Justice for Jasmine - story does not add up

Things just aren't adding up here.

Pic here shows car at scene of crime on shoulder of NB Sam Houston tollway south of the Walmart.

Timeline starts with grandma allegedly waking up the family to make breakfast which results in family drive to the grocery store without grandma, but with all kids.

The shooting allegedly takes place at a stoplight near the Sam Houston Tollway and Wallisville Rd. What stoplight it is seems to be unclear. If they were leaving the Wal-mart (as most early reports claim), then they would have likely been heading east on Wallisville which makes the escape toward to highway a likely route to take.

However, if they were going to Joe-V's to buy coffee (claimed in later reports), then they should have been headed west down Wallisville, not east toward the tollway. No matter what direction they came from, there would be no reason to be headed toward the tollway on the way to Joe-V's unless to shooting took place at a different intersection.

But why leave the Walmart to go to the Joe V's? The Walmart is open 24/7 and sells coffee.

The shooting allegedly happens at the stoplight and the car flees to the tollway. Yet somehow ends up far south of the Wal-mart (near Sterling Green Blvd) on the northbound side of the tollway when the tire gives out.

Many articles mention that the "U-turn" on the freeway happens as they head for the closest hospital. Yet the closest hospitals are to the east, west, and south - not to the north. There is also a clinic that opens at 7:30am just a few blocks south, but still, nothing to the north.

As for the "U-turn" on the freeway, there is barrier along the entire tollway making such a "U-turn" impossible.

If the mother exited the tollway at Woodforest Blvd to turn around and head north, they were not heading toward any area hospital.

Suspect "Larry" was arrested with xanax. Mother has previous charge of possession. Xanax really is the new coffee.

Attached: File.png (735x413, 632K)

So the kids Mother was buying drugs?

Then the drug deal went south, dealer fired into the car, blame wypipo, get gofundme gibs.

Are you seriously implying there was a drug related crime that happened between multiple basketball Americans where gun play was involved and a child got shot?


It's going to be really funny in twenty years when all the leftists become conspiracy nuts smoking pot all day and tweaking about muh Russia and muh black lives. LOL

>negroes are liars and criminals
FUCK this is some Q type shit

Oh, is this one of those wild conspiracy theory posts that exonerates a white man for shooting a black child in cold blood? Because if the situation was reversed and it was a black man shooting a white child, you'd be screaming "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER"!

Crawl back in the woodwork.


Genuinely wouldn't surprise me if it turns out she deliberately had her child killed to blame wyty and get gibs. The nog who shot the girl was friends with her, so could be a joint scheme between the two.

>Xanax really is the new coffee.
my favorite part is the nerve damage and lethal withdrawals.

This story is about a black killing a kid you piece of shit. Why do liberal faggots like you always open your cuck holes before you know the story?

It was a black man, retard.

Attached: DwPSNZQU8AEdOSU.jpg (640x320, 20K)

>story does not add up
Sure it does, once you consider the the peepo involved.

The two guys are confirmed friends with the mom. Odds are something went wrong either they thought she was someone else they had a grudge with or they accidentally shot her. No matter what the case nogs gonna nog they don’t talk to the police especially if it’s someone they know. Odds are they completely made up the story about the white guy hoping that some innocent patsy would take the hit. Little did they know there was a snitch in the clink that got word of what went down and he drops the dime on them.

>confirmed friends
I heard they were friend on facebook. It doesn't mean much. They were most likely drug dealers and she owed money.

>Get some more niggers to kill another black girl
>reenact the truck and media aspects
>blame racist white men
Lets see if it works out like we think it did

there were screenshots of it posted here yesterday but fucked if i know where to find them.

of course, it all makes perfect sense now that the drug dealing side is exposed.

since you don't have the details, why not just fuck off and take your schizophrenia medications on time instead of conjuring bullshit situations

dont forget her own rap sheep dating back almost a decade

t. mad drug dealing nigger.

i wonder how many hundreds of pages long it is?

wouldn't surprise anybody.

Black crime conspiracy theories is probably the one thing pol has a good record on

White dude larping as a black guys can't figure out that black dudes misraced as white actually did the killing?
Nothing more to add up. Unless you're talcum x and everything to you is about race. Except that one time when you conveniently forget to mention it.

I really hope that isn't true.

Yeah they were friends on FB so she knew them but it doesn’t matter the negro will only snitch on the negro if there is money involved for all we know maybe the mom is working a set up and getting a cut of the cash she may be the snitch or she may have informed the snitch that’s how these people operate always looking for the easy cash