Howdy folks

howdy folks
I have a co-worker who is an attractive Indian girl. This girl has been super nice, helpful, respectful since I started and asks help/favors while doing me little favors in return. The the thing is, we have little sparks of chemistry (at least on my end...), and she twirls her hair around me, smiles a lot, etc.,

I'm getting a serious crush on this chick due to all this. But girls never treat me this way. Through my life I've gotten accustomed to being treated with forced politeness or pure apathy by women. My head is telling me this Indian is just keeping me on the hook with her little acts of affection until she can't use me any more.

It would be nice if user could provide any good further reading on the topic or talk some sense into me

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you need to stop thinking in such extremes and absolutes. 'further reading' is a fucking joke, what does that even mean here? shes either into you or she isn't. dont want to be on the hook? make a move. didn't work? well shes not into you.

Women don't feel attraction for males, period. If you're not white then look somewhere else. Indians only marry whites or someone their parents find for them (and they marry because saying no is taboo)

Like all women, she's just using you.

>I have a co-worker
STOP IT, dumbass.

dude, lol no.

every SINGLE Indian guy I know has an Indian girlfriend, and I live in an area with a fairly high Indian population.

I don't know what it is these guys do or if it's a cultural thing, but it's so common around here to see some ugly looking brown dude, either fat or super skinny and not good looking at all, with some dime looking Indian girl who looks like Jasmine from Aladdin or something.

Sure there are a few Indian girls who are super westernized and fetishize white dudes, but honestly speaking, that's just not that common from what I can see.

Tell her to open bob and do milk.

Indian girl here. Most Indian girls date Indian guys because a) that's who they hang out with most and b) it's more acceptable to their parents

yeah but I mean, when you're a full grown adult in the Western world, you can do whatever you want. I'm just saying that from what I've observed, Indian-Indian couples are the most common relationships Indian people get into, even if it's for the reasons you listed. If it's just "my parents won't approve if I date some white/black/mexican dude" that's a lame excuse when you live in the states/uk/canada.

>do whatever you want
Not with your co-worker, dumbass.

This is wrong. Sometimes a girl just doesn't want to date, even if she likes you.

indian girls crave white guys as much as other Asian girls but always cave to cultural expectations.

Also the rape is super high in india so yea

>when you're a full grown adult in the Western world, you can do whatever you want.
> If it's just "my parents won't approve if I date some white/black/mexican dude" that's a lame excuse when you live in the states/uk/canada.
You really don't know what it's like to not be white, do you?

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What does that have to do with anything...?

Bob vagene

Fuck this. I hate this shit.
Don't move to America if you don't want your kids to be/act like Americans.
America is all about saying fuck you to The Man.
It's LITERALLY what our country was founded on.

My best friend is a white girl that married anindian dude. NONE of his family showed up at the wedding.
You better believe once she popped out that second son, they're acting all sweet, inviting her over, dressing the kids in those robe things.

It's great that you feel so passionate about this or whatever, but it's not how things work. Get over it.

Indian people are fuckin racist. I almost married an Indian and her dad threatened to disown her and divorce his wife if she agreed.
So many Indians are simply backwards and no better than a fuckin redneck, the only difference is that since they're not white it's disguised as "their culture "

People often tell their parents to fuck off, people with balls, people of all colors. I've seen it. I've done it. It warms my heart. God Bless America.

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Dude, I AM ethnically South Asian.

I'm a full grown man, my parents don't give a shit what race of girl I date. They never told my sister she was never allowed to date white dudes, she was married to some guy from Malaysia for a few years.

I'm honestly pretty sure this just isn't true, in terms of "caving to cultural expectations". Like dude, you're in the West. Do whatever the fuck you want. A few of my cousins date white dudes, my brother is married to a white woman, a few of my cousins date black chicks, my other brother married an Indian woman, I'm dating a white girl. And the majority are married or dating other people who are ethnically South Asian. But here's the big thing: We're in the West. No one cares who people in the family date so long as they're happy. This "I'm only doing it because of cultural expectations" shit is dumb.

OK that's a separate issue. But I mean, plenty of marriages/LTRs form from co-workers. Another great benefit of the Western world.

Honestly man, here's my observation: the parents who don't tell their kids to give a shit about this forced marriage or caste system or homogenous marriage or whatever... they turn out fine. They date whoever, be it someone of the same race or different and are happy. The girls who are aggressively told "No No No Amrita you MUST marry Baljit, it was arranged from your birth!" or "you must date another conservative Punjabi man, just like your father!" or something... they're the ones who straight up RIDE white and black dudes through college and probably have some low self-esteem shit where they feel worse about themselves for being Indian.

No, it literally is how it works in the first world.

You're a grown fucking adult.

You can do and fuck whoever you want. And if you don't do it because mommy and daddy are paying your rent, you're a bitch. Whether you're male or female. End of story.

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Literally no one says that retard because everyone agrees Indians are bitches.

>Dude, I AM ethnically South Asian.
That's not quite the same. You may be ethically South Asian, but you don't identify with the cultures. For all intensive purposes, you're white.

Well Shirjeel, welcome to the West, can you hook me up with one of your cousins?

>you're white

man I grew up all through high school and college people were joking with me that I was "white" despite how dark my skin is. I guess maybe it really is true, my parents are mad westernized too.

hey man, once my cousin dumps her white bf, i'll hit you up