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Why are American posters on here so thin skinned Jow Forums?
Thomas Lopez
Other urls found in this thread:
Jace Lewis
>be America
>give world Internet
>watch world use internet to shit on America
Thanks guys.
Ian Morales
this is what I mean they can't handle the banter
Brayden Martin
No-one on this accursed board can handle banter.
Except for the fins and aussies, they're good.
Xavier Lopez
Having the world's most powerful military means that your country is superior in every way possible ofcourse, every claim to the contrary should be swiftly refuted.
Aaron Bailey
>Thin Skinned
The irony
Dominic Wood
damn shame, politics turns everyone into such a whinny baby
Samuel Young
Actually analog data transfers by telephone wire were being done already since the advent of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in CANADA.
Canada technically invented the internet.
Dylan Lee
Bah, everyone's a fucking pussy.
Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums whatever can't handle jokes.
/out/ is pretty much the only board I can have fun on and not have someone start whining.
Bentley Carter
Thick blubbered lmao
Jose Howard
Jow Forums is pretty good for banter too especially during peak euro hours. Seems like too many people just take the internet too seriously
Aiden Gomez
World Wide Web was invented in England.
Americans just take the credit, like they do for everything else.
Except when they screw up, and then it's everyone elses fault.
John Morales
Owen Diaz
Politics especially seems to get everyone in a tissy, even in real life.
It's kind of funny sometimes to see how angry I can get someone with just words.
Mason Rivera
England had the least amount to do with it. Sit back down, Nigel. Go work on some cathode ray tubes with Bohr and Rutherford.
Levi Ward
I'll have you know that without England you, nor America would ever exist.
So sit down sonny boy.
Logan Robinson
It's because this board is very tribal. Someone assumes if you're against Y you must be for X. Shit on NatSoc? Oh that must be cuz you're a commie. Shit on Trump? That must be cuz you're a blue haired tranny SJW. No room for nuance man I swear, everything has to be black and white. That's why I stopped taking this board seriously a long time ago
Colton Morgan
yea no
youre a liar
maybe go after netherland. ive never seen a bigger bitch than netherflags
Austin Moore
I’m more shitskin than thinskin desu
Wyatt Howard
truth hurts mutt, american posters are literally the most insufferable on this site
Carter Moore
In what world do you live in where only this board is tribal? I'd like to go there.
Cooper Gutierrez
It doesn't help that the board is flooded with raids from reddit and various agencies.
I've mainly given up on Jow Forums and moved mainly onto Jow Forums.
I'm going to stay a racist but I don't really care about politics that much.
Jow Forums is neither fun nor informative anymore.
Leo Reyes
I never said it was only this board
Jason Cooper
Exactly this, it feels like a phase I just kinda grew out of. I think it will be the same more most posters on here
Aaron Morris
I think that Jow Forums changes you, but you eventually out grow it.
You leave Jow Forums but Jow Forums never leaves you.
Logan Wood
true shit my nigga, based brit poster.
Benjamin Flores
The doctor took it from me
Brody Morris
because our shit is so fucked. SoCal fag here, you have no idea how bad things are and it will be coming to your nice american community sooner rather than later.
Landon Reyes
Jason Howard
Don’t know but agreeed
Can’t take criticism
Can’t take criticism of the US
Doesn’t get playful banter and sarcasm
Can’t even take seeing a post about Democrats politicians without going into an autistic meltdown
Isaac Ross
The rest of the world is fucking thinskinned
James Lewis
>Canada technically invented the internet.
Get out. Leave. Never come back. You're banned from Jow Forums. I said get the FUCK OUT!
Jack Lewis
Justin Gonzalez
Bumping for interest.
Zachary Bailey
I guess the greatest people from the greatest country, that have no flaws don't need to answer for their shocking behaviour.
Elijah Ross
I can't speak for everyone, but I am DONE with being bullied by fucking niggers, faggots and trannies. I used to be an advocate until I found black twitter and that offensive YES all women twitter bullshit. Now you worthless hypocritical bullies either stay away from me or I will rip your fucking throat out with my teeth. We clear motherfucker? You did this to yourselves and now that you have moderates like me this fucking mad you assholes are fucking TOAST you cunt.
Austin Morales
You motherfuckers, went aroiund the world looting every fucking country on earth. How did so many middle eastern antiquities wind up in British Museums? Because you are country full of thieves and when you lost your empire because people figured out your fucking pussy tactics and defeated them, you collectively absolved yourselves of the fucking damage you did and the shit world THE BRITISH EMPIRE CREATED you fucking cunt go stick a pound of rashers in your ass hot and greasy you fucking faggot.
Camden Martinez
And this is why you're thin skinned?
Kayden Parker
>says the American poster.
The only issue American posters have is that they possess very little self awareness, just like (you).
Luke Wilson
I was in a thread last night and someone described you as being actors in a role, like a camera followed you around and this is why you are how you are, you're playing a part and can't move away from the script.
Christian Gray
We aren't, we love the shit talk. Hans is definitely the thin skinned one.
Chase Morgan
The layer of skin is thin from being stretched out by all the fat.
Brayden Thomas
non americans post here? surprising as every post is american based or garbage. no one cares about euroshits, not even yourselves.
Joshua Cox
If Americans have a hard time, it's a cultural thing. We generally just say what we mean, and don't hide behind levels of sarcasm or irony for comedic purposes. That only happens on movies. When people try to bant with Americans and they get upset, it's because they perceive it as genuine confrontation.
Jordan Ross
So thin skinned then.
Julian Miller
A lot of Americans have an auto pilot mode, that's for sure.
Kevin Carter
Because most americans on Jow Forums aren’t white and they get triggered over the demographic trend in their country.
Nathaniel Bell
1969 — ARPANET ucla.
redcoat glory hog, can't work together and
give credit where credit is due.
Christopher Martinez
Tyler Brown
>Be America
>Give world internet
Nice try, trying to steal Al Gore's accomplishments, Juan.
Asher Butler
Kinda, I suppose. We just talk shit in different ways. We use facial expressions to let others know it's banter, so something get a lost in translation when you can't see that, like a raised eyebrow or smirk. I can steadily see the internet evaporating that though. I'm nowhere near as bad as I was.
Colton Baker
>bitch lasagna
Alexander Ward
Nathaniel Morris
Some of the burger bros were saying that in a thread last night. They struggle with sarcasm but they are getting better at seeing the other guy is yanking their chain and not attacking them.
Tyler Bennett
Jaxson Harris
>Be France
>Give world America
>Everybody shits on the UK for this geopolitical tumour
Jose White
This one time I went to a gay bar and had gay sex with every single man in the place and it still was less gay than this thread
Adrian Taylor
Unironically this, you take the mutt meme to heart when we're just fucking with you. You fat twat.
Jacob Young
Gavin Jenkins
>be America
>give world Internet
Bentley Barnes
Maybe, but faggot OP brings up a point. I wish there was a pol for Americans only.
Xavier Wright
Sometimes we Euros wish you had a Jow Forums just for burgers.
Juan Hughes
>give world Internet
can confirm mine came today by horsecart cause i'm poor
stupid fucking retarded mutt
Isaac Hall
Well always be with you, Nigel.
Daniel Hughes
welcome mutt
Adrian Bennett
KEK'd hard.
Blake Sanchez
Swedes are two times more thin-skinned than Amerilards
Jack Ross
It's unemployed day-time posters with not too much on the ball - that's all. Lest you say I'm too harsh, I've seen Murican posters fight like a bulldog over the silliest bantz.
Ethan Johnson
Nah, mutts are usually good sports.
Carson Lee
They'll have a laugh at themselves though, how fucked Sweden is.