Post map goals

post map goals

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Thats mine except the blue area is a flood.

>be sand
>become happy with more sand
i just do not know what is this

you and I know this will never happen Shlomo, Christ will descend upon mankind and will lead us to battle against you filth

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He's gonna invest in a big glass blowing industry.

I should remind you that a retarded jew is still better than a healthy shitskin

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>Christ will descend upon mankind
I hope you dont believe this dude. And if you do explain to me scientifically how this is possible.

My goal is to become an Israeli citizen and achieve this goal and make Israel a light to all nations


I wish zionists would go ahead and fucking get it over with already, I'm sick of this waiting game pitting sands against eachother.

they don't obey international law, as it stands, so why not just go for the whole shebang?

Could it be that they can't really ever pull it off in a million years, and have to have absolutely zero resistance in order to move tanks an inch?

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It's truly a miracle that you kikes have survived so long, considering how much you hate yourselves.

Same way Saint Nicholas still delivers all those presents on Christmas.

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>Christ comes down from Heaven
>leads muslim and christian men into battle against jews
seems about right to me

I could say the same about you, you keep killing each other and are so full of hate you literally blow up

Kys Palestinian dog

Only acceptable one

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>Christ comes down from Heaven
How? And fighting jews is easy. They're a very weak people and can be nuked with ease. No one really wants to do that though. Your country would be better off if you focused on the present instead of the past and the fantasy future. Also Jews are your brothers and you wouldnt have the Koran without them

oy vey shlomo, how's your rabbi ben salman doing?

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Real chads seek snow, not fucking sand.

>heaven elevator
>press earth

checked and kek

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there are shit stains on your map.

You're an actual retard if you believe in "afterlife" heaven. I like the concept of heaven and hell from a literary perspective but its not like a real thing. You have to create heaven as a society by doing good or you create hell by doing evil buddy.

I wish bin Salman was jewish. Better than being a worthless Palestinian begger.

Palestinians only know one thing "gib money"

Nothing on my map in unintentional

>implying there couldn't exist multiple universes or dimensions where the concepts of Hell and Heaven are reality
you can't refute this, I win
you will be chanting "gib money" too when oil runs out and we will all laugh as you realized you had been deceived by your kike overlords

This is the year that israel is destroyed

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The entirety of your country receives benefits lmao. Your mindset is why you won't run the middle east and why hegemony will return to the natural Turkish and Iranian powers. KSA will be Yemen tier while those Palestinian beggars are rebuilding their nation and putting into play a Levantine super bloc.

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I celebrate everytime Gaza is being bombed

The entire world will rejoice when Turkey and Iran start bombing yahudi arabia. You know it will happen, (((they))) know it will happen, (((ben salman))) knows it will happen.

Good, you can be targeted much easier that way

Lmao we are one of the lowest debt countries in the world. What benefits do we receive?

>Iranian and Turkish powers
They can have these worthless Palestinian for all I care


>Sand people shouting at each other
literally nothing new here

>Thats mine except the blue area is a flood.
*sarin gas

post yfw when the entire middle east will dry up in the next 20 years and israel will be the only country with water in the region due to superior desalination tech.

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>refute this
You have to prove a soul exists and you have to prove these other universes exist and you can transfer out from one universe to other to get there. Also you have to prove that angels are are real and that miracles happened in our history. Face it religion isnt meant to be taken seriously other than for cultural reasons

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Why can't we all just get along?

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Yeah tell me when you come from fantasy to reality.

No one gives shit about Palestinians. They just use you as propaganda for their own agenda like iran and Erdogan.

You are like a homeless guy. Everyone wants to give to a penny just to look good but not really take you in their house.

Post yfw it inevitably back blows for 200th time

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I really want to see Israel Nuked for USS liberty and 9/11.

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Meant to reply to OP.

You have to admit Jews are pretty qt tho

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>Ultra Orthodox Jews
Literally such turbojews they outjew their fellow Jews
>Oy Vey we have to study the Torah as a full time job
>Dont serve in the military and rely on gibs from the govt


Saudi Arabia has more desalination plants and provides more than 60% of its fresh water for much bigger population

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>you have to admit the specific models that are handpicked for propaganda purposes are pretty qt tho

>do your first step in accomplishing Greater Israel
>fuck up in Lebanon twice

That's not a jew, that's a germanic rape baby. I bet they stole their granny from the Lebensborn.

>I wish bin Salman was jewish.

Wish granted.

Fuck off MI5

Saudi's are litterally 2 Digits IQ sandniggers, we talk shit about the palis but they are superior to you Talal-Al-Sandrat

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