'Don't vote for that ni***' Snoop Dogg trashes Trump in message to government workers.(AUDIO)
Snoop Dogg has pulled no punches calling on federal employees forced to work without pay or stay home due to the government shutdown
to remember the ordeal when they vote in 2020. "Don't vote for that ni***," the rapper said.
In an expletive-ridden Instagram rant, Snoop Dogg, real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr., said that anyone who would vote to
reelect Donald Trump US President in two years are "some stupid motherf***ers."

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Other urls found in this thread:

>dont vote for that nigger

literally the pot calling the kettle black

White hate'in boon!

Snoop is very very close with (((them))). (((They))) made him after all, literally. His entire persona is fake.

no it's not you fucking nigger. Snoopdogg isn't a pot and trump isn't a kettle.

my mistake, thanks for letting me know

This sellout pet nigger has never worked a day in his life, spends his bleak existence shilling reddit and weed, and is still coasting off the one hit record he had 25 years ago.

Don't listen to that nigger.

But but Snoopy...Trump did this...Trump got blacked

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All that 24/7 reefer and fruit only diet really has turned him into a galaxy brain.
But what is Ja Rule's opinion on this?

But but Snoopy...Trump did this...Trump got blacked
Trump got blacked more than one time Snoopy...

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So the guy that hates Trump hates him some more? Nothing was lost.

>cmere little nigger baby MWAH

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I thought his name now was Snoop Lion?

Snoop has music industry kike overlords and is a nigger, opinion discarded

i see (You) komrat.
Rossiya Segodnya, parent company of RIA Global, LLC (Sputnik) is a fully government funded enterprise of the Russian Federation's Ministry of Information via presidential decree of Vladimir V. Putin in 2013.

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ok but who cares, probably only Shapiro the midget

this guy def has some murders and childen in his closet they are using leverage against him. so obvious

Fucking 10/10 reference

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Well I think more people care or they will start to care when they start losing their homes because of Trump...


Why doesnt he get shot in the head like the other rappers??

who cares what Snoop Dogg says,
trust me if someone loses their home last thing on their mind will be, what did Snoop Dogg say I should do and vote for ?

A few hundred thousand government workers are affected.

Most of them vote Democrat.
Most of them live in Democrat districts.

Not enough to change anything. The only mistake Trump could make in terms of 2020 is backing down on the wall.

I'll cut his shit down for this 1

fucking snoop diggity dog you're so fucking stupid

>The only mistake Trump could make in terms of 2020 is backing down on the wall.
...and he will, that wall will be his biggest failure. One of many.

Oh gosh some preppy rich fake nigga doing what his Luciferian Jew bosses tell him to, color me a monkey and slap the banana out of my ass.

Remember the 3 or 4 days when he was Snoop Lion?

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Well he should donate some of his I'll gotten Jew money to the govt workers then. Dumb pothead nigger faggot.

Poopdogg is a turd that needs to be flushed.

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You fags blame every single thing on Trump. Ironically all this does is reinforce how irresponsible you all are. Maybe you should take a cold hard look at yourselves and realize your lives are shit because you make weak loser choices. Trump hasn't directly affected anyone I know, the only people affected are criminals and bloated government pity workers --- who yes are mainly courtesy hires, because if so many people are unaffected by this then clearly they are a waste of tax payer money.

The rest of you make everything about Trump --- everything --- to such an absurd degree that the entire public is turning on you.

I say this as someone who did not even vote for Trump. Seriously. But you guys have opened my eyes and I am definitely voting for him 2020.

If this was all some long con to convince everyone to vote Trump, then congrats you've succeeded.

Kek leftists unironically believe celebrities are worth listening to

>Snoop is very very close with (((them)))
So is Trump you mouth-breathing fucktard. If you haven't noticed his (((daughter))) and (((grandchildren))) are (((them))).


Now that Trump has been called a nigger you can expect even more blacks voting for him than before, thanks Snoop.

Shit lion, or platapus or whatever the fuck that illiterate nigger wants to call himself, can go fuck himself.

Day of the Rope won't spare washed up rappers either.

Or Day of the Rizzle, fo Shizzle My Nizzle. Which anyone he prefers

>Now that Trump has been called a nigger
Do you think now Trump will do more of these disgusting acts..??

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Holy fuck Snoop is a grandpa! How old is he now?

Difference is Trump's side is exposing the Luciferians, child trafficking, Hollywood, China/Israel/Saudi infiltration, Uranium One, Communist infiltration, etc. etc. Snoop isn't doing any of that, he's part of the very people Trump's side is targetting.

You ever think maybe Jow Forums psy-oped you into completely missing who is in charge? Chaim the deli owner? Or the Saturn-worshiping Babylonian Jews who are more than happy to sacrifice Chaim in a shoah?

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About Fizzle Tree years old

All these mad federal employees screaming "dey took our jawbbbz." Calm down you fucking Hicks. Automation is coming and you will be replaced so stop complaining. Go to college and get a new skill dumb ass rednecks. What's next going to cry because da gubment took ur coal jobs? Sorry guys federal jobs are obsolete. It's called the free market and you're not in demand right now

Pic related because Jow Forums refused to let me post that no matter how many times I confirmed captcha. And now it goes through? Wtf

Who gives a shit? Bureaucrats are all upper class neolib fags.

>stay home
Yeah thats a good way to lose a good paying job, is snoop gonna hire the people that lost there jobs?

Its about food stamp getting cut if the government stays closed and who they blame. Snoop is smart for a dope head.

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give couple more days and pic related will start happening

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Why are feral nigger rappers and even the old school leftover rappers so cozy and politically supportive of authority/the establishment when in their rap songs they mention anti police anti authority lyrics in every fucking song that arrests their own out of muh raycisssm?

Seems like there is more to the eye, I would not be surprised as they are all bought and owned by the same kikes as a microphone to corrupt the youth

Even Ice Cube who used to talk shit about producers wrote a song called "No Vaseline" and explicitly states that his rapper friends who sold out on him and the original message are getting fucked by their jew manager with no vaseline

Didn't fucking Jay Z, a rapper from the streets of New York and his creole orc wife Beyonce occasionally visit Barry and Michaels when he was president and to this day?

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Interesting take on it...

He is a clone

Literally who?

>Talkin' 'bout who you gon' squabble with and who you shoot
>You're only sixty pounds when you're wet and wearin' boots

No but remember the 3 or 4 days he quit smoking weed ?

>Brodus whatever

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Happened to me also bro. I receive random IP bans on select boards without explanation.

he has a song called murder is the case that they gave me where he admits to haveing killed 2pac as the bloodoath asks one to do , be it a family member or very close friend to get "famous".

>tired of being a dog
>want be lion


HMU when 6ix9ine says don't vote for Trump, then maybe I'll listen

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very interesting
did he ever elaborated on it?

That song came out years before 2-pack was murdered

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Why do black people hate Trump so much? What's he ever done to them other than refuse to rent apartments to them that they couldn't have afforded anyway?

Yeah no shit. It's on his first CD. And if you listen to that cringe you need to get gassed anyway.

I thought Trump hated germs and didn't even like shaking hands. Why is he putting his lips on a baby sheboon?

Blm said so cause he's racist.

And recently Trump did make up for it. What a fucking disgrace.
And dumb brainless gold digger Melania is laughing thinking this is funny....

It was on a soundtrack, not his first CD

imagine getting political advice from a senior citizen former drug dealer. the niggers an embaresment go smoke some weed and pipe down nog.

Remind this skinny assed crackhead that he supported a Trump presidency on video tape during The Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump. Then, smack him in his rat nigger face.

Snoop is so washed up trying to stay relevant its not even funny. He is making knockoff viagra pill commercials now lmao

lefty tier meme bro

Trump was (and I guess still is) known to be a massive germaphobe yet he had no problem kissing Aids and Ebola victims.

He's probably a pedo at this point.

This guy has been a huge piece of shit hypercuck for years now

>his biggest failure.

its like you goddamn losers think the walls around his house or something. its not his wall its ours youre too god damn stupid to figure out how to take care of shit the people paying attention are trying to do it for you. and you keep getting manipulated into voting for jews so you can smoke weed at a bar and drink microbrews on $15 an hour on wendeys assistant manager career path. get fucked moron.

That's fine. Nobody cares. The relevant thing was the gay ass assertion the German made.

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Hey, you're the one who brought it up

Such mind-numbingly retarded shit here.


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>its not his wall its ours youre too god damn stupid to figure out how to take care of shit the people paying attention are trying to do it for you.
I don't live in your shithole. I just make fun of it and I am waiting to watch on live TV big screen your bloody civil war that is almost to erupt.
I have big bag of popcorn and few bottles of champagne ready...LMAO

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Hey. Yeah. It's kinda sad to be talking about some gay 'gangsta' nigger's discography.

They why did you start?

Good thing nobody listens to niggers.

I didn't. Now shut up about it.

Their tiny black brains fear powerful whites, blacks are also a slave race, and they listen to what their massa (Democrats and the media) say. They are a bunch of conformist low IQ group.

Who cares what this greyhound looking nigger has to say about anything?

>washed up douchebag talking shit about the president

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Wow, powerful. There's so much to learn from this fine man who creates such wonderful music.

Anyone who gives some kind of a priority to this niggenerate's opinion is pathetic.

>Their tiny black brains fear powerful whites, blacks are also a slave race,

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Everyone forgets he's a murderer, admits to selling his soul to Satan and most of his albums sucked.


I am still going to say it was ok for snoop that. The great chimp out form the food stamp cut off dew to government shut down very well might start a race war in the streets.

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No need to get mad that you tried to claim the song was from his first album. It's fine dude, no one is judging you.

What? That guy who told me to smoke weed everyday is actually part of the swaaaammpp??
Trump delusion syndrome? Possibly!

Back when comedians were allowed to be funny.

>Everyone forgets he's a murderer, admits to selling his soul to Satan
When did Trump confessed to that ?? Wow !!

YUP !!
Let's see how quickly paper tiger Trump will give in...Lol

>he's a murderer
>most of his albums sucked
You don't say

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