Steel fence > Concrete wall
Steel fence > Concrete wall
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Israel uses a concrete wall so I doubt a steel fence is better for keeping people out.
Remember when he started a BUILD THAT FENCE chant at a rally?
Why doesn’t Trump compromise and build a steel wall?
electrify the fence and we're cooking with fire
also, why can't there be armed drones and landmines too?
You can't patrol the battlements of a fence.
Trump is a cuck.
You don't have to. You can drive by and see what is happening on the other side. It doesn't make for a catchy chant for the lowest common denominator, but this is what border security asked him for anyway.
They actually use a steel fence on their southern border to keep out niggers. The concrete is used in select areas to protect against exploding sandnigs.
i don't care. a physical barrier is all i want, and if it's steel or concrete, i seriously do not give a fuck.
>It doesn't make for a catchy chant for the lowest common denominator
It is what democracy demands, and thus it is what democracy should get.
>not wanting a wall of stakes
Money and drugs can be exchanged right through it. Rather have a solid barrier.
All democratic systems have checks and balances for that exact reason. Trump is not beholden to how a layman not educated or experienced in matters of border security or construction envisions the wall that was promised.
same shit. did people think they were, themselves, going to help build the wall when he said "we're going to build a wall"?
Concertina fence is fine faggot...try crossing it withot knowing how...
All democratic systems' "checks and balances" are only there to make them less democratic and preserve the existence of a political ruling elite.
He kinda said that Mexico was gonna pay for it.
In small quantities, sure. But surveillance equipment isn't that expensive and is getting cheaper every day.
oof what when was this? thats majorly cringe and im glad hes seen the light now and is holding fast on the government shutdown.
Why not both?
Some of them, of course, but not all of them are for that purpose. There are many interests are work and none of them win all the time.
rhetoric, but in all honesty the US just has to embargo mexico to kick them in the face
we're their number one buyer and just 1 year without us will hurt more than any 100 years of wall will
Concrete isn't expensive either.
Nobody actually cares as long as it keeps the spic invasion out.
Answer this simple question on materials hardness and elasticity OP.
Which is harder and more durable and is easier to modify?
1) 6 inches of steel
2) 12 inches of concrete
Please answer
I wondered this yesterday as well, but it's strange that he didn't fund his wall and negotiate this shit with Mexico right when he was elected instead of waiting until now.
Sure, but the people who do the actual job of keeping the border secure preferred the steel barrier through which they could see. This would have the added benefit of allowing them to mount any surveillance equipment back from the barrier where it is less likely to be sabotaged then if it was mounted on the barrier itself to see the other side.
Mmmm, Trump stakes
What are you talking about? Of course a concrete wall will have watchtowers/camera poles looking over the border, how is this exclusive to a steel fence?
6 inch thick steel would be better in terms of strength. But the steel would have to be replaced over time from weather. 1 ft of concrete is pretty strong and would last longer, and much easier to repair. Concrete is also a lot cheaper than steel.
Yes, as I said it would. Reading comprehension, Dane. My point was that they must be mounted closer to the barrier itself to see over it if that barrier is opaque, which makes them more vulnerable to sabotage from the other side.
they manufactured that crisis cause they needed anger when peoples are mads they're easier to manipulate
steel encased in concrete would be ideal. concrete panels would be impervious to oxy-fuel cutting, which cold defeat a only steel fence in mins
Anti-Trump think tank gets money from the State Department to spread propaganda in the US and allies.
Tweet them.
well good thing America isn't a pure democracy.
it's a republic for that exact reason. we trust elected officials to filter the demands of the people and if they don't turn results then they don't get reelected. that's the idea anyways.
Kids playing
>justifying yourself on an user forum
Hempcrete for the wall 2020;
Cool...already there...look at all the money we saved. Next problem???
Pic real and relevant
That's not a wall, beaners can scale that in no trouble, it's the fucking 21st century, there's no reason why we can't build a cheap ass wall other then Trump is a faggot kike and is weak
The poles with cameras are a good deal higher than the wall so I don't understand the dilemma you're presenting.
>if they don't turn results then they don't get reelected
Doesn't really work when there's no alternative and everyone expects promises to be broken.
>That's the idea anyways
It sucks and getting proper democracy or getting rid of the illusion would both be better options.
It's a physical barrier, that's all wanted.
You can more easily shoot them, you can throw buckets of paint and rocks at them from the other side, etc.
If they are far back from the barrier they are more difficult to locate and to sabotage.
WRONG. Steel outlasts concrete by far. It's hardness rating is also MULTIPLES beyond concrete. I fabricated commercial steel. And what you don't realize is that Trump is a fucking GENIUS because concrete laid on the outer walls of a STEEL skeleton is considered reinforcement or "upkeep".
Oh, and the steel slat design. Yeah that can acts as REBAR at the base, if a concrete base is poured.
So yeah, let's keep making fun of the steel slat design. While Trump knows the hardness rating is miles beyond concrete, and it's a natural rebar skeleton.
Trump wins.
The border agents requested to be able to see thru the wall to monitor exactly whats happening on the other side. Isreal doesn't need viewing slats because they can just blast the guy from 100 yards and dont need to chase them.
>Isreal doesn't need viewing slats because they can just blast the guy from 100 yards and dont need to chase them
This is also the policy the USA should have.
>This is also the policy the USA should have
If only
The voter who wanted a wall loses.
Shoot them, maybe The other things? Not so much. These posts will be for less active border sites and when some ill-intended spic is seen then a vehicle will be dispatched immediately, or so one would hope at least. The most popular crossings will have good old watch towers and manned battlements.
...a Wall that is see through... Makes sense to me!
- Individual 1
In the case of an opaque wall the to not have blind spots directly beside the wall (the reason border security agents have asked for the slats) the cameras would have to be at least in line with the wall itself for them to look directly down beside it. This would put them well within reach of people throwing things from the other side.
Even if someone was dispatched immediately it takes a few seconds to damage a very obviously placed camera from that distance and then leave.
Going back to the "see through the slats" if the poles are places as close as is needed for people to be unable to get through, they'd have to positioned so close that a camera ~30 meters away would hardly be able to see anything on the other side.
Bars are much easier to climb than a solid wall. And you could mount something on top of any spikes to make them harmless and attach ropes. A reinforced wall of rebar and concrete with rows barbwire on top would be a different story.
Anyone making excuses for a fence now is pathetic.
30 meters is better than zero, and you can hide and protect them more easily when you aren't obligated to put them directly on top of the wall in obvious positions.
Not that I don't like the sound of an imposing solid concrete wall, but that's not what the people actually doing the job wanted and I can see a couple reasons why.
what, now the mexicans want to steal our fence??
Why are we only asking for 5.6? If the libs are going to fight like this for every 5 billion the wall/fence will never get done.
I mean it's estimated this will cost about 80 billion in the end (35-40 for the construction, the rest for eminent domain, land purchases, and lawsuits).
We really need a better strategy then clawing for 5 billion at a time.
Even steel has its value :^)
100% convinced you are a jew. the wall first, the ovens are next.
around autocorrect, never relax
concertina wire fences give me a boner
The one along the West Bank is a wall but Israel also built a fence along its Egyptian border to keep out the masses of Sub-Saharan African illegals it was getting. Both the wall and the fence have been effective.
>But the steel would have to be replaced over time from weather
Wtf kind of junk steel do you have down there? 6" would take a few hundred years to laminate and weaken to any significant degree.
also cost over $200 a sq foot ($120k for a 20x30 panel) divide by half for slats.
No you are getting HSS or flats maybe an inch thick, anything else would cost far far too much for the distance.
>1 ft of concrete is pretty strong and would last longer, and much easier to repair. Concrete is also a lot cheaper than steel.
What is a cordless jackhammer for $5.6b, Alex
Great image shills btfo
Maybe the wall was the friends we made along the way.
>Steel fence
My brother is a cement contractor. He calls it ReBar.