New poll says Russia and USA are the biggest enemies of Germany

Incredibly, as many as 55 percent of Germans believe the US is almost an equal threat to their country as Russia, which scored 56 percent in the latest study by Forsa pollster, Bild reports. Other countries that usually dominate mainstream airwaves trail far behind.

For instance, only 27 percent of Germans feel threatened by North Korea, which until recently was the main source of nuclear weapons-related news. The reclusive state is followed by Turkey (24 percent) and Saudi Arabia (23 percent). China is deemed a threat to only 16 percent of respondents.

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Their biggest threat is them fucking selves.

Attached: GermanPoliceForumFreikorps.png (948x461, 169K)

OY it's world war 2 all over again. get fucked

Why are Germans such NPCs, I blame boomers and pensioners.

Britain is at 3% because we deem them irrelevant now.

It's funny because Americans are barely aware that Germany even exists.

THESE are the German enemies? Not the EU for bringing in endless shitskins?

Germany's EU would team up with the Chinese to throw the US off their backs, I have no doubt. Russia is a potential partner, but the eternal Kraut can never be trusted

They have some of our nukes.

>Actual foreign invaders aka rapefugees not on list
Colour me surprised