Is bullying actually worse nowadays? And if it is, is it because bullies have learned that a society that's over reliant on socialization and rules will break like a twig as soon as someone decides to call your bluff and ignore your rules? Can bullying be dealt with without removing the bully from society or physically dominating them in some way?
Bullying is treated like a really big deal nowadays and schools are asked to do everything they can to prevent it, but out of curiosity I looked up exactly what schools do to deal with bullies and all I see are a bunch of bumper sticker slogans like The Key is More Education and reassurances that teachers are being sent to workshops to learn what to do, while never really explaining what it is they are learning and how they are applying what they've learned.
It's just got me thinking, can you really bring an uncivilized person to heel using nothing but civilization? Can the type of person who has learned that they are big enough to force others to do whatever they want, and who also does not give one fuck about rules / laws / the social contract ever really unlearn this without corporal punishment? Have they, in a sense, taken the red pill and figured out that rules and laws and shit are only real if you respect them? Schools can't hit kids and your ability to arrest a 10 year old is rather limited, so are they actually doing anything to prevent bullying or just now bemoaning its existence more loudly than in previous decades?
Bullying is a win-win. It shouldn't be encouraged but it shouldn't be harshly punished. It allows the bully to express any angst they might bottle up and teaches the victim that there will always be assholes who'd try to exploit them in some way.
Oliver Ramirez
if anything we should encourage the victim to step on up and smack the bully upside the fucking jaw
pop him in the fuckin mouf and there will be an end to the horror
Adam Morgan
Bullying today is a called anti-bullying. It's used to keep dissidents in line.
Nicholas Rodriguez
I'm thinking more in the classic sense of tall/fat kid steals weak/short kid's bike / lunch money / dessert or something. Crybullying is a symptom of oversocialization and isn't what I was thinking about when I made the thread
Noah Martin
>encourage the victim to step on up and smack the bully upside the fucking jaw Wrong. If there's no pressure there's no breaking point. Some kids are afraid not just of getting smacked but getting in trouble for standing up to a bully but that's the thing really, if you find a way to adapt and get back at them while still in school you'll not just grow as a person. The bully on the other hand might realize that not everyone can serve as an emotional dumpster or the very least have a limit of tolerance before retaliating or learn how.
Kevin Allen
This. Solely this. Bullying isn't getting worse, it just gets way too much attention because some faggots kill themselves due to it (not that they wouldn't have killed themselves without tje bullying) Bullying is mostly pent up anger and psychological problems, the victim should learn to kick such a faggots ass, and then the bully might learn to not express his anger like a retard. Bullying is only big deal insofar the gov can pay for workshops and increase taxes due to it, ngo's which try to fix bullying probably only try to make it worse so they get more money If my kid was being bullied, I'd tell him to next time, bring some of your friends with you, and you throw the first punch. And you keep hitting him until he's down on the ground and crying and begging. Don't show mercy to these creatures, they only know violence and nothing else. So give it to him, go all out and kick his ass son, and if you fail, you're gonna get back up your feet, and train kickboxing until you can punch his brains out. And if you see tje bully kickboxing aswell, then you call the director because someone abusing martial arts for violence should end up in trouble.
Matthew Brooks
>I'm thinking more in the classic sense of tall/fat kid steals weak/short kid's bike / lunch money / dessert or something doesn't this onlu happen in movies? I'm fairly certain it's always a group who targets someone who looks weak and pathetic. If your kid looks like that, you make damn sure he can throw a punch, they respect violence more than words. If you kick the ass of one of the leaders, or you show that you don't care and aren't willing to give ground, they'll try to find weaker fish.
Connor Rodriguez
Nigger. If my kid comes home telling me he's being bullied, and I tell him to go kick that guys ass and he does so and the principal tries to threaten my kid. I'll go to the news and tell that this school is supporting bullying, not standing up for yourself, etc. etc. Before that I'd be that angry parent which would scream to all the fucking teachers and the principal. Would you give a shit about what they think of you? This is about your kid not being treated as an actual human being and if they don't want to help with that, they don't deserve their position in that school. They deserve to be 6 feet under ground.