Jow Forums btfo
How does it make u feel?
Jow Forums btfo
How does it make u feel?
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Sure, all those memes in Rome were meaningless...
Hhuehuehuehue fucking meaningless
He's a pedophile
Shut up Joe Biden. You lost the meme war
what in the fuck am i looking at ? and don't tell me it's proof of jesus because that's a fucking baphomet being crucified
>current president was literally memed into office
>memes are meaningless in the real world
i like this one. defeated chucky
It's proof of jesus
Does this mean leftist will stop making shitting ass brainlet memes ? That is a no !
No this is proof of jesus. Mlk= our saviour and thats a good thing
i like how libs are now putting out memes simply saying that lib memes are better than other people's
>spreading of memes helped win 2016 election
it's anti-christain graffiti. "Alexamenos worships [his] God."
Great, because Joe Biden is a dumbass.
Meme are are a mirror of society, they are useless, yes, but not meaningless
This is objectively false memes are a marketing tool and trump realized that in 2016 and companies realized that years ago. Biden’s showing his boomerism
>the great meme war of 2016 decided the election
>forever known has a half-nigger's sidekick, Casino Joe thinks its meaningless
Fuck every democrat except for Jim Webb
How come Pence hasnt had any foregin government steal a bunch of cars from one of their citizens at the behest of Hollywood?
How about this meme?
Only through memes could we have summoned an ancient egyptian god of choas in order to elect trump.
Ffs how many normalfags are gonna flock here because of this tweet
Please believe 4 chan is meaningless. Please Please Please
Grow cold, Joe.
Ebin memes 4 lyfe.
>its fake news
Howd that work for you last time?
Yes. Underestimate the power of memes again. Do it.
link it then faggot
sounds like hes asking for memes to me? any twitter accounts wanna start spamming him with creepy uncle joes
Posting fake tweets.
>i'm le edgy
>i don't shave my neck
>i buy fedoras
>Jow Forums blew me out of the water except the user above me
Why would i care what a pedo says?
>pay no attention to that pizzagate investigation goy
Then why are they so desperately doing everything in their power, using every tool at their disposal, using copyright laws, national security letters, threatening internet service providers, and marshalling the full might of their agit-prop media machine to try and shut it down, as if their very lives depend on it?
link it
>May 17, 2018
They're already here.
A meme is any bit of self perpetuating information. Memes ard the atoms of culture, religion, academia, politics, and society. In fact, there is little that is mord important to shaping civilization than memes.
Try a few thousand.
>/s4s/ hears about this
>How does it make u feel?
it makes me feel socially constructed and horny
Biden wishes he could be meaningless because he's on camera everywhere molesting girls.
He's a degenerate
They just elected Trump.. meaningless..
>Jow Forums btfo
I'd love to know how, when a Nepalese basket-weaving exchange is apparently living rent-free in this aged pedophile's head.
2nd time democrats have been angry at memes
Every military and intelligence organization in the world has either made or is making a memetic warfare division.
Thats fake news
Meaningless means not to dignify with a response Punchy Joe...
Are these people really this stupid? What the hell is wrong with them?
he fears the creepy uncle joe meme.
i'll never cope.
Hahaha this is real? Hahahahahahaha
Our president is a living breathing meme.
F to all the anons who passed away since the first Great War
Yes. They really need a "Bletchley Park" meme code breaking cell to figure out what we mean by this.
I guess those memeing pagans didn't shut down christianity.
It's from CIA Vault 7
I would have figured the last presidential election would have taught boomer faggots a lesson. TICK TOK Mr. Biden
>military memes
Jow Forums just memed a conversation of sorts with a former US vice president. Memes are more powerful than most understand.
Thanks, Doc.
We memed Trump into office.
lil Johnny better be careful
If we were cute girls Uncle Joe wouldn't want us growing up at all