Did the Greeks really teach the Egyptians all the mathematics that they used to build the Pyramids or did the Turks...

Did the Greeks really teach the Egyptians all the mathematics that they used to build the Pyramids or did the Turks just rape the brains out of them to the point they now think that?

Some shitholer Greek was saying this in another thread but it archived before he could give an elaborated answer, although he avoided doing so.

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The Egyptians didn't build the pyramids.

Grugungaggon II say no olive grugs teach him build any big triangle

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Retard, Greeks barely existed when the pyramids were built. Some knowledge was probably transfered from Sumer. They were the first to build objects of this kind I think and had cities centuries before Egypt.

the egyptian civilization proper spanned over 27 dynasties and built around 60 pyramids
52 of the pyramids we have found are completely fucked up beyond all repair, but 8 or so of them are not only still standing but are better built than anything we can do today
all the ones that are still standing were built in 3rd and 4th dynasties, which makes absolutely no sense because this is the peak of building and the egyptains would not hit their artistic or civilizational peaks until the 18th dynasty and the temple of seti the first
the egyptians probably didnt build the ones that still stand today, but they built the ones that collapsed into shit

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Egypt is a black country and the bithplace of all civilization and culture

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sheeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit you be sayin troof

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Here we go again, the jew is not satiated.


Well, he also said that Egypt was colonized by Greeks in 2000 BC. Are the real Greeks black?
Why am I a retard?
He's the one who said that the Greeks invented mathematics. I'm hoping he will see this thread and validate his claims.