Why am I the only one that has noticed this? It was mentioned on CNN that day, but everybody seems to have forgotten about pic related.
9/11 what really happened
Other urls found in this thread:
What are we looking at OP?
Seems like papers
>debris falling from a building that just got a plane flown into it
shocking stuff
fuck off kike
What the fuck are we looking at?
There’s a merchant in there somewhere. Change my mind.
Based OP
Are you all fucking blind and retarded?
are those galaxies?
you usually can't see those during the day
holy fuck everytime i open this fucking board i immediately just fucking close it. i cant wait until the weather gets warms and i start doing productive shit. i think im going to do some exercises right now instead of sitting on here nice job jews
I don't like the fact I can't enter threads on Trump or 9/11 without the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet congregating there. Drop the "truther" bullshit and spend the time reading this memorandum instead. Most of you faggots are /x/ tier.
Wew lad. It's obviously Mohammad Bin Atta's passport falling from the sky.
Do you believe Atta was on the plane or not?
The degree at which paper catches fire and burns
but not on 911
what exactly accounts for all of this paper tumbling down the streets...
Microwave Weaponry would be a guess.
These fucking kikes. Everytime, everytime someone helps them, they backstab soon after. If it weren't for Christians, Jews would have been wiped out 70 years ago. The French wouldn't have hid them and the UK and US wouldn't have created Israel. If it weren't for the religious US zealots and their funding, Israel would've been btfo by any surrounding country since 1947.
The existence and prosperity of Jews and the Jewish state is directly and only due to Christians being kind. I personally hate Christians who support Israel, fuck 'em.
It isn't as simple as that.
You say Israel as if every citizen born there arbitrarily supports the military industrial complex which simply isn't true.
In fact some religious Jews believe the Torah forbids Political Zionism...
Maybe this is all a metaphor for God's relationship to the world.
It's a leaf thread, what did you expect? Sage.
bump because i'm confused.
please explain.
nobody cares
both kinds of jews are cancer, no one cares if you hate eachother while both still wants to fuck the rest of the world
nobody cares if 2 muslims hate eachother as long as they dont go aloha snackbar in my country
nobody cares if a brazilian ape hates another kind of ape as long as we arent in your country stealing your shit and raping your daughter right?!
so fuck off with that strawman binary bullshit trying to pretend 'some' jews are nice because they hate other jews
fuck you, all kinds of jews are harmful to the rest of the world and you'll hang for it
what's this
You are a low IQ apathetic pleb
It is YOU who is the scourge
What? It’s just debris falling from the building. Not exactly a conspiracy theory
2/10 for making me reply and look at that picture for more than 5 seconds
How to get attention on your shitpost:
1. Be vague
2. Make noobs feel like they are missing out on some secret knowledge
3. They bump for you
4. Your faggot thread floats on top of the board for hours
Kill yourselves
Mossad aided 9/11
Paper don't have to burn when its blown the fuck out of a window by impact pressure
Mossad doesnt exxist
Mossad did 9/11.
hmmm someone drew a red circle next to 9/11. very interesting op, ur not an idiot and a stupid fucking cunt like everyone else in ur awful thread is saying. you have a very valid point. why would someone draw a red circle
saged and reported
Im your scourge
and there are more like me growing each and every day
and there is nothing you can do about it
you lost control of the narrative
you lost control of the population
all you can do is cry about it like a faggot and you still dont see the irony that everytime you cry, it opens up the eyes of a bunch more like me
everytime you try to lie back into your old narrative, more and more like me get angry at you
more and more people are waking up
by the time you realize its best to shut the fuck up and lay low, it'll be too late, we'll have already spot you and be on our way for our 'reparations'
its over foreskin gobbler, cry or not, it doesnt matter
you cant stop it anymore
>Mossad agents caught recording the first plane striking the tower then dancing and celebrating the attack. later arrested in a van with traces of explosives
>Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
>9-11 Mossad 'Mural Van' - NYPD Radio Transmission
>9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
>The Zionist Jews Who Were Caught Celebrating 911 Attacks As While Occuring Are Caught Confessing 911 On Israeli TV
>Netanyahu Bragged He Has America Wrapped Around His Finger
>The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links
>9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad Involvement in Attacks
Troll thread
I am a Platonic Jew, we dont circumsize.
Anyway, do you think I care what a two bit CIA agent has to say?
>"If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region." -- Netanyahu, 2002
>Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday that Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq. "These are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve," Sharon said to a visiting delegation of American congressmen.
>Iraq Liberation Act was signed by Bill Clinton in 1998 to topple Saddam Hussein, as a response to pressure and open letter by Jewish neocons and Israel
>Israeli lobbyist in the American Jewish Congress calls for a new false flag attack to kick off the war between the West and Iran
doesnt matter at all what you have to say
you'll squeal like the pig you are
Take your meds
squeeeeeal piggie
The CIA would get a native english speaker or at least one that is totally fluent to shill these boards. He is neither, theres been some shilling going on about this subject lately. I think it has to do with the Grand Jury investigation that is coming up.
*pats your head*
Two planes with hundreds of thousands of pounds of fuel hit two buildings.
The two buildings eventually fell.
Stop being retarded.
Oh honey, you think I am a human?
lol, no.
I am a glow in the dark.
Simulated buildings fell
in a simulated world
with simulated planes
To Mandalay
you just wouldn't grasp it anyway
Your formatting is abhorrent, that's all I am totally sure of now.
Check it out.
What happened to wtc 7?
Do you think only 3 buildings collapsed on 911?
I thought it was closer to 8
shut the hell up you tea sipping faggot
I just wonder what happened to wtc 7 that caused it to collapse symmetrically at 9.8m/s2 for 2 seconds? Seems like there would have to be close to zero structural resistance for a free-fall collapse.
NIST claims that localized fires on floor 13 caused column 79 to fail causing the collapse of the core (somehow leaving intact the facade.) Then the outer latereal support structure fell at free-fall.
How can a single column failure cause the symmetrical free-fall of a building like wtc7?
Der Leaf: attempts to insult everyone on Jow Forums while providing no useful information. Insecurity is one hell of a drug.
Those sheets of paper are gigantic. Holograms confirmed.
Now there's been all these supposed leaks that are trying to claim that it was explosions from diesel fuel generators that caused the controlled demolition looking collapse of wtc 7.
Personally I believe this is damage control. I believe Hulseys finite element analysis is nearly finished and I believe that the whole house of cards is about to fall down.
(Pun intended.)
I am sipping tea as I type
NIST Report does not include data preceding *first impact*
thus rendering it redundant
The main data points are
No Seismic impact reflecting thousands of tonnes hitting the basin of New York
HAARP Alaska magnetometer dropping readings preceding first impact dropping sharply
just as hurricane erin turns off the coast of New York eastward on that morning 911
THESE data points, illustrate the exact weaponry used and who owns it
DARPA and Lockheed Martin
Who are Stephen Paddock's bitches
oh I see it now
aaay lmaos in their spaceship
Oh, disinfo hey?
Good day sir pleased to meet you, you may call me dispute.
It's simple newtonian physics to determine what it would take for wtc 7 to callapse as it did.
Not that we even need that, we can prove Conspiracy through PNAC, AIPAC, Neoconservatisms role in the war etc.
I'm glad you agree that the actual criminals behind 9/11 haven't faced justice. Let's bring them to justice together.
You might not realise it or it might be by design but you are helping the disinfo shills itt.
or maybe I don't care since we are in a troll thread
You dont think God played a role i this?
God let Satan do 911 to bring about the Messiah
you're a fucking faggot and you should kill yourself
We are in a thread OP started as a slide thread, we could drop actual 9/11 redpills here and salvage it.
Shiloh has cometh, the sceptre has departed. Rejoice for the promises have all been fulfilled, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
>links to wikipedia
wow how woke are you user.
keep dropping those redpills for everyone here who has already seen them dozens of times before
>Mossad aided 9/11
finally someone gets it right. it was a joint operation. american, british, israel, saudi intelligence.