouldn't lose my dick over it not anymore than I would over tattoos

53 and 70 year olds tend to look gross with or without tattoos, so that's kind of non-point.

Yeah man, and giving a shit about a girl's appearance is totally sexist. You shouldn't do that. It only affects the woman herself!

>a conservative lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with your political beliefs

so what did you mean by "conservative lifestyle" and how does it relate to tattoos then?

>gay for hair

>hurr durr i manly man i fuck anything no matter what im always horny and fuck on command a hole is a hole right guys
Fuck off.

well no you can care about a girl's appearance but stuff like tattoos or nail polish color or her hair is waaaaay down there in terms of what matters in their appearance. it's just a bit of ink or hair color or whatever. it's not like suddenly getting fat or a getting a breast reduction surgery or ass implents

>so what did you mean by "conservative lifestyle" and how does it relate to tattoos then?
You know how you don't know what that term means? It means you're the exact sort of uneducated rube that gets tattoos. Congrats.

Also, I am actually thankful that tattoos are becoming more popular. They provide a means of filtering out low-class, low-intelligence women before I waste a dollar on dating them.

My gf is even more a purist than me. She won't even get her ears pierced. I think that's a little too far, but I don't fault her for it.

You won’t be 14 forever, and when you get older, believe me, some 50 year olds look relatively good while others look totally like shit. Just like you and other 14 year olds. See, it’s all relative. Inked 50 year olds looks like dirty laundry, just like gap toothed wiggers from Kansas subsurbs.

Yep. It's like smoking or getting super-deep tans. You might look cool doing that shit when you're 21. You'll look like you're pushing 80 when you're 50.

Same shit with tats. They accentuate how old you've gotten really, really fast.

Again dude, you having zero standards doesn't mean everyone should be like that. Hair and nails are literally two of the biggest differentiators of acting feminine or not. It's the same as not shaving armpits or staying groomed. Boobs and a vagina aren't the only two things that make a woman look good.

>>gay for hair

My ex-girlfriend's best goddamned feature was her, beautiful, long red hair. One day she showed up and "surprised" me by cutting it as short as mine and dying it black. What a surprise, having sex now was nowhere near as fun

Yes? How is that making me gay? She cut her hair to look like a boy. If I was gay, she'd have been a ton more appealing so I could feel like I was having sex with this dude when I tried to pull her hair in bed or something.

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>You know how you don't know what that term means? It means you're the exact sort of uneducated rube that gets tattoos. Congrats.


if her cutting her hair was all it took for her to look like a boy then maybe you weren't all that attracted to her in the first place? Is she taller or more muscular than you or something?

I don't know man I've never been sitting outside and been like "wow jerry look at the hair on her! and the manicure on her friend! Golly jee wiz!"

Sorry you haven't, then. I've never looked at a girl and gone "wow I fucking love her feet," or "wow I love her tattoos," but plenty of people do it.

Maybe I don't give a shit about the manicure but I've definitely looked at some black chick with 5 inch acrylic nails and gone "oh man that's fucking gross looking."

The difference in those situations is that all of them can be fixed, besides tattoos. Surely you have something you really like on a girl that isn't just "muh ass n tiddies?"

>the things other people find attractive or off-putting about members of the opposite sex are things to ridicule
You in a nutshell.

This is the truth.

your gf is a cheating whore, every single female with tattoos is a whore. no exceptions.

Looks like you picked the wrong girl.

>all of them can be fixed

It's not something that needs fixing though. A girl can wear whatever she wants including tattoos. Take it or leave it I guess.

They are when a single factor is enough to change a girl from a 10/10 to a 0/10. Becoming fat is the only thing that would make that dramatic switch. Certainly not a bit of ink or a bit less hair or nails or whatever.

If a girl wanted to get tattooed like Zombie Boy and actually ruin her entire head to toe body, this conversation would make sense.

dumped my ex who wanted to get a bunch of tats and never looked back

Get out whilst you can.

I don't get people who don't eat quality food, don't work out, don't have constructive hobbies, who shit on people who get tattoos. if you are going to accuse someone of ruining their perfect, immaculate, God created body, then you had fucking better have less than 10% body fat, run a 4 minute mile, and not so much as lick a french fry.

tattoos are the most trivial bullshit decoration you can get. its a stupid picture. it is a snapshot of who a person is, at that time. like getting a scar from doing something stupid with friends. Or catching herpes from fucking a drunken stranger. It sounds terrifying, but it is common as dirt. it shows that you are person who does, who tries, who has experiences, rather than be a person who hides and always follows the rules

You sound so childish

If you really liked her you wouldn't care

the fact that you refer to people as "females" kinda invalidates your opinion on them. women are not objects for you to judge. either get to know them as people, or stfu. we don't need your bitter vitriol


yeah you should hit your head real hard in a wall, that will leave a scar worthy of the person you are now

she is getting a tattoo because that is who she is. she has deep feelings about this image, or this need to permanently mark her body. its like having sex: it is deeply important, and so common that it is barely worth talking about. but also, it is an expression of her judgement and values.

you are dating this girl, how is there such a huge part of her that you dislike? do you really know who she is, or do you just insist on controlling so much of the relationship that she walls huge sections of her heart off to you?

do you get it? this is who she is. if you reject this, you reject the desires, ideals, and expressions of this girl. just because she doesn't get a tatt, due to your whining, doesn't change who she is. only how she expresses herself, when she is around you. maybe you should learn to appreciate more of who she is, or just break up

girls are people, not medical specimens. maybe I am reading too much into the phrasing, but that is incel-speak. its pretty fucked up to dehumanize someone, and then turn around and demand respect and affection from them.

not him but are women not females?

Girls (male) are better anyway.

Tattoos are just graffiti on the skin. If you can't even respect yourself to not shit on your own skin, how can you be trusted for anything else?

Instant dump from me, no matter what size or significance the tattoo is.

Just call them women then.


because that is your own judgement. to some people, that tattoo is extremely important. too important to just stay an image in the mind. to other people, the skin is not some precious artifact that can never be stained. with all the scars, mosquito bites, acne, freckles, sunburns, and everything else, why not add something pretty?

>Like how does the tattoo ruin your day? You just see it and get mad?
yes you fucking idiot. just like how i get mad at being in the presence of some fat disgusting slob

yeah that response is typically example of autism. good job.

>Tattoos are just graffiti on the skin.

They're not though

The real reason that you incels wont date women (ever), with tattoos, is because youre too scared to get them yourselves and thus the woman is more powerful than you in your eyes, not because they've """destroyed their bodies"""

Sucks man but you're not married so you don't get any say.
You'll prolly have to break up because they'll annoy the fuck out of you. I also don't like tattoos

Are you like what described the perfect roman statue of physical fitness or are you just some skinnyfat dude with bad computer posture

So user should just "accept who she is," but his girl has no responsibility to accept what he likes?

I am wholeheartedly into user dumping the shit out of her, but you're asking him to just totally give up, so she can "be herself." Whatever she wants, as long as he's occasionally getting the chance to stick his dick in a hole.

>you're asking him to just totally give up

Give up what? His illogical hatred of tattoos? That seems like it would be for the best actually.

Nah, females sounds better. Suck it cuck


she's gonna burst out laughing if you ever says this, mate. Just break up if you can't have a stable conversation over ink on her skin that you don't like. You're gonna become the laughing stock of her social circle, though? Gossip is quick with women.

At least she's not trying to be a surrogate mother for another family.

That's where I draw the line.

Take it easy man, I can hear your hard breathing all the way here

Ultimately tattoos are her choice. If you're not happy with her having tattoos then break up with her, or break up with her when she has enough to bother you. If you stay with her after she gets tattoos and complain about them then you're an idiot.

Its totally fair to discuss tattoos with her. If she was getting an ugly haircut, you would let her know that you do not like it. Same here. Let her know uou do not like tattoos but really, thats about all you can do.

Yea they are not good looking but if she means that much to you, a bad hair-do or some ungly ink should not be a deal-breaker.

What? No, dealbreaker. A girl is trying to decide what to do with her own body without consulting you first then letting you make the decision? No way. Next she'll want to be able to vote on her own or some shit.

I think you know where you should be go back to.


scribbles from a catalog that hundreds of other people have gotten on their skin is "pretty"

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Everyone thinks that their stupid tattoos are unique to them. Thing is, everyone has their own dumb tattoos. So when they think that this piece of ink is special, some other idiot has one similar and thinks it holds some deep meaning.

>I can work hard to improve my looks by hitting the gym or become an interesting person by doing interesting things that require effort

>nah, scratch that, I'll get someone else's scribbles permanently written on my flesh, that will surely show the world how unique and interesting I am

I think your'e all grossly underestimating how much tattoo workmanship has come since the 60s/70s when all the old people you are all reffering to got theirs. Any Professional tattoo artist worth their salt will Draw a tattoo on people that will last the test of time nowadays.

In saying that

You get what you pay for. Getting cheap and shoddy work will look bad now and worse later.

There are some parts of the body you should be careful about with potential physical changes. A person once told me about a female friend who got a tattoo of a gecko on the side of her stomach. After her pregnancy it had stretched to look more like a goanna

OP this thread alone is evidence enough that there is something deeply dividing about tattoos. There always has been and despite how common they seem nowadays, there always will be.

I don't know anything about you, your partner or your relationship aside from what you both think about permanent scar tissue alteration. But if you feel so strongly about this issue, it's not going to change for either of you now or in the future. So either change your mind or move on, because if her mind doesn't change, theres nothing you can do to stop her exercising her own personal choices.

A tough but necessary decision I assure you

Me, Personally, I agree with but to each their own.

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Maybe stop acting like her body belongs to you? She can do whatever the fuck she wants. You can give your opinion, but ultimately the decision is up to her.

Perhaps you just have trashy taste in woman?
Just wait til she gets stupid shit like music notes on her foot.

Is it enough for you to break up with her over?

If not then suck it up and just leave it alone. Tattoos are permanent so if you keep nagging her about it it'll just blow up in your face later.

If yes, then just tell her that you respect that she makes her own choices and that you can't control her life then break up with her. It's a two way street - you can't force her to not get tattoos, but she can't force you to like them, either.

Wtf why is this cope in every thread?

>tattoos are the most trivial bullshit decoration you can get. its a stupid picture.

So... why should they be acceptable on a girlfriend, then? If a girl has to permanently ink something on her skin because of muh expression rather than actually expressing things, is she really that worthwhile?

It happens, man.

Women are, for better or worse, compassionate to a fault. Some of them could hear a sob story from a lesbian couple, a sterile couple, or a crippled friend/relative, and that's all it takes for them to have their baby for them.

Relationships don't just get destroyed over this, they get outright annihilated.

>So... why should they be acceptable on a girlfriend, then?

Her body not yours.

>permanently ink something on her skin because of muh expression rather than actually expressing things

False dichotomy.

leave and fast

>Her body
Irrelevant, if my gf said that I'd still dump her on the spot.

It sounds like she doesn't really respect you

thanks for this-well written

I couldn't possibly agree more

If a tattoo bother you that much then dump her and find another girl

God you can taste the onions pouring from your pores as you wrote that.

>Getting a tattoo is the same as getting herpes
brainlet alert.

Firstly, break up. You have every right to leave a relationship you're not happy with. You don't have any right to dictate her appearance based on your tastes.

Tattoos are the most ancient form of body decoration known to humanity. Tattoos, make up and jewelry have been forms of adornment since literal caveman days. Tattoos have been used for everything from pure decoration, to signify class or social status, to mark criminals, as a rite of passage and a means to reward warriors for their bravery on the battlefield. The earliest tattoo has been dated as far back as 3370 B.C. Taking all of this into account its just hilarious when the spergs on this board pretend like tattooing is this new, horrific form of degeneracy. I also like how they single out tattooing as this one bastion of person dysfunction and vanity when they themselves participate in dozens of elective, fundamentally unnecessary procedures simply for the sake of appearance. If you've ever had acne treatment, had a wart removed, had a cleft palate fixed, or done anything to alter your appearance that makes you look in the mirror and feel better about yourself you've participated in the same exact psychological mechanism that people with tattoos have. Its strange because in all my years I never hear anybody with tattoos talk shit about people who don't. Its always the other way around.

Tattoos, jewelry and makeup have existed for almost 6000 years and they will continue to exist long after your autist asses are in the ground. You're perfectly entitled not to enjoy them or choose not to get one but feeling the need to denigrate people for how they choose to feel good about themselves says more about your lack of security than theirs.

>a tatted up freak calling anyone childish