Reminder that the War of 1812 was a stalemate

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The war of 1812 was used to destroy and hide the original 13th amendment.

I'm interested, give me a rundown

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You could have just said it would have made it enforceable to remove a public official who received foreign honors and titles

The Original Thirteenth Amendment Prohibits Lawyers From Serving In Government


the leafs burnt the whitehouse down,
absolutely BTFO


Hardly anybody here has heard of it. What can I say, we had a lot of wars.

It was hardly even a war

>Just casually forget New Orleans

that's a funny way to spell CRUSHING US DEFEAT

A stalemate in the sense that our Republic has been controlled by English Bankers since then.


Then why did Trump cry about it to Trudeau?

I disagree, I believe it was a US victory.

I don't think you quite grasp the extend of British military history.

Picking and choosing which to praise and which to forget?

>No Canada
And they think it's their greatest achievement

We set your White house on fire... We won.

We should have just taken all the land!

British* set the Presidential Palace on fire (Wasn't called the White House then).

Sorry, but the war of 1812 is just a footnote compared to Napoleon.

The US Army tried to take over Canada. They failed at that.

Still the same building, bucko.

Trump said it was us.
If you want to contradict Trump then you need to get the fuck off of this board and go back to your sub.

Read the picture, 'bucko', it says BRITISH North America, there was no Canada yet. Not to mention the man who burnt down the Presidential Palace was BRITISH
Trump isn't exactly knowledgeable on world history

It's our forebear, so it was us...
Nice try
We win, you lose, bubsy.

Clearly says it was a stalemate since you repulsed us and we repulsed you. Nice try, though

Yeah, we know all about your forebear

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Keep telling yourself that.

>Not knowing how much love a bear can give.

"I-it was a stalemate"

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Really, we should of thanked you for burning down that old thing. The New one was a great improvement.

What an idiot. Please ignore the brainlet mutt pease.

the most noteworthy thing canada ever did

The Americans burnt half of canada down

Are you trying to impress an inbred bong by insulting your fellow American? Get off this website you pathetic 15yo loser.

We're happy to improve the new one too for you desusenpaiiiiiii

How so?

Really? Looks like tecumseh got btfo

It would look better like The flames make it more aesthetic, add a certain imperialism.

Its funny isn’t it
Just when they lost America in 1812, they won India in 1818. I guess that made up for it.

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>Shart in mart
>Shit in street
Couldn't civilise either properly

bro don't kid yourself
the british had already won india by 1700.
this is how india's political situation looked in 1758, 20 years before the first Anglo-Maratha war. just look at the maratha """"empire"""" literally a confederation of smaller states that simply aligned with the Peshwa for benefits, not even an empire, and switched loyalities immiediately after the brits won the war of 1818.
WE were busy fighting each other, WE couldn't seen beyond Hindu-Muslim, Brahmin-untouchable, which is why we lost. the americans were redpilled on the britoid menace, a foreign government dictating their country's matters, which is why they united not as Germans, or Anglo-Saxons, or Italians or whatever but as Americans. that's why one won, and the other got btfo by a trading company.

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