... instead of the comfortable lie? You know accelerationism is the only solution. We cannot enter a new golden age until we wipe the slate clean. The truly intelligent person awaits the destruction of so-called "western civilization" with joyous expectations, as he knows nothing of real value will be lost. Only the best should survive the collapse, so they can build something new, something better, on the graves of our naive and degenerate civilization.
Does Jow Forums hate Varg because he promotes the uncomfortable truth
That too, but mostly because he calls out the mutts
Does he call out the ottoman rape babies too? Is that another reason they hate him?
I see the Nordics are reverting back to their natural habitat as tribes. And that's a good thing. Civilization was always bad.
I wouldn't listen to anyone who thinks it's a good idea to genocide a population because they don't fit a standard of values that you agree with and they don't.
Sounds like more categorical thinking that has spawned from the idealism of eugenics... epigenetics it may be coined now. Justifying a mass genocide of the human population because they just don't fit under the values you expect of them.
and using "true intelligence" as the justification to agree with such destructive idealism is laughably ironic.
like a phoenix you expect to burn it all to the ground and have something beautiful rise up... but nature never creates chaos out of expectation. otherwise, your intelligence is useless.
so many intelligent psychopaths running around ruining the world and then telling everybody else they shit on that we need to die.
> Get fucked
The degeneracy of current western civilization must be preserved so they don't commit the same mistakes.
But I doubt that will happen. They will, eventually, fall into degeneracy as well.
Pretty sure he is hated because he is a crazy homeless murderer who burned down a church and wants to lay down and not do anything about the immediate future like a giant pussy that keeps telling everyone it’s part of the plan
As if that faggot could survive the collapse of civilization and a horde of brown people
lol varg
>killed his best friend over a payment dispute, stabbed him 25 times in the back saying it was self defense
>spent over half his life in jail
>resides in some run down ooga booga smack shack in the woods
>shits in a bucket
>has illegitimate children with an autistic former mudshark who's addicted to drugs
>lives on welfare while bitching about the very system keeping him alive
>wants you to buy his shitty D&D knockoff
how does anyone view this guy as a role model?
You posted this same thing yesterday with an EU flag. How much do they pay you per post?
>You're not white if you have brown hai...
he would be vindicated if the majority of europeans actually dropped out of society the way he does. but they won't. his view that we should stop engaging in politics puts us at a major disadvantage.
he doesnt say brown, he says black hair/brown eyes
Didn't we have this exact thread yesterday
He's right, you're not white if you have brown eyes.
Most of Jow Forums thinks brown hair and brown eyes makes you a nigger.
A white male in his natural habitat.bmp
>Darkening the image to fit your narrative
He gets all the muttoid abrahamic jew worshippers all hot and bothered
They let me use the brothel (where your mom works) at my leisure, free of charge.
People in the black metal scene usually dye their hair black in Northern Europe. Look up pics of him from jail after he stopped doing that.
He actually says it means you have non-European DNA. Good straw man tho
just because vargina is a subhuman, a waste of oxygen.
he's not original, is a low life criminal and a leech
enough said
Jow Forums hates him because hes a schizo nigger that promotes a flawed ideology and has zero evidence for any of his claims like muh aryan ubermensch autistic neanderthals, the ice age is coming, muh rare earth elements, europeans need to abandon agriculture and technology etc. good on him for having kids and trying to live self sustainably but hes unfortunately gone full retard