Taxing income above $10m/yr would only affect 0.05% of households, not even "the 1%" or something. Yet basically every right-wing virgin is attaching this proposal.
Why are you such bootlickers?
Taxing income above $10m/yr would only affect 0.05% of households, not even "the 1%" or something. Yet basically every right-wing virgin is attaching this proposal.
Why are you such bootlickers?
>inb4 the rich would run away with their possessions
It's a brilliant idea.
Right-wingers have sub 65 IQ and enjoy being cucked by big corporations
Another slush fund at American taxpayer expense
so because it doesn't effect you its a good idea? i like it.
i say anyone who breaks the law should be put to death. would save us billions.
What you, her, EVERYONE fails to understand is the precedent. Today it's unfairly taking money from successful people for whatever purpose. Tomorrow it's taking your kids for the sterile/barren. Tomorrow it's turning your 3 bedroom house into a homeless shelter. Tomorrow it's no choices, laws, or life.
I see what you’re up to, young lady.
wtf I like horse teeth now
It will have an effect on everybody else. These are the people who create wealth. Like fuck they're going to keep on going if some commie cunts come along with this tried and failed approach
I feel like that might dissuade some people from ever wanting to be outrageously successful. I can see it being quite high but 70% seems rather ludicrous.
because then i would have less money to invest in the american economy.
im not letting the government STEAL money from me. Therefore i would have even less liquid capital on hand every year to spend and have to tie up more money in "investments" to dodge these taxes.
Why not 100%?
>Why not 100%?
because that actually would be a disincentive. If Joe makes 100 million and I take 70 million to fix Occasional Cortex's teeth,, the Joe gets to keep 30 million.
30 million is enough for Joe to buy lots of toys, and is an incentive for Joe to make even more if he is that damn greedy.
Why not 99% then.
too much money turns most people into disgusting spoilt babies anyway
good idea
Why do we have to give the government such ludicrous amounts of money anyway, why can't we just have them manage the necessities of civilization then let people keep their money? Why is the government so greedy?
I'm actually with this one. However, (((they))) won't let it through before the other propositions: taking the guns and abolishing borders
>Why not 99% then.
good question. I think we had a 90% marginal rate at one time, but I don't know what level it kicked in at.
right now I think america peaks at about 30 percent, with the problem being that you can do lots of tricks to avoid that.
so, I'd support a REAL 50% marginal rate above 10 million. Taylor Swift and Beyonce only need about 5 mansions apiece.
Why would I want to see parasites get even more of the pie? Fuck horse face and her wealth redistribution.
babby is meeting human nature for the first time today?
I was only pretending to be a retarded leaf. My name is actually Franklin D Roosevelt, and I proposed a 100% income tax.
To what end? If these taxes were meant to improve infrastructure, improve policing, or some other communal good, I might support the policy. But it's just another blatant attempt to buy votes from parasites.
I'm tired of watching the work force participation rate fall.
Because anyone in the right wishes they were the jews
>it's another "save the environment by raising taxes and doing nothing with it" episode
the rich are the parasites
I met a massive retard today. Either you literally can't think and just assume it's a good idea to tax people so the people in government can use their money to fix everyone else's problems or you're actually anti social and just want to watch things burn, which is it?
we're all tired, user. but to be honest, life is better now than at any point in human history as long as you don't live in Detroit, Syria, or some other place where the assholes have total control.
You're healthier and have more luxuries than your parents or grandparents. Truth.
>better the government have my money than me
And we’re the bootlickers
Zoomers think their parents are billionaires and they won’t be able to afford fortnite bucks if their taxes are slightly increased
By wanting every individual to be able to keep as much as they make as possible and have a chance to make it in a free as possible economic environment?
yes,cause government knows how to use that money better than cpmanies. like making millions of government jobs where people literally masturbates
Why do conservatives spend so much time sucking billionaire cock?
Lefties enjoy being cucked by brown people no matter what their IQ is.
communists and it's sympathizers don't actually care about that. They just hate when other people have money.
>combat emissions, goy
>posts with cellphone made in china
AOC hates trump.
Trump legitimate billionaire president.
AOC wants to impose even higher taxes on rich
Hmmm.... makes you wonder if she really thinks its a good idea or just a hateful spiteful jab at Trump. Either doesnt matter pissant newfag house reps dont get bills passed into law their first term.
a tax on the jews
If I not mistaken, this was tried before in some countries. A good percentage of the rich who owns the companies and employs the poor will run away to others countries
Why do you want to take away individuals prosperity and give it to the few in government?
>90% marginal rate
The effective rate at that time was like 40-50% for those that the marginal rate applied
>It's ok brown and yellow people are allowed to pollute. As long as the global minority of white people stop having babies and pay their carbon tax we can tax ourselves into prosperity.
Ok shit for brains, lets say this tax idea became a reality, what are the first things that would happen?
>money moves away
>money mysterious vanishes
>investment would dissapear
>primary investor start-ups would cease
>money hiding becomes the new money laundering crime business
>tax pool shrinks
>Calling people against higher taxes bootlickers
Are you a retard? You sure sound like one
>Investments generate economic growth
>Economic growth creates jobs
If you need the government to steal from someone else, and give to you, you're the definition of a parasite. A cowardly bitch of a parasite who can't even suck blood on your own.
I'd support punitive taxes on some rich, but not because they are rich, but because they use their wealth to undermine their host nation. And certainly not so that confiscated wealth could be squandered on useless eaters.
It only costs ~$3,000 to establish an anonymous shell Corp in Panama and that's what anyone with real wealth will do if they haven't already.
In the 1940s when the marginal rates where so high, there wasn't an offshore banking sector, the only other bank in the world was London's and their country was on the verge of annihilation.
>money moves away
not their real estate
>money vanishes
what is IRS
>investment disappears
what is SEC
>start ups cease
investment capital isn't personal money
>money hiding
>tax pool shrinks
while tax inflow increases dramatically
your premises are defective
>carbon emissions
Preserving the environment is important, what are some other ways the government could do that without taxing it's citizens more but not paying for it itself? What if the government put aside just a bit of money and awarded it as capital to whichever people came up with a community created business idea that would combat the worst offenders of the environment or something?
Investors don't produce a damn thing. Workers do. Why do investors have more money than workers?
because it's not going to healthcare or education dipshit
>Driving the rich and companies out of the country 101
cause workers aren't smart, they didn't design the machines, they also didn't put down any money towards buying the machine, they are simply there to pull the lever
Yeah, this is a defeatist mindset. Just like "if you protest you'll be doxxed so don't even try".
We gotta push.
You have to be 18 to post on this board.
>Investors don't produce a damn thing. Workers do. Why do investors have more money than workers?
This. Assholes like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison should have just been farmers and let us build our own cars and generate our own electricity. Life would be awesome. We'd have smart phones on par with those African helicopters made of scrap metal.
Millionaires and up consciously use their own money to benefit themselves, which involves benefitting society at large, much more effeciently than the government ever could.
People who don’t understand trickle down economics are literally sub-niggers.
>to combat carbon emissions
translation: so we can give that money to our left-wing political activists
>CO2 tax aka breathing tax
That money will go to UN and Rothschild.
Ultra rich will find a way to not pay taxes even if they have to pay the lobby to make it into law.
Small time rich people will get fucked.
Based jewpiro is right when he says that tax is theft.
Because they gamble on the workers ability to turn their investment into profit which isn't always the case. What good is a worker without work?
The government should kill them.
Seriously, just kill the first 50 rich assholes to repatriate over high taxes. Assassinate them, blow up their houses with Predator drones, whatever. Just kill the parasites if they try to get away and they'll stop.
The reason conservatives are against raising taxes is that they don't like their taxes going to niggers. Nothing to do with protecting the rich.
>you're healthier
Enjoy your Venezuela.
Is this satire? Why can't the homeless person come start up your home/apartment? Why do you have a home when he doesn't?
Workers can't produce shit without investors, designers, engineers, manufacturers, etc.
That's why they're workers, they have no special skills and can be replaced by anyone.
We should throw you commie scum from helicopters
40% of the country pays 0% in Federal taxes. . . .
Trump doesn't have any money lol
Everything he has he got from his crusty-ass father and everything he creates is a failure, including his fugly-ass kids.
Yeah look at them running away with their real estate and running away with their production just to get import tax thrown in their face when they try to sell their shit in US.
AOC threads are as cancerous as the bannana meme on /b/. Stop bumping these shit threads. Intelligent people already know shes a retard and only retards reply to these threads. Obviously my reply doesnt count as you can tell by pic related im doing my duty as a true pol member.
dont kid yourself. these taxes always end up falling on the middle class one way or another
engineers and designers don't make 10 million a year
(((factory owners))) do
I'm more of a national socialist, really. Socialism won't work unless it's within one ethnic group.
Billionaires are parasites and we should tax their wealth and distribute it fairly.
fuck off
for one example, teeth. You probably have all of yours and will keep them until you die. 100 years ago that was unlikely. My grandfather worked in a textile mill back when the noise and dust was ignored, and you wound up half deaf and couldn't breathe.
If you really think the standard of living today is worse than in 1910 then you are clueless. People who did not have electricity were old by their 40s. The flip side is we're all fat and out of shape.
I'd support 35% on every sort of income, be it real work or financial stuff.
Slippery slope to full-scale communism
>special skills
This is the cruel truth that most useful idiots don't grasp. The average minimum wage worker isn't actually worth much. They might be nice people, but their value to society is VERY low.
I'll acknowledge that there are "good" employers that treat their lower wage workers like a jealous Lord might. And bad ones that treat them like two legged mules, and we should differentiate between the two as a society.
>the bannana meme on /b/.
How can you stomach /b/ these days? You are mentally ill user, and should seek professional help.
Funny i dont see you on forbes magazine covers or flying around in your private jet to campaign for president.
What's stopping you from making your own factory? Save up from your mcjob, invest in the land, equipment, and then share all of the revenue with your fellow workers. I'm sure it will work out great.
I don't have all my teeth so I should get some of theirs. It's not fair as the government didn't give me dental floss.
you first rotherham bitch
Healthier and more luxuries... but do we live more fulfilling lives?
I dont stomach /b/ these days. Its been awful for years. Dont forget thats where Jow Forums came from. And now its reverting back to it.
>have a bunch of money
>invest in a bunch of random stocks
>wait around
>now you're even richer thanks to your "special skills"
Cry more bitch
But useful idiots cant grasp that goverments job is well being of a nation, not rights or freedumbs single individual jew that just wants to make money on the back of other people.
Supoort kikes, let them own you.
>distribute it fairly.
wont happen. the federal government is a financial black hole thats trillions of dollars in debt. any money they get goes to its creditors, not helping the people
fuck off to your bunker, twat
>but do we live more fulfilling lives?
percentage wise, probably the same. the average farmer didn't live a fulfilling life, same as most people today. that's largely in your mind, and most people fall short in that department.