Tattoo degenerates btfo

Be me
>gf has tattoos
>i dont really care but i dont want them
>talks about getting more all the time
>tries to convince me to get them
>redpill her on social engineering, the state of power & control and the 5G VR hivemind network thats coming
>pure ideas and the collective conscious are transcending visual art
>tattooing was barely art in the first place
>those ink blotches will literally be meaningless skin stains in 10-20 and no one will care
>hfw she realizes

Attached: 1147ddd05ef923148ea387730361c83c.jpg (525x407, 30K)

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Nice onion scratch and sniff. kek

You dont have a gf, stop larping.

haha this. tattoos are stupid though, especially on women

I don't even like tattooed women in my porn.

Based and redpilled

Attached: 46844.jpg (504x399, 109K)

Someone shop the Master Dylan one above it

I wish someone had told me to not put my dick in tatted up whores. Just leave her now. Save yourself.

>>gf has tattoos
you need to bail bro, she isn't marriage material