What will it be?
What will it be?
Jace Butler
Logan Scott
>What will it be?
Ultimatum to Iran
Adam Nguyen
Steeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn oy vey
Carson Morris
He dropped a quarter in the subway and the erst of the kikes better help him find it or he'll be pissed?
Chase Cox
The last time he did it, it was a big deal!
That is all I know.
Austin Brown
He kvetches about how Palestine is bad and they have to all be exterminated, bemoans American unwillingness to go to war for them, and wraps it up by dismissing the corruption charges.
James Wood
they were 9 grillion now i need more shekels
Owen Edwards
Hopefully telling Palestinians to eat shit and going full Hitler on them. Might wake everyone up to how fukt Zionists are.
Cameron Cook
What was it?
Ryan Robinson
Gas the Iranians, race war now?