What are your predictions for the upcoming 2020 elections?
/pol 2020
Your fucking country is falling appart, europe is falling appart too,but it falls appart every 50 years so thats not impressive, but this time nogs wont be able to rebuild it
fucking hillary could run again and would win
Rand Paul 2020
Trump is literally finished. Either he will get primaried, or he will resign, or he will get BTFO by whatever Dem candidate runs.
Literally all that is necessary is to carry WI, PA and MI for the Dems to win.
trump until 2024, then me.
Incumbents nearly always win second terms in the United States. Typically with a smaller electoral total. The only states with any chance of changing were the narrowly decided. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, most significantly.
Trump could resign, to avoid criminal charges. He'd probably spin his resignation as a victory somehow.