Am i an incel?

I'm a skinny basement dweller with a weak chin who browses Jow Forums and plays videogames all day. I've never had a girlfriend before because i'm too afraid to talk to people in general because of my social anxiety.

But apart from all these failures, i am blessed with a nice legal red-light district only 30 minutes walking from my house. I can fuck the most beautiful Eastern-European window prostitutes and i literally had sex with a beauty, only an hour ago.

Since incel means "involuntary celibacy", do i fall in this category since i can have sex on command?

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Do you want to have sex but are unable to find a partner despite your best efforts?

if you have to ask yes

No. Not by the definition of the word, since you can have sexual relationships, and not by the cultural definition, since you don't seem to be desperate about it.

I'd say you fit in MGTOW if nothing else.
Don't let retarded labels dictate your position in life user.

>i am blessed with a nice legal red-light district only 30 minutes walking from my house

>i can have sex on command


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>your best efforts

do incels make their best effort?

"do my bidding"

Yes. See TommyNC2010. He puts in what he thinks is effort and while extremely embarrassing looking, he's still not neglecting himself.

>i am blessed
Oh lad, you are acursed. For this ye know, that no whoremonger hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God

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I suppose that’s up for debate but you can’t declare yourself an incel unless you think you are doing your best