Is eletrical engineering still a good degree? Is it still in demand?
Is eletrical engineering still a good degree? Is it still in demand?
Yeah. Depends on the university you enter. AFAIK, the EE course in my uni is very well recognised, and employment rate of grads is around 90%
Alright thanks. I am extremely exceptional at math so I want to make a good living from it.
It's gonna be more than just math, my guy
Yes, but the most in demand jobs are in the trades
Electrician is more in demand than engineer, but engineers still get lots of good jobs
if you are smart enough to get 90+ in all of the engineering math classes you can manage the degree, the difficulty at that point is proper time management and adapting to different types of classes
Really what so? Physics and programming?
Don't they pay less and I want to go to a university for the sake of it too.
you take a bunch of different STEM classes. at my uni you take 3 chems, 2 physics, varying # of cs classes depending on type of engineering, etc, and of course 6 strictly-math courses. then the core engineering classes you are learning all kinds of applied stuff from various STEM disciplines.
>Don't they pay less and I want to go to a university for the sake of it too.
No necessarily, lots of electricians make a good wage get great benefits and you always have the option of starting your own company so you don't hav eto do the grunt work.
STEM does not lead to good income.
Trust me, i'm a chemist, i'm on my second postdoc, i win awards and i make crap money because people don't care about science, but they sure as fuck care about having electricity.
Some electrical engineers make a mint, but others make mid range. It is not a guarantee you'll get a job.
>postdoc in ANY discipline
>good income
well no shit, wtf did you expect?
why didn't you try to work in industry instead of doing a PhD?
I see so many uses for Eletrical Engineering. It can be a hobby and my job. Plus I will most likely learn programming so that back me up.
>why didn't you try to work in industry instead of doing a PhD?
fuck you, i really enjoyed grad school and i miss it.
also i'm trying to transition to industry but industry is crazy. they either want me to have a PhD and 10 years of experience or im overqualified.
real catch 22 there
Always learn programming. I see programming of some kind as a requirement on just about every job posting in STEM.
that's pretty strange. in any case i never hear anything good about job prospects for chem majors
If your interested, here’s the EE curriculum in my uni
It depends on what kind of chem.
If you are in biological sciences your golden.
How did you get into there? Wow impressive.
Hijacking the thread. Is business management a good degree to have? I already have a year under my belt but I'm spooked it wont land me anywhere
Singaporean student, managed to get above average results in the cambridge-singapore GCE A levels. Since im Singaporean, they gave me tons of subsidies, since im from a lower-class family lol
Congrats. For me I really hope that being a poor spic will help me get free easy gibs.
>free easy gibs.
STEM jobs aren't easy dumbass
this is why you'll always be a poor and probably lazy spic
now go pick some fuckin lettuce and leave the nip/indon alone
Don't listen to that guy, you are on the fast track to a good life. Give back to the country by voting against racists and ancaps
that's not giving back to the country at all
>Is electrical engineering still a good degree?
>Is it still in demand?
Any degree so hard most don't finish will be a good degree.
At first I wondered whether I was making a mistake going into STEM but after watching about half the people I started with switch to something easier i'm way more confident it's a worthwhile pursuit.