How do we do it bros?

How do we do it bros?

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Ban rural and suburban retards.

population decline and urban decay will lead to reforestation

Say no to Jews

I wish I was joking

Fuck you tree hugger

Bottom looks cozy. Those houses are so big. So much space. Just look at the size of those roads, woah.

kill rich land developers and make faggot landlords in cities and urban areas produce actual rentable decent apartments instead of nothing but luxury condos only chinese can afford

Fuckk youuuu I want to protect the comfy English country side I don't want it to end up like Asia AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

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Unironically this

Fuck of cornfag
stop murdering the planet so you can have corn syrup in everything

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Stop immigration

It's not corn you mug
It's glorious wheat, sheep, cows. Jungles are just horrible malaria filled death zones. I agree we need to protect the pristine forest lands of europa

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What population decline? Globalists are importing more shitskins and somalis to breed like rabbits as we speak.

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Hey ladyboy, are there even suburbs in in your country?

stop people from breeding like rats and quit the jew materialist society shit and go back to hunter gatherer small towns etc.

also you forgot to mention about making women shut the fuck and not let them run anything or have any say in anything. most of the reason why the world is fucked is because women.

yes good goy fuck the jungle chop it down for muh palm oil, filthy gook

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"shut the fuck up*" i meant to say.

THIS. No forest, no ability to hunt for your own food and be a man. All city people are women. A man brings the food home. a city person waits for the big trucks to bring the food home. Hence all city people are women. The country is for real men.

true cities are for jew slaves

you can't, sorry
a global population reset/ extinction filter event could do this
this kind of event will happen, when is the question- not if

fuck you for not hugging trees

Trees call you a fag behind your back

Too right. Excessive tree growth is a luciferian plot known about since at least the 1960. Once Saturn is reached we will then know what to do.

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You have to genocide the current generation, then reeducate the new one.

no jungle is widerness. it must be protected along with taiga, reefs, pristine mountains, steppes...


depopulation :)

produce in the cities, do like us, maximum efficiency for minimum space. Then you can reforest and ban tourists from these places by making them nearly impossible to reach. Maybe meke them national parks or invent a new wilderness status.



regarding meat i'd say to eat less of it but to increase its quality by promoting more traditional shops (butchers, or small agricultors, maybe something that is raised in the city)

not in all countries. But in the west it is so and we must stop it.

— I just wanted to say, he said. Ireland, they say, has the honour of
being the only country which never persecuted the jews. Do you know that?
No. And do you know why?
He frowned sternly on the bright air.
— Why, sir? Stephen asked, beginning to smile.
— Because she never let them in, Mr Deasy said solemnly.
A coughball of laughter leaped from his throat dragging after it a rattling
chain of phlegm. He turned back quickly, coughing, laughing, his lifted arms
waving to the air.
— She never let them in, he cried again through his laughter as he
stamped on gaitered feet over the gravel of the path. That’s why.
On his wise shoulders through the checkerwork of leaves the sun flung
spangles, dancing coins.

- James Joyce, Ulysses

Fuck no, this is the only way to lower those sky high prices from boomers.

By getting rid of this.

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Or you can wait for them to die out. Shouldnt be long.

Population control dude. It's the only way ahhhh but humans just want to fuck all day and condoms suck. Suck it up, nature will die unless humans die first.

Stop giving money to charities to breed nogs.

Peasant rednecks are the worst

Carpet bomb the third world to stop population growth

>Ancient forests destroyed by farming
Why should we protect that shit?

>Kill third worlders
>This will stop western suburbs from existing

After the third world is empty the hyperborians can have their lebensraum. This will allow us to preserve mother EVROPA

looking at google maps satellite is a major blackpill. a 2 child policy should have been instituted globally hundreds of years ago