Oh Benji


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as it turns out they take that "never again" shit seriously kek

Former President Theodore Roosevelt in speaking to the largely Irish Catholic Knights of Columbus at Carnegie Hall on Columbus Day 1915, asserted that,[4]

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all ... The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic ... There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.

Some Irish do, I don't think they are in any position to make foreign policy decisions.

What happened to Ben? I used to love watching him rip people apart on YouTube, now he’s what he always hated.

the comment section is golden you mad lads

He was only good a debating university retards in their teens and twenties.

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Is this how you use e.g

this. No more wars for Ireland.

If only the country still had the same demographics where the only hyphenated americans were "German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans"

>If only the country still had the same demographics where the only hyphenated americans were "German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans"
Brb gonna kms

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Ben Shapiro KVETCHES Irish-Americans who DON'T pledge ALLEGIANCE to ISRAEL

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Being Irish isn't a religion that says that everyone else is cattle.

Not sure what his point is since magapedos are more loyal to trump than America.

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Nobody says that.


This guy must think we are all stupid

Yea, when was the last time USA sent $38B to Ireland!!!

I'm glad Ben Shapiro has faded into irrelevance. he's such a conniving kike.

his "facts don't care about your feelings" bs is so cringe, considering how talmudic he is about everything

this. israel is their only loyalty. america is just a means to an end to them

ask him about aipac

>Having loyalty to anyone
Kek Benji really is a moron.
Irish don't even have loyalty to their own nation. They're pure individualists.

The comments to that post are great.

Gaslighting is the Jewish way.

Could it possibly be that nobody seethes harder than the Irish when Americans mention their heritage? Seriously, I've never seen Germans or Poles get angry when people identify as German-Americans or Polish-Americans but do it as Irish and they scream plastic paddy and shit

Or maybe it's that we didn't give Ireland $40B who knows lol

No Irish ever drank my blood either

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they don't poison wells either

What happened when I was sleeping last night? The U.S. congress had thirty people with Ireland citizenship deciding to send close to one hundred and fifty billion dollars to Ireland's military for the past thirty fucking years? Do people with citizenship in Ireland walk around wearing tamoshanters and bandying about shillelaughs and calling people anti-Irite if they disagree with them? Was Ireland declared Ireland by a consortium of Irish land robbers less than one hundred years ago? This guy is a fool

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9/11 was an Irish intelligence operation.

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He's right. But its unrealistic because most humans naturally put their ethnic group above their civic group.

Irish American senators aren't literally dual citizens............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

>People always suggest that Jews have dual loyalty. They never suggest that Irish Americans have dual loyalty

Good point Ben. Wonder why that is.

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Or invent far fetched stories about 6 million of them being masturbated to death

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Yes. It basically means for example.

i.e. is more like in essence

Might that be because nobody but jewish Americans (and their puppets) puts the interests of their country of origin above the interests America?

leave it to a britbong to argue details that dont even fucking matter and thinks 'ben shapiro is right! yay!'

Lol so much for that ashkenazi iq

jews dont have dual loyalty , we are literally all sworn at the western wall to defend Israel to the death we only have singular loyalty to our homeland

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>If apples are Y why are oranges Y?

This is the absolute state of american poltics where where THIS is considered le best debater

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Do "Irish Americans" usually hold Irish citizenship? I'm pretty sure most of them couldn't obtain it if they wanted to. Jews, on the other hand.

Probably because most Irish Americans are Leftist LARPers who only claim to be of Irish descent since it is socially acceptable due to Jews having zero fear of the Irish since they've accomplished nothing, and Irish wer slaves n shit so they can climb the oppression ladder.

I always tought that i. e. was in exempla and you use it to give a specific, example of what you ´re talking about

Jews don't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance in school or at sports events.

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If you have a grandparent who was an Irish citizen you can claim an Irish passport by right of blood.

So if you have a living grandparent whose own grandparent was an Irish citizen, you could claim Irish citizenship if your grandparent did.

i read that everyone in US congress has to swear an oath to israel - or something close to it. see how they want to pass a bill that makes it illegal for congress to boycott israel. sounds like dual loyalty to me rabbi shekel


Leftists don't acknowledge that Irosh weren't viewed as white because then they should be seeing benefits like darkies

Do you know what it costs user?

Dual loyalty would be an improvement for Jews.

Ireland is a multicultural state, it isn't an ethnostate, and the Irish lobby hasn't spent 7 trillion US tax dollars to create their terror-sponsoring criminal ethnostate

Yikes, now that the truth is out the US senate and congress will now have a bunch of dual citizen Irish-American who strangely vote for aid to Ireland.
Also investigate where significant funding for the IRA came from.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for ireland.

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Your loyalty to America and your soul, but beyond that, €278 citizensinformation.ie/en/moving_country/irish_citizenship/irish_citizenship_through_birth_or_descent.html

>Ireland is a multicultural state

u wot m8

I was misinformed.
>Since 1 July 1986, a person registered in the Foreign Births Entry Book after 1986 is deemed to be an Irish citizen only from the date of their entry in the Register and not from the date of birth. This means that children born to that person before their date of entry in the Register are not entitled to citizenship.
If your grandparent had recognized Irish citizenship, you can claim it. So if your grandfather claims Irish citizenship through his grandfather late in life, he would be a citizen but his children and grandchildren would not because he wasn’t recognized when they were born.


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This is such bullshit. The irish aren't starting pointless wars in Ulster and sending the US army off to fight there. The Irish aren't censoring people off social media. Irish politicians aren't forcing teachers to swear oaths of allegiance to Ireland, or sending people to jail for discussing the potato famine. Irish newspapers don't launch smear campaigns against people who make irish jokes on facebook. Shapiro is a lying piece of shit.

Ireland is expressly anti ethnic nationalist, therefore it is a multicultural state. Anyone from anywhere is free to, legally, immigrate to Ireland. Israel on the other hand has an open policy as an ethnic nationalist state: it isn't open to the world, its open only to those of a certain ethnicity.

Duplicitous kike. Admit you have dual loyalty and Id have more respect. You fucking liar.

lol that pic

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because hes a fucking jew
even the dumb shit youre talking about was just a midget fagget voice jew stating facts quickly

>imagine unironically reading propaganda from (((them))).

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That tweet is from 2011

They are trying to push this rat faced kike so hard by giving him a radio show tv show etc. It's not going to work though, the younger goyim know and the boomers are dying. I look forward to his failure.

>now he’s what he always hated.
user, have you learned nothing here?

>The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.
I stood up and clapped

Thank you America for all those billions of dollars worth of fighter jets to fight Cromwell.

False equivalence.

-Ireland does not get billions of tax payers money
-There's no Irish equivalent to AIPAC at least not in level of power.
-Discrimination of an Irishman doesn't have any specific terminology like anti-Irisism.
- There's no specific religious belief that's limited to the Irish.
- The Irish don't control the media or Hollywood, nor the banking industry and are not overrepresented in politics or academia.
-Most Irish-Americans don't hold dual nationalities either.
- Most Irish-Americans don't try to get support of American Christians for their cause whatever cause they may have.
- You don't have to swear allegiance to Ireland in Texas last time I checked when you wanted a government position.
- Irish-Americans don't build potato famine musea everywhere in the world or push the victim narrative to get free gibs and claim discriminated minority status.
-The Irish weren't kicked out of 100's of countries throughout history nor do they have a history of usury or parasitic behavior on their hosts.
- Ireland is not a religious racist ethno-state that stole land from it's original inhabitants.
- Irish-Amercans don't do 3 years of military service in Ireland.
- The Irish don't use American troops to kick the British out or to do their dirty work for them by creating war in the area.

I can go on and on...

No Irishman ever called me goyim... except Conan O'brien.

Those fucking Irish-American bricklayers and concrete workers, destroying America just like Israeli-American Neo-Cons. Totally the same thing.

The guy is jew, not a fool. It was an act of malice, not mistake or stupidity or ignorance.

In Israel persons with dual citizenship are banned from holding higher office and sensitive positions because it's considered a security risk.

Attached: us-senators-and-represntatives-dual-israel-citizens.jpg (660x662, 120K)

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Sanction Ireland for their unauthorized nuclear program.

You're a retard. He does what Milo does and deflects from Jews by blaming feminism, and the degeneracy of the West in general on "liberals" rather than Jews and communism.
Never trust a Jew.

In the last year, 2 dual citizen senators have been found knowingly employing foreign spies

Because they are not making propaganda so America attacks Britain and France on behalf on Ireland

No one would give a shit if all the diaspora Jews did was celebrating their holidays, like the Irish do Paddy's day

Hmmm, they appear to be overwhelmingly Democrats too. It really is the party for everyone who turned up late after the nation was built.

>more Irish tricks
So the (((echos))) were normized early 2018
Did Ben just give us the replacement?

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Didn’t Wasserman-Schultz hire a Paki who stole heaps of devices and forwarded a bunch of Democratic emails off to third parties?

And one them was a Chinese spy who drove a high ranking Californian/Israeli Jew around for 20 years. Imagine the shit he overhead. I sincerely hope Iran gets nukes and makes good on their promise irradiate semites

Unauthorized? What the fuck are you on about dickshit? “Authorized” by whom? Israel didn’t sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty you mong.

How many Irish-americans even work for the government?
How many israeli-americans work for the government?
How many israeli-americans take part in extremely important decisions?
Actually just tell me which group of dual citizens is overrepresentated in the government.

So Benjamin? Can't answer? You've just been Jow Forumsed up the ass

Yes, although I guess I was wrong and she isn't a dual citizen, but Feinstein as well. Because the Israeli lobby can say "muh holocaust" when they are challenged, they are giving near free reign. This has lead to tyranny.

lol i'd love to visit a potato famine museum

>people always say neo-cons are the israeli bootlickers
>almost all dual citizens are dems
hmm very thought provoking

Yes and the story died and was promptly buried


Irish Americans, even immigrants have way more loyalty than Jews who have been in America for generations. Also the Irish arent starting wars in the middle east and that non Irish have to fight.

That means it is fucking illegal and Israel should be invaded bu UN for developing WMD.

What a retard. Dumbfuck admits his dual loyalties in this by projecting his own feelings about the issue.

White Americans see their European ancestry as a kind of game, at best. We'll use our ancestry as a reason to root for a country in the world cup, or wear some traditional garb or chat about it with friends. But none of us have the expectation that we'll ever return to our ancestral lands, and almost none of us would expect we should return to Europe, or support them at the expense of our own country..

He was never good

Maybe cause potato nigger americans don’t push for the subsidation of ireland and fighting proxy wars for ireland

“Illegal”? That is the stupidest thing you could possibly have said.

That is because you literally have an ethnostate.

Centuries of Brehon Law will do that to you

It's sickening. But what I find funny is that the up and coming progressive left within vthe democratic party becoming more and more anti-israel.