Not only is it catchy and she's cute as fuck, but it's based and names the jew. Lets get this on trending.

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Other urls found in this thread:

that makes her irrelevant to the world, op.

The jew fears this, it's a real folk song, the oldest type of meme magic there is. pure pop music, a catchy tune, whimsical and fun but containing a sharp message for the establishment.
Oh this terrifies them, they can't even copyright it into oblivion, if this song becomes the anthem of the yellow vest movement Macron is done, how can they demonize kids dancing and singing without showing how ugly they are?
She's a modern day minstrel, all revolutions need their revolutionary songs, and with the pop music industry being completely under the control of kikes we need this kind of grass roots creativity to be promoted whenever it appears.

she is attacked by the kikes

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over 1 MILLION views on faceberg

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jewtube deleting views to stop it from trending

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also her other music video promotes motherhood and having white babies (:

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Fucking based, let's kills some jews!

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babababababababab BASED

I found it surprisingly clever that the french translation of "good guys" looks like "gentiles" and "bad guys" looks like "merchants"

You should buy a shack in Southern France and wife her, user.

tell me you wouldn't at 0:38

she is wifed (: and she has white children (:

otherwise i def would

Same happened to me, dat Jow Forums mindset.

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mine. shes mine. BACK OFF EVERYONE.

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absolutely adorable

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see how quick white pills arrive? small acts of heroism multiply.

>antisemitism is a feeling of hatred which is perfectly unknown to me
WAS perfectly unknown to you

>names the jew
besides the strangely coincidental title, where does this name the jew?

Im all for the yellow vests and their cause but this music video and song are shit. Not catchy at all. I think it needs more work before going WW. The dancers are all uncoordinated and the rhythm is terrible. Make it better and i will happily spam the fuck out of american twitter with it.

>dancers are all uncoordinated and the rhythm is terrible
that's my culture

Neo nazis are the worst degenerate

she just name jewish persons, but she never talk about the fact that they are jewish, it's just that you can't call out french politicians without calling jews since they are half of them

>needs more catchy
>better coordination
>improved rhythm
How about this one, user?

She is so pretty it hurts guys. Her voice is angelic..

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[Jewish Anger Intensifies]

ok nigger

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That's whilesome and this why it's catchy and people can relate.
This is not a Beyonce concert, americlap

she names the rothschilds and two more jews that are anti yellow vests

So she doesn't name the jew. It's a fine enough video on its own, I don't see why you have to lie.

>The dancers are all uncoordinated and the rhythm is terrible

Educate yourself dumbass edgy teen.

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I was saying to the Sodomite in the last thread about how sodomites cost Canadian tax payers 280% more in healthcare that straight people.
Because we have the socialized medical.
Here in Canada we pay 80% more in Taxes on things like cigarettes because they're bad for health and in turn cost our health system more.
by that logic we should be charging sodomites 280% more in taxes, or at least the companies that push the sodomite agenda.
What we think Pol?
I think it would be a great and logical way to push the sodomites back in the closet and prevent companies from pushing gay agendas. And totally legal way as well.

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Utterly degenerate, expected from an american who spent his life being fed by mainstream american medias

>worshipping women in 2019
This is why the Jews will win.

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Back to r9k please

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I thought it was gay at first but then it got stuck in my head for an hour, and I don't even speak French.

oh i misunderstood then, so it's true the digits never lie then

we need to compare that generation to today's....
>Hard times make strong men thing

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kill jews man

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That's precisely what makes it so relevant to the movement. Yellow Vests are unorganized and spontaneous by défini

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It seems like a great message and all and I support that, but holy fucking shit I couldnt make it 5 seconds into the video user, this beat is so god damn annoying I'm sorry

Better with the caption

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I stopped the video when I saw two braindead american thots laughing their ass off in a car

Definitely does not make the Jew (and that's a good thing, you ethno-cringealists)


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Are "les mechants" and "les gentils" standard ways to say good guys/bad guys? Or is it some sort of dog whistle? From an English speaking perspective it seems quite anti Jewish, but I obviously wouldn't know as far as French goes.

Retarded goddamn amerimutt
You sure you aren’t half kike or full kike

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French are very anti-semitic but also very kiked.
JUST french things.

not enough twerking for American tastes???

I think it's good guys and bad guys, but it might be a subtle weaponized anti-jew lingo.

no there is no hidden meanings, that's the most basic words to say good guy and bad guy

>Some of my best employees are fags ok

It looks very different to people who don't speak French.

Stfu kike

I like it, it's very wholesome.

Best girls, coming through!

Put your hands in the air
Wave 'em like you just don't care
And if you wanna see some BBC, somebody scream OH YEAH!

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So sweet

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>she knows what she's doing

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Oh shit, good eye my friend, what did the frogs mean by this?

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>successful hippies
kek. This is attacking all those old white boomer liberals, isn't it? lol

>Oh shit, good eye my friend
wtf are you blind? it flashes up on the screen the whole way through the song

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disgusting. absolutely disgusting

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Gave it a like u fags. She cute. Good song.

>You know what this needs? More niggers!
Get the fuck outta my country REEE!

you own a gay escort agency?

like im going to follow some little girls lead
are you even men? of course the biggest balls in france belong to a woman. i get that, but im not following her as she bleeds on everything
youre all cucks. get pegged, in time

good business tbqh

t. kike

un blanc qui veux joueur a imiter les nègres en faisant du rap et qui se vante de voter fn comme si c'était notre sauveur, dégage nous ce modéré de la

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In French "gentils" can mean either "good guys" or "non-jew". In the song she's using the former meaning of the word.

Méchant and merchant (marchand in French) are totally unrelated though.

Who said she is a leader? She's helping the propaganda war and the Yellow Vests are winning it.


>propaganda war

Hearts and minds.

>you own a gay escort agency?
She's a Minstrel, all revolutions need their revolutionary songs, she provided the Yellow vests first, you don't follow minstrels, they are simply conduits through which the message of the movement is carried.

Homo etrectus spotted

>youre a kike if you dont follow kikey trends
ok thanks for that
>Who said she is a leader?
seems like everyone
look at the last thread
shes fucking literally joan of arc to these fags. they said so themself

Huh, how strange. Maybe you guys should turn Les Mechants into an actual dog whistle for jews then. If the French media won't report on something like that I am sure some kiked american one would in a heartbeat.

Maybe people should be allowed to hold their own opinions. Do you agree?

That's why the other side is getting pissy. It's nearly impossible for them to bring people to their side because they're toxic garbage.

Kek I guess frenchie women were the real heroes all along

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absolutely, and if it was just that itd be fine
but shes being held up as a champion(threads replies) for making a video, yet, we give 12 hours of support to people in the political arena when they excite us, then they fade from our memory and were on to the next meme

>some sort of dog whistle?
quit Huffpost and go make an honest living, faggot

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yeah no shit.

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It's what we got, we gotta use what we got. it'd be stupid not to.

You haven't convinced me. I suppose you don't care, right?

Anyone know if JF has spoken about this yet?

exactly, people just riding the meme that will soon fade
care about what? the cause? sure
and i have nothing against her, im frustrated with the board for being like 14yr old boys seeing titty for the first time
if the bitch was ugly no one would care
and she wouldnt even talk to 90% of the men riding her dick. shed scream ew and run away

Stand up white man, before it is too late.

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it's a morale boost, and anti kike propaganda, what else do you want, have you done any better? no? the stfu, nigger.

He's not french. He's canadian.

THE lyrics are extremely based.
Verbal jousting aka rap exists since middle age, you incultured swine