Roastie self toasts

roastie auto-toasts, has a moment of clarity post new year, realizes she wasted her life getting gaped, slammed, glazed, pumped, spit-roasted, so pops herself in the toaster

her trotsky jew husband dumped her because she had hit the wall LOL and she was childless, eggless, alone, and with a dessicated womb,

eat, love, pray

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Other urls found in this thread:

you're going to die alone and childless just like her, the difference is she had sex

Take it to Jow Forums loser.

You should be sad and mad a good looking white women was brainwashed to waste her life on meaningless shit instead of creating a lovely family. White people are fucked because white men do nothing to protect their women and children

She wasted her life, user. Imagine all the good looking white kids she could have made

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Angry roastie flaps her beef curtains in anger

There's nothing to protect. Women must learn the hard way that this whole sexual liberation and female empowerment shit is cancer. This is only filtering out the pieces of shit. For every story like this there's 10 white women who are creating a lovely family.

>The Australian model split from her stockbroker husband Danny Goldberg in April after 16 years together. At the time, in a deleted Instagram post, she wrote: “I don’t know if a broken heart mends or learns to live in pieces”.

Suck shit cunt, fucked heaps of sluts when younger, have 2 kids, yes oldfag

it fills my heart with joy, and the love of jebus, to see roastie's experiencing harrowing pain and anguish when finally unable to escape the consequences of their decisions, to realize that they were willing participants in the prostitution of their own lives

>lying on the internet
if you had a family and weren't a handholdless virgin you wouldn't be so obsessed with roesties and their life choices.

>For every story like this there's 10 white women who are creating a lovely family.
if that was true our birthrate would not be low and single mother households would be an extreme minority

t h i s

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Expect a sharp spike in the female suicide rate in the coming decades, as the lonely cat ladies off themselves.

Shes probably a Gold Digger Whore with a Shitty Lawyer

T. Feminist.

Soon we will fix this empty capitalistic materialistic agenda that's being pushed and return back to traditional,family and community values.

>At the time [of moving into her new apartment in late 2017] she told the Sun-Herald she was focusing on her work and her pet cat Frankie and “moving forward with her life”.
Exactly as the roastie prophecy foretells.

just look at the little rat, all jews just want shiksas.

perhaps the USD should be backed by white wimminz, since white wimminz seem to be the most lusted after commodity on the planet, every swarthoid and kike and shitskin and poo and ape have one dream to get a blond white wimminz to punch their validity as a human card

imagine all the eyes wide shut type parties he dragged her to, the debased shit she did that he had her convinced was normal, being shat on, fucking walruses LOL

the jew probably has a new model blond shiksa already, low mileage, un gaped, all gaskets in place and not blown out, which warped her little hamster mind


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Kind of sad senpai

>kills self
How pathetic do you have to be? Even a million dollars would solve every issue I face at this very moment, and I'd still have enough to live a comfortable 10-15 years.

LOL whatever helps you sleep at night

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Show fits with tinestamp you fucking degenerate cunt

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>USD should be backed by white wimminz, since white wimminz seem to be the most lusted after commodity on the planet, every swarthoid and kike and shitskin and poo and ape have one dream to get a blond white wimminz to punch their validity as a human card

Very accurate, Bruce

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Incels BTFO

Wtf no details on the death. This post is homosexual and op is faggot.

what does this Jow Forums incel shit have to do with politics


Hear that? Thats the sound of roast beef curtains getting blown around by furious hot air.

They don't want to be protected. They wanted liberation. Men can not take charge and return things to order because the laws and the state are prohibitive to the natural patriarchy which should govern the home and the country. The laws cannot be changed because women have the vote. After the inevitable collapse that will come in part as a result of female suffrage, sexual liberation, and women in the workplace - Men will naturally put an end to this nonsense and return things, including women, to their natural order.

Is there a way I can make money off this coming trend in the stock market? What should I invest in?

Invest in Pet/Cat food & toy companies user

It's the allure of fame, which we all have anonymously.

>The Australian model split from her stockbroker husband Danny Goldberg in April after 16 years together. At the time, in a deleted Instagram post, she wrote: “I don’t know if a broken heart mends or learns to live in pieces”.


>They don't want to be protected. They wanted liberation
About half of them didn't in the US, it was (((progressive))) men that pushed for women's suffrage in order to get a new voting block.

>women are independent creature
>women should follow their own career and willpower
>women should stop relying on men
>women hits wall
>has mediocre skills at any job 0 will power
>has 0 fertile ovaries
>why are there no men to look after me
Jews are jewing women and niggers to oblivion. All of that is happening to men are they are improving their game. lmao

Nah cunt, other women need examples of what not to do, and why. And they'll get them.


Fuck off jew.

Not the dude ur talking to but i can tell hes honest from his tone.

Whereas you... i dunno how the fuck you think youve earned your pay today. Fucking worst shill 2019 memeflagger

This is peak incel post.

>split from her husband in April
And yet another dumb roastie learns the hard way that the positivity brought into her life by a man is a hard thing to live without.

At the time she told the Sun-Herald she was focusing on her work and her pet cat Frankie and “moving forward with her life”.

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>it fills my heart with joy, and the love of jebus, to see roastie's experiencing harrowing pain and anguish when finally unable to escape the consequences of their decisions, to realize that they were willing participants in the prostitution of their own lives

She was married for 16 years, what the fuck are you talking about?

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wait did she not have kids during that 16 year marriage?

Just because someones a woman doesnt mean they were dumb or a whore and deserve to die. Only verified liberals have it coming and it includes men.

fuck off you reddit retards

Heh weird i saw this lady in bondi junction a couple of times must have been 20+ years ago now. Think she used to wear a cowboy hat or something

Tits or GTFO.

Blondes truly are stupid it seems.

you mean women

Most of this roasties are blondes.
It's always some or arabic/turkish dumb bitch that gets into this type of situation.

I never saw a Indian or Asian girl/woman getting into this type of situations.

>in mass

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>the jewellery creator, lingerie designer and health guru hadn’t been heard from for a few days

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Stfu. Some of us dont go to those shit boards so from time to time its nice to receive good news that put a smile on our faces on Jow Forums

>basically all the meme jobs of an insta hoe

Annalise Brapinsack. I heard she went the dutch oven and asphyxiated on her own farts. Can anyone confirm?

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if those 16 years were so fulfilling then why'd she stuff herself in the microwave, dumbass

she wasted her life living a lie,and couldn't cope with that reality after trotsky dumped her at the animal shelter and got himself a new shiksa

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>[roast beef sounds]

It's remarkably unsurprising to read this news.

When someone is valued for their beauty as a bikini model and their social life is publicised through shit newspapers and women's magazines, and they enter a neverending decline in both their looks and their marketability ie nobody gives a shit that they attended the launch party for the all-new Audi A3 Sportback, it's hard to imagine another way out than suicide. Congratulations on ending your suffering Annalise, you're a hero to many young women that won't be making the same vapid mistakes you had.

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> *tips*
This. So much this. A man is someone who is there to never tire and always be strong - to pick up the pieces because he knows all women could be his sister, his mother or his daughter. *claps* how many times do we need to be told REAL MEN STEP UP. They see your best you and help enrich your life rather than control it. They look FORWARD not backwards and make you forget all those f*ckboys. All incels here could have turned out differently if they hadn't been such losers in school, sorry not sorry Becky wouldn't let you stare at her in class.

>The Australian model split from her stockbroker husband Danny Goldberg
Every. Single. Time.
It's not even funny anymore

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>one obviously fake profile, one obvious white trash girl with an IQ of about 90, and two post-wall roasties fishing for any dick they can possibly get for the ego boost
wow this proves so much...

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Where would there be a good source to check on that ?

Charities or services that provide for lonely old people. There'll be an epidemic.

I'm waiting for the time when after a huge spike in cat lady suicides, a prominent feminist says "we were wrong"......I give it sometime between here and eternity.....actually probably just after

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Whatever helps you sleep at night you bluepilled homo

>call someone bluepilled for simply correctly interpreting something
I understand the nature of women
you're probably an incel
simple truths, lad

>Le incel meme

>anyone who disagrees with my opinions MUST BE A WOMAN
*soft kek*

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Exactly right. Don't spend too much time in front of the mirror, kids. You better have something else going for you than muh looks.

Sold her beauty to make millions and validated her life living on the arm of some guy who clearly only wanted her for her looks.

She could have just found a good man, settled down, had some kids and raised them in a loving family. Promoting healthy lifestyle, what a joke, you're promoting a shallow existence, being alone with a cat. Real healthy...

The problem is, she is dressing and acting like she is in her early 20's. She probably woke up one day and saw an old lady... By now she should be dressing modestly and maybe moving on to mature things like raising a family or whatever

>raising a family at 45
Her family shouldve been raised and graduated at that age.

>incel who thinks all women are porn stars yet somehow they cant get any action

T. proud incel

>leftwing retard who repeats what he’s been told to think because he can’t think for himself

Im 28 and had sex with probably over 60-70 women

Ever thought about banging young chicks?


Very good

are you by chance a woman, or a very feminine man?

Imagine the smell:
The 46-year-old was found dead inside her Potts Point home at 3.30pm on Sunday, but friends said she had stopped replying to their texts on Thursday.

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He loves gape.

Shit I remember her from Pizza back in the day. Not surprised she ended up topping herself to be honest.

from her instagram. left or right?

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>I couldn't be wrong!

You got a lot of beef

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Who spends 16 years in a relationship and doesn't get pregnant?

>When she bought the Victoria Rd property, she talked about plans to decorate in her signature style
Didn't know her signature style was blood. Pathetic.

Why do you not pity her?
She is a true victim of jewry. Our generation had the internet to pass information.
The gen before us had nothing to break the conditioning.

These are our people. Pity those that have fallen into Jew schemes, for they shall not be remembered.

Fucken /pol, everytime

Why don't men go for non vapid women and not chase after looks? Why care about this one?

>Why do you not pity her?
I'm a single virgin woman who's never been on a date in a relationship and wants to get married, would do my very best to support a man but they're too busy thinking about how they could have gotten with a dead aussie model. I have pity when she gets mens attention even in death.

>the difference is she had sex
And why should this cause butthurt?
Better to be a virgin than get drilled by jew cock, only to end up committing suicide.

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i can guarantee you looking at her wrinkled leather tanned skin, fake blond hair, caked makeup, and general facial features and definitely plastic surgery on her face, that she has been through so many cocks that shes basically desensitized to it and can only get off by being gang raped by multiple niggers. Of course when they get to that stage, they dont usually seek out niggers gang banging them, because they have a small shred of self-respect left, so they instead blame men for "slut shaming" them, and often resort to suicide.

Its a slippery slope to becoming a numb cum-bucket washed up old whore. Sclomo in hollywood is deliberately promoting that with Katey perry and lana del ray, arianda grande whores that sing "woo oh oh let me lick your lolipop woo ohh yea.
Priming young 14 year old white girls to start fucking black guys at an early age and polenesians etc. We literally need only 1000 white men with nothing to lose in the streets to fix our societies. And imagine the copy cat domino effect that would have upon other western nations.
Lets light the tinderbox match here down under cunts. Im over this shit and am ready to snap.
White society is at the very lowest possible level with degeneracy, race mixing, white decline, mass migration, kikes syphoning our money etc that our forefathers and enoch powell couldnt imagine in their wildest nightmares.

fuck that for a joke.

fuck is she the claudia bird from fat pizza?

Get off my board you fucking roastie sluts.
You especially cunt.

fuck it is too, she hit the wall HARD

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Does St Agnes brandy have shares?