Vaginal bleeding

I was rubbing my clit with a vibrator yesterday and today I'm bleeding. It's not a lot of blood, looks like pink-ish discharge. I've read that it could have to do with tear inside the vagina. I was diagnosed with non cancerous HPV a few months ago so I'm wondering if that could be the cause since I'm contracting the area? I started a new job so I can't really ask for a sick day yet. Any advice?

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This is Jow Forums, we don't know anything about that.

hmm yes we could help op, post some pics of your pussy to give us a better understanding of the situation.

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Femanon with a little bit of medical knowledge here. I'd give it 24 hours. See if there's improvement, and if not, get checked out. Then see if it's a recurring issue. I don't think there's cause for alarm at the moment.

yes but wouldn't you agree a visual inspection would more user????

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It's a blueboard user

Thanks. What if I'm getting aroused all the time? I think I'm masturbating too much even though I'm not insetrting anything (at least not more than 2 inches in). I think that may be a cause for the bleeding today.

we can move this to a non blue board if you'd like user~

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Since the bleeding is internal, you wouldn't be able to see anything of value anyways. You'd need a speculum, which I doubt OP has or would be willing to use if they did. Nice try!

That's possible, especially if something is making your skin more tender than usual.

Do you often get yeast infections? Is your vaginal area itchy? Does the skin sometimes get small papercut-like tears if it stretches too far?

Are you a virgin? If you insert even a little bit there can be some bleeding, it’s happened to me before when I masturbate a little too vigorously.

No to all 3. How often is it okay to do it? I'm ovulating so I'm assuming that's part of it.

I'm not a virgin I'm also not moving it a lot inside since it's a small bean shaped vibrator. I mostly just rub it around and on my clit.

Sometimes you can bleed a very tiny bit when ovulating, but it's usually just a small spot.

Is your cycle irregular?

Not really. I never really bleed between periods. I'm also not sexually active at the moment. My last gyn visit was like 5 months ago which is when I was diagnosed with hpv. Other than that everything else was fine.

You might want to get re-evaluated, then. It would really suck if this was because the HPV suddenly went aggressive.

See if the bleeding happens again or worsens. if so, you should get it looked at. Better safe, you know?

Vaginas love to bleed.

Had sex? Bleeds.
Period? Bleeds.
Bad mood? Bleeds.
Havent had sex? Bleeds.
Trumps win the elections? Bleeds.

Whoever designed vagina was an idiot. The organ bleeds whenever it wants. It has nothing to do with HPV. Nontheless, go to regular gynecolog checkups.

In the meantime use tampon or pads. You could simply summon your period faster due to stress from new job.

Attached: period cycles.png (442x411, 100K)

It's not a concern, that flesh is tougher than any other when it comes to healing. you have to push a baby out it after all

why am i looking at this shit, i dont care about female anatomy or body functions. had to learn this shit in biology class in highschool, felt like torture im a man stop shoving you female shit down my throat every second.

>man on internet
Honey, take your manpon and go mow the lawn or fix car in garage, this is convo for adults.

Then why are you even in this thread?

What the fuck? See a doctor or something