What is the IDEAL penis size? I want your thoughts.
Doesnt matter as long as its white.
minimum 9 inches max 13 inches
>only 9 inches
can you even feel that?
this size
From all the cocks Ive taken from all my years and travels. canadian's and chinks penis were the worst.
depends on the size of the woman
but just a reminder that have your balls kicked is about the same as someone ramming your cervix
At least 10 inches. Anything below is just doing it for your money.
fuck you too whore
Wrong, board, fuck. I meant to post on .
2 inches
There are three types of sizes which fit with three types of women according to the Sutra
Glass bottle up the ass until it bleeds.
>replying to a shit post
cmon leaf
They are related.
My foreskin got made into a lampshade but I did measure it once. Its 5 1/4". Its cheating if you measure from the perineum. Do I have anything to worry about?
I know.
I got an inch and a half on you. Girth is also important.
Yes diamonds and cashmere
Size doesn't matter.
If she thinks she is fucked by the greatest rock star of all time she will cum even if has a micropenis.
It's all in her head.
t. rockstar with micropenis
PSA: femanons wont post ITT because they will be bombarded with "tits or gtfo", called whores or asked to marry some weeb.
all respondents about preferable size are men
but why not 14 inches?
Poor girl, she never stood a chance with those weak genes. All that she wanted is for penis laughing with sperm at her princess jokes.
She looks like Ethan Ralph on the right.
Reminder that the wall is real
Anywhere between 7.5 - 10 inches
It is hard to be a woman, men are super smart, if you haven't noticed.
Took us to the moon for God's sake.
I would tap that
after 10 tacos each
>the wall is real
>and Mexico will pay for it
lol no
You can tell it's a shit post because those two things are the same.
The real strength in men is when man does all the work, hands over his money to woman and kisses her feet just because she was born with a vagina, while woman doesn't needs to cook or be a virgin. Are you a real man yet?
Would fugg in 2012.
Threadly reminder that the average distance between entrance of the vagina and the entrance to the cervix is about 4 inches, and unlike in hentai, contact with (or worse, penetration of) the cervix is both painful and harmful to a woman.
XL bad dragon range
10/10 LOL
looks a little too thin for most women
Honey I am dripping in diamonds and sapphires, fuck being a man.
I am a rocket scientist, men aren't capable of this work but because they are violent, we give them silly made up organisations like NASA so they can feel smart and important and like they have a grip on the geopolitics of the earth and the delusional belief in space
dude I've got a near 9 incher (we're talking 8.99998 inches here basically) and I barely hit the cervix on any but the most petite, skinny females. sorry you're a dicklet bro
Is that real? WTF is she dying?
Liar lol
Stop making your bros feel insecure, nobody gives a fuck about your dick size, they care about sensuality and orgasmic bliss.
she had just had a baby
7 inches if you are gay
warm and 3 inches if you are a woman dildoer
Shapeshifters don't breed
She’s having transfats intravenously inserted into her ham like physique
Dassa bigole
I meant to. I posted on here by accident.
Sure ya did
millions would believe you
Depends on how deep the cavern is too.
fucking liar, I'm barely 7 and I hit my gf's cervix in certain positions.
Kek Canada btfo again
Kek. This gets more obscene every time I see it.
Average size of 7 inches is good. No need for it to be bigger.
I have tried Estonian russian and Finnish dicks. Estonian good perfect fit as expected, russian pencil dick small, Finnish is about same like Estonian but bit thicker and smaller.
good meme, LMAO