Why is Jow Forums so racist? I think we need a Civil Rights Movement on Jow Forums to end all of this racism.
Jow Forums Civil Rights Movement
get a rope
What are you hiding there rabbi? Your nose is showing
see these posts prove the need for a civil rights movement
but what if racism is actually a jewish construct
Remove flag please.
what does my flag have to do with anything?
Remove flag chimpo
1982 thumb wrestling world championship pin?
>What does my flag have to do with anything?
Because we know you're a filthy kike.
how does opposing racism make me a jew?
Because jews were the ones who only supported civil rights for blacks.
dude i can just use inspect element
the jews created slavery and racism actually, why would you want to see a man suffer because of his race? are you a sadist?
Did you get special classes from the JIDF about changing subjects?
you are jidf
Boy you literally hide under a memeflag and change subjects when someone mentions jews
If niggers weren't such violent murderous chimps on average we might could get along.