Ok, so I have a theory on Chads/Virgins and the like

Ok, so I have a theory on Chads/Virgins and the like.
I'm starting to feel that the "redpill" narrative of Chad fucking everything and not having to be smart/romantic/nice is flawed. I see examples everywhere of muscular jocks who have zero success with girls despite fitting the "Chad" description, and it may be because they are actually too shallow and emotionally stunted to attract women sexually.
I feel like what actually makes a girl wet for Chad is often the fact that he is intelligent, funny and maybe even romantic. Obviously, that's coupled with a strong personality and good looks, but the point is, it's probably more complicated than what 4channers think.
Your opinions? I also want femanons to weight in on this.

Attached: chad.png (1249x1520, 349K)

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>I'm starting to feel that the "redpill" narrative of Chad fucking everything and not having to be smart/romantic/nice is flawed
What a shocking revelation.

>I have a theory on Chads/virgins
I do too.
It's a bunch of horseshit cooked up by pink frilly pantywaists who can't nut up and take responsibility for their own failings and actions. Thus the label-- remove accountability, and now nobody has to take that responsibility. It's all because Chad is this omnipresent inhibitor and enemy.

It's fucking garbage man, there is no water to it unless you think like you're in high school. And a lot of Jow Forums does

>inb4 100 replies arguing about how women are the enemy and certain men are born with the secret cheat code to unlocking women

Well, I always thought incels avoiding responcibility and saying Chads are born like this was retarded. But what I'm saying is more aimed at anons who want to become Chad, but don't really get what "being Chad" means.
I'm sure a lot of guys think all it takes is a good physique and confidence, but what I'm saying is, maybe a Chad is something between a meathead and a virgin, someone who has good looks and a bit of arrogance, but at the same time doesn't supress his emotions and is smart and romantic.

honestly, have a personality and groom yourself, as simple as that. have some love and respect for yourself and someone will too, doesn't matter if you look like a chad or a virgin

Do Chads exist? Sure, but there are probably more people named Chad than there are "Chads."

Ideologies like "redpill" are too reductive to provide a nuanced understanding of human relationships.

They're the same people. People who shit on Chads and people who think all it takes is a hot bod and long dong to make girls go ga-ga. The truth is that they're people and some girls only go ga-ga if you're into their weird shit and some only go ga-ga if you're a certain race and so on and so forth.

It's the fundamental inability to register people as individuals plain and simple, and it's apparent in like every single thing they do and say. It's why so many of their threads are the exact same;
>Dear adv, I can't get women and it ails me
>"Then maybe you should improve"
>I'm already handsome and tall
>"Then it's your personality"
>I'm engaging, smart and understanding
>"Then maybe you need to choose different women"
>But I always go for any woman, tall or short, nerd or normies
>"Well you're the one here with the problem. So you tell us what's not adding up"
>You guys are just assholes feeding me bum advice

My roommate is 6’2’ and is in a top-tier frat at Florida State. Despite this, he’s a virgin at age 20.

I have met plenty of Chads who are into anime, video games, and experimental music. These guys have no problem fitting into society and banging sluts either.

Once you go outside, you’ll really see there’s no such thing as a Chad. It’s pretty dumb to generalize the infinite amount of variables that life contains.

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The most important thing in attracting women is to be interesting, and that can mean a lot of different things

You can be into painting, singing, science, music, dance, geography, anything, as long as your hobby isn't deranged and you're passionate about it, and you can talk about it without being a condescending ass, then people will usually appreciate how knowledgeable you are about it

Develop your interests into hobbies, meet people through them if possible, but focus on the self-development aspect of it all, neither women or men want to friends or partners with boring and shallow people

A sensible comment, rare in this cesspool of autism

>I'm starting to feel that the "redpill" narrative of Chad fucking everything and not having to be smart/romantic/nice is flawed

really the internet theory put forward by incel retards on Jow Forums based on the once scene from The Matrix is falling apart at the seams with a little bit of critical thinking and real-world observation? color me surprised

next think you know, you'll find out that "females" don't prefer "badboys"

I was friends with a "Chad" in college years for a while in the sense that he was charming and good-looking and physically well built and listened to like top 40 rap music and went out to clubs on weekends and had a gf and everything and if I posted a picture of him on r9k people would REEEEE in unison. He also spent most of his high school years being bullied and is secretly a big video game fan. Not like NBA games on XBox either, this guy has more Steam hours logged in than I do.

I also would personally be described as a Chad by virtue of me having had sex as early as 17 and being in threesomes and stealing a guy's girlfriend away from him and everything but I'm also a skinny introvert who's into anime.

Any social theories that come out of Jow Forums are just retarded high school memes that fit the incel narrative

Great post, I really love the sincerity of Jow Forums sometimes.

Well, I do think women prefer badboys. I don't see why not. It's just that being a badboy and being a dick are different things.

What if everyone has a Chad and a Virgin inside themselves? Isn't it all just new wave Freud?

Sure it's frustrating feeling like a background character in our own lives. To overcome that, we must take action!

Neither the Chad approach nor the Virgin approach to life is enough. Become both, become neither, whatever guides you to step forward and take responsibility for your own life.

no girl over the age of 16 prefers a "badboy" I'm starting to think that the only people who believe in the bad boy theory are poor suckers who paid for PUA seminars and patreon videos where they're told that bitches love to get smacked on the ass as a way of saying hi to them and get negged on or whatever

Women prefer men who take action.
Men prefer women who take action.

Bad boys can't necessarily rest on their charm to skate through life. The Badboy mode isn't sustainable.

>Fuck the police, that's why I don't have a job
Great, let's live in the sewers together

>Let's break all the laws
Cool, I'll get to spend time with you with glass between us... when I visit you in the pen

Some women like risk-takers. Same with some men. It's all so subjective...

LOL what you're doing is called cope. You also refer to the Chad description as being muscular jocks. When in reality, you are seeing gymcels.

Remember, it's all about the face. Lifting can't improve the face. If you got a face 8/10 or higher you are a Chad. Anything sub 8 you are subhuman and women are only dating you for your resources or until something better comes along.

You are actually retarded.

I'll give you the ultimate secret for having girls be interested in you.

Be interesting.

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Guys who work out a lot to compensate for their self esteem issues are not Chad

Mega cope

Do you ever wonder why women say so many men are creepy? it goes back to cavemen days when men just walked around and had sex with women regardless if the woman wanted it or not. Sure, she would hunt for caveman Chad, but if a 5'6" manlet came around and he decided to breed her, she probably couldn't stop it.

Fast forward a million years and now women are "creeped out" by sub 8 men because of the instinct built up over time from them.


LOL what kind of autist shit is this?

Women get creeped out by the guys who look at them who have no business look at them. It's pretty simple.

Attraction and physical appearance is a lot more than how you look or if you Jow Forums or not.

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For example.

When you look at a woman, how is her hair done? Is a woman going to speak to you if she has an obvious $100 color job and cut with you rocking your $8 great clips cut? No way.

Does she have perfect skin? Do you even wash your back when you shower?

Are her clothes nice and neat? Did yours sit in the dyer for 3 days before you wore it?

Think about it.

Nice generalizations fag

The Chads/Virgins theory is not complete bullshit, but Jow Forums being Jow Forums has no idea what the fuck makes a chad or a virgin. They are certainly sexworthy guys that get a whole lot more pussy than normal guys. By the way, those "chads" have no idea how they really attract chicks, they are mostly naturals who just do it on instinct. Then there are all the other guys who are unable to do so naturally and so only attract women through luck, or women choosing them. Now some of those women (not at all the majority) marry a financially secure, nice, loyal guy and then cheat on him with the "chads". Those normal guys can be jacked, rich, good looking or whatever. The vast majority of women are attracted by certain personality traits and social status. And then there are just virgins who are completly unattractive.
But well, thats just my opinion really. I've met alot of those naturals and they all seem very similar when it comes to some personality traits. They are very nice(don't confuse that with being a pussy), are very leading, very confident and almost have no filter, always saying whats on their mind.

I ain't wrong.

The Chad archtype is the leader archtype. Leaders are smart, and they get along with most people. A lot of people on Jow Forums and Jow Forums have probably confused "Chad" with douchebags, who aren't really leaders so much as they're aggressive and uninhibited.

But what happens when society has been corrupted, and women think they should be able to fuck the badboy, while also being able to maintain a relationship with a responsible "boring" guy?

As someone who has bounced around from doing bad shit to being relatively "nice", it definitely seems like I got more women when I was acting like an asshole. But what do I know, I am socially-inept.

Your devotion to incel beliefs are on the level of a religious zealot.

You're bothered because I speak the truth.

How many men have you heard say "that girl is creepy"? Versus how many women say it about men.

Men are programmed to breed as many women as possible and will perform mental gymnastics to bang almost any girl regardless of how ugly she is.

Women are programmed to pick the best genes available. Which is around 6'1" in height and chiseled face. Excellent jawline, hunter eyes etc. Anything below this is considered bad genetics and she doesnt want to pass that on to her offspring. It's simple science really. Women no longer have a reason to fear sub 8 men because rapes are not as prevalent as in the stone age. But their base instinct still make them fear sub 8's.

I’ve definitely heard “that girl is creepy/awkward” plenty of times before dude. You’re creating these absolutely insane claims based 100% on your sheltered life. It’s just getting embarrassing now.

Lots of times, actually. The people on my dorm floor in college had a codeword for her because she was batshit insane and tried to always get up in people's business completely uninvited. She was taking a lot of pills and also liked to drink...a lot. Either way, creepy as fuck. Also, while I wouldn't necessarily call a lot of women creepy, I would definitely describe a lot of women as cringy or scary crazy. Ive shot down religious girls, drug abusers, brazen criminals, sociopaths, and overbearingly controlling women. Females can easily be fucking weird but men enable their behavior because we're so focused on getting our dick wet that we don't quite think about the brain attached to the body we're fucking.

The fact that you've put this much thought into a meme that doesn't exist in real life is troubling.
Nigga, you know as much about evolutionary biology as my cat knows about trigonometry. Stop trying to peddle your bullshit autist theories as scientific fact.

>muh enlightened biology
Grow up

>It's simple science really.

You're simple. You sound like an alien or a defective robot trying to describe human relations to your brethren back on planet incel. BEEP BOOP BOP THE HUMAN FEMALE CAVEWOMAN MUST REPLICATE HER GENES THIS IS WHY I AM LONELY ERROR ERROR ERROR

I've turned down loads of girls because they weren't attractive and/or they had an obvious crazy or creepy vibe to them. Hell if you hang out on this board long enough you'll see the "red flag for women" thread that is just dudes listing everything about women.

You mean lies. Everything you said is an incel cult lie. But you are so far indoctrinated that no amount of facts or logic will reach out to you.

Your only hope of being cured is to get over your fears and read the stories of former incels and how they were able to leave their cult.

There far more 6'1" virgins than 5'8" virgins. Your theory doesn't stand up to reality.

Post facts then. I can post numerous studies from Tinder and OKC but I'm sure you are already familiar with them. But you can't dispute them. You just sperg out.

>I can post numerous studies from Tinder and OKC but I'm sure you are already familiar with them.

and what makes you think that studies from meme apps are a reflection of reality?

Those "numerous studies" are always the same links to incel blogs that have made up studies. We have seen them a million times. They are completely made up but you believe them because your incel cult tells you to.

But you know this, and are desperately clinging onto your incel cult beliefs to try to avoid responsibility. You could get a gf and sex if you wanted to, but you instead resort to excuses and lies.

I left this thread a while ago and I see it hasn't moved anywhere. We're exactly where we started, "some people will never work to improve their lot and will instead constantly chase things that don't exist"


the kind of person girls are attracted to and it has little to do with looks and almost entirely personality and social status,if you are an emotionally stunted fag who just lifts you will never get girls the guy who is funny has a lot of friends and low inhibitions is the real mass slayer chad looks + job status is an addon to those they may get you some girls here and there a couple times a year at best


you used your brain and didn't let a grossly oversimplified meme perpetuated by angry and desperate people determine your outlook on life.

there is hope for you yet user!

If only more than like two active posters would do that at any given time

It's almost as if the people who push the "chads are assholes" narrative are bitter virgins in denial...

Really makes you think......


Read and weep

black pill 101
most people are assholes and that includes you

Doesn’t matter if they’re not successful. They once fucked our wives when they were young. Now that our wives are done with passionate sex, they settle with us and leave chads who are (presumably) poor now. But someday maybe our wives fuck a chad again once in a while behind us.

They only have sex with us when they’re not horny.

Nothing in there touches penis size so I don’t care. This is me talking as a good looking southeast asian manlet. Nothing bothers me, except penis size.

>they settle with us

The ultimate incel power trip fantasy that actually doesn't happen alongside becoming Chad's boss.

It makes me weep that there are incels who are so stupid that they actually believe any completely made up lies as long as it fits their cult beliefs. You are a cultist, a low intelligence drone.

Incels are highly intelligent

It's all sourced. If you have anything to contrary, please post it and a source and have a discussion instead of name calling.

It's an illusion, just like all these broad-reaching identities. You are data within a parameter of physical space but you may alter a great deal of that and even much of the physical space around you. This is mutually achievable between you and other people.

If you want to connect to people, objectify people objectively, including yourself.

You do not understand what "sourced" is. These incel cult pastas are either completely made up and saying "source gssm no I'm not going to tell you which part even though they don't have the data I say I use" or "this graph of prices of butter in Maine 100% prove my incel beliefs".

If incels could be educated about what an actual scientific study is they would leave their cult immediately.

Show me just one incel who has an IQ of above 100.

they are sourced on the bottom of each picture. now do you have a source or not?

Attached: 0ao3d411q5g11.png (989x2000, 395K)

Do you understand what source means? It's not a link to an incel blog or "hurr the data is here trust me". Incels do not understand science.

it's not an incel blog. i've said this numerous times now. at the bottom of each of those pics are sources to different research. Jesus, I'll post a link from livescience since you're too stupid to see the links at the bottom of the pics.


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p 2

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p 4

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here you go brainlet

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The entire "asshole jocks get all the gurls" is perma virgin projection.

Some people are genetic trash while others are basically genetically elite. There is a notion pushed by character design that somehow you cant be smart, fit, funny, and nice at the same time. Its just untrue. Its not that hard, take anyone who is nice and studies. They give up thirtey minutes of vidya for thirtey minutes of exercise and wow, they are exactly who they were but now fit and probably more confident.

You will meet people who are utter trash both on a genetic and personal level. Chads also have better personalities. Chads can even be introverts, but will still have better personalities.

Regardless, I know a guy who is full on autism. When he gets nervous he has to honk like a duck. He cant lift more that thirty ponds, his joints are as weak as an elderly man, he has to hack up boogers at least once an hour loudly. He also has a greasy dork face.

He has a decent gf, because hes a decent person. So what the fuck is anyones excuse for not being able to get a gf? The man... Honks... Like... A duck. And basically hes getting laid more than most of adv.

I used to respond a lot to the "waah I'm short, I'll never get a girlfriend" by relating the example of one of my friends, who is a skinny, well under 5 foot Asian man. He is one of the most successful men I know with women. He could have decided to get into and stay in a long term relationship, but dude's a serial dater. He always has a girlfriend, and usually doesn't stay with them all that long because he drops them when he meets another one that he wants to chase.

He's very self-effacing, very non-aggressive (obviously, because literally 99.99% of the world could beat him up, including women and children), he doesn't have a great job, and he doesn't have a big dick. This is in the USA, by the way, not somewhere in Asia where women are limited to only being able to date Asian guys.

I agree with you entirely. Personality probably means more than anything else in being able to create and maintain a meaningful romantic relationship.

The redpill people have created a bubble for themselves in order to avoid accepting that their attitudes and behavior are the reason why they fail at romantic relationships. Expecting them to be able to think rationally while they're so heavily investing in the belief of "it's nothing to do with me" is useless.

"Proof" that a statistical study defines "all women" is just one facet of this irrational thinking. Statistics obviously do not define individuals. Statistics are an aggregation of information ABOUT individuals, but even when statistics indicate that "most" people have this or that preference, there are still literally millions of individuals to whom that does not apply. And that's even assuming that these statistical studies are actually valid in the first place.

The problem is not that you are questioning the validity of the meme. The problem is that you believe that a meme is real life.

>he fell for the chad meme

It's useless to try to reason with incels. They are too deep into their hivemind brainwashing.

I don't know if it's because I live in Brazil and people are different here, culturally and genetically, than in other parts of the world (specially US, because you guys export your culture to everywhere and it's easier to compare with you), but I don't think it's a matter of being more complicated or simple, but being different than what common sense tells.
I see tons of counter-examples here to the whole theory. I know guys who are balding, some who are short, some who are ugly who get sex on the regular. And I am not talking about just dating, but having one night stands as well. This is something that should be paid attention to, "attractive" can mean lots of things, there is affection like wanting to hug and take care of someone the same way you'd hug a puppy and there is sexual attraction which is about how much someone makes you horny or stimulates your sexual fantasies or something alike. I see lots of words like "attractive" tossed around without any concrete meaning and that can have completely different meaning for different people in such a way nobody is really communicating, but only thinking they are. Which hurts giving advice.
I could go on and on about what I think on this subject. But I'd summarize as the following:
Sex is an immoral act (there are tons of fetishes which are example of that) in itself and what makes you sexually appealing is either being threatening or threatened, abusive or abused. As a man, you are more prone to being attractive by being threatening as women hardly ever see themselves as the bad people or capable of being bad. Women who are really into femdom though could want to "abuse" you, but you probably have to act stereotypically weak, like this virgin innocent naive shy kind of guy, and this women are rarer. In this sense, dating could also help, cause it goes like this "he takes care of me and seems to love me so much, why does he want to stick that stiff thing inside me? ;_;" in her unconscious mind.

This might also give a hint on why women say X and do Y.