Can someone please redpill me on this nigger? I literally know nothing about this guy and not only am I too lazy to read about him myself, I wanna know what you guys think about Malcolm X
Malcolm X
He's that nigger that most ghetto chimps look up to. They say it's martain Luther but it's really this Muslim cuck.
Yeah but why, tho?
He went around telling niggers if they wanted to make something of themselves they would have to work hard to achieve it. And they killed him.
Based black man.
Superior than Martin Luther KANG in every way, wanted black and whites to live separately and rejected integration.
Most based nigger ever. Actually worth listening to. Fully redpilled on the jews and hitler. Just wanted a separate nation for blacks (ethnostate)
Only civil rights nigger that Jow Forums could respect if it wasn’t 100% close minded.
He was based, and though he and Rockwell didn't like each other, Rockwell at least respected Malcolm X and they both essentially had the same ideals for how blacks and whites should live, separate and away from each other.
Jow Forums will spout memes about him because they never read the book. I have. In reality he commented how he though Rockwell was "crazy". and after he left the Nation of Islam he started caring less about race and more about Islam, eve commenting how he saw people of all races, even blue eyed blonde men on his trip to Mecca, and how it made him realize that through Islam was a method for the races to live in peace together. The only "redpilled" thing about him was how he was antisemitic and criticized the Jews for using the blacks to divert white attention away from them until the end. Also he blacked a white girl and was 6'4" so not a manlet
tldr; he was a 20th century black nationalist turned hardcore Muslim who was a pretty smart and interesting guy, literally more Übermensch than 99% of Jow Forums
hes based. him and his followers listened to open american national socialist George Lincoln Rockwell deliver a speech and had no problem with what he said.
He was quite red pilled on the jews
He wasn’t black and he wasn’t a he. He was a crisis actor tranny pur on by the masons.
>and how it made him realize that through Islam was a method for the races to live in peace together.
Wrong. He had foregone conclusions about Islam that he discovered were wrong when he went to Mecca. He and his party had the cash on hand to enjoy the best accommodations there, but they were relegated to the peasant accommodations because they were black and Arabs despise blacks.
A rich man’s MLK.
That being said, what's the final redpill on MLK? Someone told me he was a conservative that was against gay marriage but I find that hard to believe
he cute
I listened to some of his speeches, they're alright but he's mostly preaching to blacks so it can be hard to relate sometimes
he calls out the jews though
He was part scots? Had somewhat reddish hair.
It's very simple.Just a plain nigger the attention he gets is because of cucked white men that love respecting alpha niggers.
>"Oh Malcolm you saying false shit about slavery and racism is so based."
Also he's actually a white man born from a black woman.He has more white blood than black which is where his sense of freedom comes from.
Literally a nigger that didn't want to sit at the back of the bus.
Wat da fuk is wrong with u this ain't reddit
He's like Black Magneto idealogically, oppossed to MLK who is like Prof. X
He was a Muslim, and took a militant stance against white people in order to get "rights."
Never trust a towel head. Only good thing about him is that he knew about the Jews.
He was a faggot