Hey 9/11 Nuclear Demolition Man



Attached: 911 nuclear demolition man.png (720x732, 291K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>secret service
Where do I get one of these? I'm trying to kidnap some teenage girls.

Thanks Uncle Samuel
Thanks Jews


Attached: WTC1 explosion graph.png (913x540, 467K)

wtf this is bizarre

>>secret service
>Where do I get one of these? I'm trying to kidnap some teenage girls.
You have to join the ZOG I think.

>wtf this is bizarre

More bizzare


Attached: John Podesta Gelatin.jpg (500x738, 92K)

Never forget the day the US government and Israel attacked America. Let's roll.


Attached: 911 pullit.jpg (600x394, 71K)

Bump stock


Attached: 1537261229049.jpg (2139x1864, 1.02M)

You have to join the (Israeli) Secret (Intelligence) Service.


Attached: 1438366274331.jpg (619x406, 40K)

Can't play the video on site and when I went to watch it on Youtube it was flagged as offensive. There's an "I understand, let me watch" button, but it isn't clickable. First time seeing that.

Attached: 1529400747759.jpg (1653x2338, 350K)

What happened to Barry Jennings?


Attached: 1545046384195.jpg (1653x2338, 469K)

The (((Judy Woods))) disinfo Jews were out in force early this morning.


Attached: 911 Bolton.jpg (639x398, 62K)

He was murdered before he could testify. Just a Cohencidence.


Attached: 1503071953280.png (775x564, 321K)

Im not a Judy Woods disinfo jew though? Is that what you're accusing me of?

Israel used 3 nukes on 9/11

Truth is offensive goy.


Israel used 3 nukes on 9/11


Check the archive link

The "I understand, let me watch" button is only clickable if you search out the title of the video and view it on site. Weird. Linking it shuts it down completely.

Why are they using the Egyptian name for the queen goddess as their name?

Israel = ISIS Ra El

Zionism turns SPIRITUAL into MATIERIAL

Moses was Born Again, which means that he created the soul, symbolized by the illuminated Tree of Life, the burning bush, that he saw in the wilderness. The enlightened Tree unified him with his inner Father: thus he received the commands of God directly. Moses needed to free the people of Israel from Egypt. Egypt represents the degenerated mind of man, and the Pharaoh is the tyrant that jealously rules over this man-made civilization of material power and desire. Israel is a compound word. “IS” is from Isis, the Egyptian divine mother. “RA” is the Egyptian divine father. And “EL” is Hebrew for God. So, when the nation of Is-ra-el is trapped in slavery, this is a symbol of one’s own inner Divinity trapped within the degenerated mind. Moses was told to take the rod, the spinal column, the Tree of Life in his own body, and it became a serpent: The serpent of the Kundalini. His serpent was more powerful than the negative serpent of the Egyptians. Thus, this story symbolizes the duality of the sexual force. Only the positive serpent, under the service of God, can free the soul from suffering. This is clearly represented in Egyptian art. (The positive serpent empowers the priest/king. The negative serpent controlled by man and wife.) The positive serpent protects, while the negative serpent must be dominated and conquered.

Attached: 1542711792968.jpg (2262x1523, 1.08M)

Must be a problem on your end or your isp/filtering service

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-07-11-13-26.png (720x931, 180K)

Is it still denied that it was a "demolition" or whatever? Because there's literally zero chances of those buildings to implode like that solely from the airplane hits.

Attached: persona.png (404x20, 2K)

It would have taken billions of dollars to demolish two 110 level buildings full of asbestos.

Larry would never be willing to pay that.

Just going by the comments, people are saying secret service had an office in that building. Anyone knows more about this?

9/11 preconditioning. Weird huh?

Attached: 911 Godzilla.jpg (500x600, 67K)

throws people off of search terms
notice how quickly ISIL disappeared?

Tower 7 was home to a few government agencies.

that's right, the SEC office as well as the special investigators office that housed all the Enron scandal case files

Attached: wtc7_sec.jpg (596x554, 65K)

>Is it still denied that it was a "demolition" or whatever? Because there's literally zero chances of those buildings to implode like that solely from the airplane hits.

(((They))) try to muddy the waters with Tesla "Directed Energy Weapons" (DEWs) and "thermite" explosives. These explanations are easily shot down witb simple logic: where was the DEW Death Ray Machine located, where did it draw the energy required to destroy the buildings? It would take coating the entire interior of the towers with thermite explosive in order to blast them apart. The shills never address these questions because they can't.

Attached: 911 woods adl.jpg (500x500, 61K)

>Tower 7 was home to a few government agencies.

The office fires were set off to destroy financial investigation records and intel agency hard drives.

Attached: Building 7.webm (1280x720, 856K)

If he was blowing up the building why did he stop and give a relatively lengthy interview to the cameraman including his full name, and then allow the cameraman to follow him around? Fucking schizo word salad thread.

Good site just went down. It's been happening alot.

Attached: 911 nuclear demolition offline.jpg (500x1156, 163K)

What, do they set off nukes by lighting a string fuse?


Jewish lightning

Attached: harvey pitt 911.jpg (137x295, 12K)

Attached: Milchan_and_Medusa_Touch.png (480x360, 265K)

>Peter Van Greenaway
as ever


best single source on 911

Attached: uyTnb7i.jpg (640x580, 106K)

The CTards refuse to believe a fucking full size jet filled with fuel hit a building at 500mph+ causing it to catch on fire and fall

you're an idiot, probably a shill but either way, still an idiot
>3 buildings collapsed due to "fire"
>no high rise buildings have ever collapsed due to fire before
>one of the building wasn't even hit by a plane
>all 3 building collapse perfectly at free fall speed into their own footprints
and that's just the beginning of the "anomalies" surrounding 911

>full size jet

not one of the miniature toy ones then

Get cheap dark blue nylon vest. Glue white plastic letters.
Done. You're now FBI/CIA/GRU

Yes the magical, morphing, melting airplanes all caught on video by random Jews on the street and TV. No luggage, bodies, or wings fall to the street but hey someone found a passport, what more proof do you need, right?

Attached: hqdefault-2.jpg (480x360, 23K)

And this is the same building hours later..


How ya doing kike? What's the weather in Israel like?

He was quite happy that all of the information was destroyed because the cases stored in the building would have implicated almost all government officials and he'd commit suicide by two bullets to the back of the head

>ground zero

join ISIS

Attached: ISIS.jpg (1440x1464, 113K)

i have had an interest in nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and radiation in general for 20+ years.
must have read over 100 books about the subject.
this 'WTC was nuked' nonsense is retarded as fuck.

anyone with a $50 aliexpress geiger counter would be still be able to detect a huge spike in radiation at the WTC today.

someone with a mass spectrometer could prove it definitively and even estimate the approximate yield.

Attached: Michio Kaku.jpg (630x420, 161K)


Attached: wtc-victim-bdr.jpg (599x426, 55K)

nuked as in blow up
not literally "nuked"

This is more important than some frog, Nordbro.

Attached: dppe.gif (316x196, 918K)

except planes can't fly that fast at sea level

not at that altitude

Attached: 0GAae.jpg (570x446, 31K)

USGS results

Attached: 911 radioactive isotopes.png (1036x298, 223K)

Do you know what your graph means?

you can just fucking tell he's got some bad knowledge in his stupid head

what do you think it means?