And Mexico is actually paying for it
Congrats Burgers,you just got yourselves 14B for the Wall
Say what you will about ol’ Ted, but he’s always been pretty good handling Texas/Mexico politics.
He tried this two years ago and it went nowhere, it sure as hell isn't going anywhere now.
Nice. What are the liberals arguments against this?
>foe turned friend shows up after the redemption arc
Holy shit they really going all out with the fan service
Show your flag.
>alphabet soup agencies give south american cartels billions in weaponry, product and security over 3 decades
>dumb cartels start killing each other and wasting your money
>arrest the cartels and take the money back and use it to build a wall to stop all the armed drug peddling cartels you enabled
>half your population calls you racist for making this wall while the other half cheers, neither side realizing they've been played
man you can't even write shit funnier than this
The left and democrats, would shatter their entire base if they pulled shit like this. You couldn’t be that fucking retarded to pull the wayciss card on a ducking drug lord, he killed fucking thousands.
>proposing legislation after losing control of the house
funny thing is, ignorant trumptards will eat this up