Only got maybe up to an hour to answer questions. Shoot.
I’m a subordinate working for Bannon. AMA
Bannon will die in Prison. That zionist fuckface.
Im calling on the phone with him right now. You are a liar.
For what? And where did you get that notion? He is quite the opposite. He’s a big fan of Evola, Codreanu, Mosley, and Yockey. Hell, he’s the one who gave me a free copy of Imperium to begin with..
who is the new Cheney? you corrupt fucks always seem to generate people like him
We must abolish politics. Thus, we must abolish democracy. Monarchy now.
Choose to believe or not, I could care less. I’m just here to answer questions for as long as I can before I have to leave.
Is Bannon still planning to make a deplorables coin?
When will American Dharma be released?
Does he still talk to Brock Pierce?
this isn't reddit you fucking mongoloid, kill yourself
Is he just tagging along for a paycheck?
>on a webpage that can literally be accessed from anywhere
>even on a cell phone
reported for larp
why are you not in Europe to prepare the EU election like he said he would ?
What is his main message/ philosophy in 20 words or less?
What's bannon's favorite meal of the day?
>Is Bannon still planning to make a deplorables coin?
>When will American Dharma be released?
This year, I suspect around May.
>Does he still talk to Brock Pierce?
third breakfast
Is Bannon redpilled on kikes in private?
What’s the fukkin plan?
No, he’s our guy,
I’m not.
Main message is: We must crumble erosion, purge traitors and restore the republic and bring back Western civilization.
What does he like to drink?
I want op to answer. If he is who he says he is, then he'll get it right
Irish breakfast, loves 2 extra pieces of bacon.
Mate, he’s the first one who made me absolutely detest them. Before I used to just hate muzzies, he opened my eyes on kikes control of everything in this world. He’s been redpilled VERY long and even knows more to USS Liberty than most and that he personally told me which I’m not allowed at liberty to discuss.
Does he truly believe Trump will jail the traitors and deconstruct the administrative state? It's so frustrating that it's taking so long for this shit to happen. I'm starting to get a little black pilled
Jameson whiskey
How about some proof.
How much of /ourguy/ is Trump?
Did Bannon realize he was going to get fucked and dumped by Trump-Kushner-Yael?
Did Bannon see Trump's populist posturing was just advertising puffery?
Prove it
Yes but the swamp is fucking polluted and it will likely take longer than just two terms. We need to elect reactionary politicians ASAP after Trump’s second term and can’t risk going to a leftist/globalist, they’ll ruin everything in one sitting.
At this point you can only take my word. Cant risk breaking OPSEC protocol. I’ll be back here in the future with proof don’t worry ;)
He’s a patriot at heart but it’s undebiable that Kushner holds a strong influence due to being very close to Ivanka. KUSHNER NEEDS TO GO. Miller is waging a psychological war against him and wants to rid him.
1. Thoughts on Q
2. Thoughts on what the average American should be doing to help purge the traitors/swamp/Deep State? Sitting around on Jow Forums doesn't help anyone, trying to go public doesn't work without habbenings
i believe you OP. i was a little surprised to see Jow Forums turn on bannon. Too many boomer fucks i guess, idk.
What is his favorite food?
in all honesty I liked bannon the most because the media went after him so hard, he was obviously the person they were afraid of the most in the Trump admin.
He was a "white nationalist" to them from day one with zero evidence
how do i get a job with bannon
i sent a resume to breitbart but they never got back to me, those jews
What help do you need?
Miller wants to rid Kushner?
How do you see the mueller investigation playing out?
Who are the most traitorous republicans? Sessions
This is probably bullshit but I’m asking anyway.
What does Bannon think of Pence?
Was the Bannon falling out another one of Trump's orchestrated conflicts?
Alright, I can buy it. You went far enough for the larp to know what the guy eats.
>Thoughts on Q
LARP; however there is something close. POTUS has eyes and ears everywhere.
>Thoughts on what the average American should be doing to help purge the traitors/swamp/Deep State? Sitting around on Jow Forums doesn't help anyone, trying to go public doesn't work without habbenings.
Spread the word on Jewish/Israeli influence. Call your senators and tell them to giving our money to other nations, especially fucking Israel. AIPAC is the easiest example. Purge those in Congress with dual American-Israeli citizenship (ex. Adam Schaffer’s). There is no left-right difference, it’s all the same swamp.
How do I join his Europe team? I need a salary but i can do anything
Brock Pierce? Does bannons future include coddling international pedos?
What part of his ideology would be considered the most 'evil'?
Bannon got in shit for telling his wife he didn't want to send his kid to a Jewish school
And you should keep liking him. He’s been with us since day one. Hell, he’s been with us since before Trump. He never left Trump, Trump never left him. Seperate the noise from the signal.
You have to take physical measures such as throwing a pitch. Get close, connect.
Keep spreading the word on Jewish influence, starting with AIPAC and senators with dual Israeli-American citizenship. All traitors.
I have faith it will end up OK. Both sides are dirty. We need more reactionaries to join the Republican Party and to purge the neocons and Israel supporters.
Bannon should help out Maxime Bernier with creating a populist movement here in Canada. Think he ever will?
>there is something close. POTUS has eyes and ears everywhere
What does that mean
Does Bannon read here? What are other Internet forums that are politically significant?
Where do you have to go in an hour?
>What does Bannon think of Pence?
He told me he’s a good kind hearted guy, but his empathy is his weakness and he needs to rule firmer. He’s a strong Christian.
>Was the Bannon falling out another one of Trump's orchestrated conflicts?
You bet. Bannon helped Trump set this up and took it straight out of the communist playbook actually (kek).
I started for free. And start by getting connected, closest to him in Europe is through and by Breitbart London. Find and email key people.
We don’t see anything as evil, just necessary. We vision from an ancient Roman type of view and for what needs to be done. And what needs to be done is a literal or figurative purge of traitors and/or globalists in our Republic.
But how does anyone believe this is possible, given Kushner's role as Zionist facehugger to Trump's family (and America in general)?
Likely after 2019 European Parliament election. He’s got a lot of plans for The Movement.
I'll bite.
Why Bolton?
Heuristics > Theory
Drastic measures must be implemented. He’s the snake. Trust Miller, trust Flynn, trust Stone.
I have big ideas about international economic configurations, legal theories, UN, international sustainability on a myriad of issues and future planning, but I need to know that there is funding in it and that we won't be knocked off if we are too effective.
If there is enough funding I can put together my own think tanks for these affairs, but again, I need to know we will not be killed and there are war preparations in the form of biologists, computer scientists, and other specialties across the board of significance to defend against mass depopulation measures initiated by a demotivated enemy.
Your answers are kinda boring so this is probably true. Do you have any information that would surprise us or any gossip? Also, what about Sessions? Did he screw everything up?
how many Jew cocks can Bannon suck at once, OP? Do you help him?
Does Trump know this? Is he willing to potentially hurt his own kin for the betterment of America and Natural laws?
It won’t hurt. Just keep spreading the word on Israeli influence.
Keep an eye on Rosenstein. Should be gone soon.
That’s exactly what the problem is. Trump trusts Ivanka a lot. For these matters, he needs to trust Millers intuition the most and not let nepotism get in the way.
Why does he wear a botton up shirt over a button up shirt?
Will Trump "fix" the military? (I.e drain the swamp)
Also what's going on with China.... Are we getting ready for war?
This is all I have time for. Keep an eye out for me in the future, I’ll be back sometime. Will provide more evidence soon. -Z
oh christ here we go again
what about bolton ya fuckin weenie one more question reeeeee
good luck, and god bless you
Thanks for the time, keep fighting.
Hey op. I have listened to enough of bannons speeches to know you are totally full of shit beyond redemption.
Your tell was your obvious alt shite kike hatred.
Bannon is mainly funded by hard right zionists and has been for a long time. He is the only one on the right wing who would publish something that is pro palestinian genocide and not get in trouble for it.
You larp in here pretending he is richard spencer and he wants a neo-roman empire is hysterical and dumb. If anything you are one of richard spencers dumb faggot roomates who has yet to learn of his degenerate alcoholism and empty worldview.
Thread rating :fake and gay
bannon is washed up , breitbart was removed from the white house because bannon is a stuttering drunk without a coherent vision. If you listen to any of his "debates" you would know he is mitt romney coated in some nationalist honey.
" Z "
oh wow we are seeing part 2 of the "q" larp
"i cant believe these dumb faggots believe this shit" edition
>American Dharma
> zionist facehugger
well fuck me that was worth staying up late to read. god bless, user
did you even stop to remember that bannon opened a breitbart office in fucking tel aviv and is mainly financed by hard right zionists and has never once allowed anything critical of israel to be published on his site
did you ever ask yourself that before reading this obvious larp
its actually fascinating how fucking dumb the people in this thread are.
This is exactly how psyops like Qanon start. People just assume nobody would lie on the internet for attention.
This story is so retarded its funny. Only morons would believe it. and wouldnt you know it. here they are in this thread
Bannon and Salvini, did they really have a falling out?
Larp or not, thank you for the morale boost
Why do you support a jew puppet don't you aspire for more in life?
Fuck Bannon. Are you /ourguy/ though?
>im not allowed at liberty to discuss.
What did he mean by this?
why is your boss a niggerfaggot?
how many times has he sucked bibi’s dick?
Why do you feel the need to LARP on Jow Forums?
Q is no LARP. This faggot, therefore, is.
why is he anti-White, i.e. pro White genocide?
No questions for him, just let him know that he is missed.
I don’t even think it’s the boomers. A lot of what you see here is paid content whether you realize it or not. I won’t say more than that.