Engineerfags of /pol, the Wall and your thoughts

So, Im taking a look at this supposed wall design. What about it makes it so much better than making a big fuckoff concrete slab wall? Overall building and maintenance cost? I recall hearing that someone of relevance saying this was the best design for the purpose and Trump is going with it. I'm not an engineer myself, but it looks pretty puny and nothing that a piece of construction equipment or a possibly an 18 wheeler couldn't plow through with considerable speed? Granted, Im sure there will be sensors and cameras galore, but response times can be so quick to cover so large of a distance. Though, in its defense, its not supposed to withstand equipment made for warfare, or at least that wasnt the goal that was presented. Also, using American steel instead of concrete would give a boost to our industry. I can completely understand why the kikes wanted a gigantic wall, considering all the neighbors rightfully hate your guts. Anyway, what say you?

Attached: ec616abf-3e2d-4713-ba53-efd0400337b4-getty-929985752.jpg (970x546, 131K)

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steel is real, faggot.

Attached: SchwinnSprint-3c.jpg (600x480, 90K)

it's cheaper that's all there is to it, trump is settling because it wont happen if he doesn't. and he knows if he doesn't deliver something on his wall it'll be used against him in 2020

basically he'll dump billions of tax payer dollars into this ineffective fence purely as a political ploy.

ideally the wall would go down a decent bit too, and you can "see" through the fence. it's par I'd say. I'd rather have a solid barrier like at least 20 feet up 10 feet down.

The entire thing isn't practical. Its more a deterrence and show of intentions. Stay the fuck out.

I heard the wall was going to be concrete in some sections and a more open fence like design in sections with border agent presence.

>ineffective fence purely as a political ploy.
If it's so ineffective, why are libs so scared of it?
$5 billion for some Presidential pet project is fucking NOTHING.

>ideally the wall would go down a decent bit too
it would have to in order to provide a foundation.
As for the gaps, its to allow wildlife to pass and to allow Border patrol to observe what's happening on the other side.

Method/speed of building and cost of building is most likely why steel was used. For the purposes of showing you in these examples, I'm going to solely focus on the building aspects on not the pro's and cons of the actual protection both offer.

-heavy/harder to work with
-pour times
-more machines required to transport
-more workers needed to make molds/pour said concrete

-Easy to make prefabricated posts/ ship them to site
-less equipment needed, usually a vibrator to drive them in or simply put in a poured concrete foundation on the ground( yes so you do need some concrete but much less and easier as gravity does most of the work.
-EASY TO REPLACE (Concrete can be "patched" but it's usually not as strong)
-less workers to assemble
-can be assembled and created multiple times faster which will be important because once trump is gone the next pres can just stop it.

This. This is the question you need to ask yourself and make others ask. Why are democrats SO afraid of using .001428% of the federal budget to stop 99.999% of all weapons, people, and drugs trafficked across our southern border.