Lefty media predicts Tucker Carlson is heir apparent of Trumpism

Would you vote for a cable news media man?


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He isn't wrong
Tucker doesn't owe jews as much as trump does
He doesn't have kids married to kikes either

The heir apparent of Trumpism is Ben Garrison

Based Tucker

Nope. The Right has proven one thing:

They have no interest in stopping white genocide. Their empty promises and "trust the plan" strategy has only made whites complacent but this false hope is but a last dying gasp. I will support the Left who will at least put white genocide in the faces of every European-American forcing them to wake up and fight back.

>“If an obscure senator gave this speech,” Kyle Smith wrote at National Review, “he’d be famous overnight.”

>“A man or woman who can talk like that with conviction could become president,” Rod Dreher gushed. “Voting for a conservative candidate like that would be the first affirmative vote I’ve ever cast for president.”

Tucker 2020 w Rand Paul as VP?

We should me tucker as the new fuhrer

I'd vote for Tucker in a heartbeat

>default mode of movement conservatism
But Romney wasn't that, remember, libs? Romney would have been a scary and dark time for our nation as that was the most important election of our lifetime. Now, McCain, THAT was some good old fashioned conservatism. Except when he was running. If he would have won, it would have been a scary and dark time for our nation. That was the most important election of our lifetime. Except for Bush, now THAT was some good old fashioned conservatism. Except when he won, which was a scary and dark time for our nation. Those were the most important elections of our lifetimes. Except for Reagan. Now Reagan, THAT was some good............

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He's almost right. Trump was a practical "test run". He made it clear that the general public is ready for what was considered to be extremism just some years ago. The next step will not be Tucker, because Tucker is not an "effective Trump". The next step will be closer to people like Pierce and Rockwell, Amen.

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Tucker would have my vote. His honest discussion about the problems of America is refreshing.


Donald’s children will find a way to jew us moving forward. Expect javanka to make moves for 2020.

Trump needs to step-aside and let someone competent take the reigns for 2020. Currently Jared Kushner is literally running the West Wing

Nobody's voting for his retarded scam artist children

Trump is a new paragidm in the GOP. You had Reagan republicans. Now you have Trump republicans. Here to stay

Boomer die off in the next two decades, after which whites will only be 30% of the population. Nothing like Tucker Carlson will ever be possible in the USA.

Only if Republicans want to never win another election again. The GOP will be shifting left, due to demographic pressure. In about 12 years, expect the average Republican to be like the average Democrat is today.


Demographics past 2020 will never get a Tucker elected. If he's itching for office, he needs to put his hat in the ring now

> Make America have less Lying, Pomposity, and Groupthink
Sophists can take a hike- Tucker 2024 has my full unironic endorsement.


> Name a country where based white guys are a minority but get elected
Brazil, Bolsanaro.

Too late, gotta strike while the iron is hot. Tucker is it right now. Who tf knows what the landscape will be 5 or 6 years from now

>leftymedia predicts
worked so good the last few times. Russia

Brazil is a completely different thing because Brazil is a legitimately White supremacist society. The USA is an anti-White society.

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>Brazil is a legitimately White supremacist society

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I like Tucker and all, but if Bannon's exile to the wilderness doesn't result in him coming back to run in 2024, I'll be livid.

It is. White=status in Brazil, and all races for the most part agree that Whites are the best and want to make themselves whiter.

Bannon is a retard and needs to stay dead.

Hint: Most non-European societies have this attitude

god I wish

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checked, based, redpilled, fuck jews

>competent and effective
>tucker carlson

Pick one

Support for a welfare state will fall, not rise, as the country becomes more ethnically diverse. Remember, unlike niggers, spics actually have made civilizations that progressed past the bronze age. They are very much able to run a society that's at least semi-modern and some of them (a lower percentage than whites, but a non zero number) can do higher level tasks like engineers, science, practice medicine, etc. Those ones aren't going to want to fund the dead weight anymore than whites are.

Tucker would be perfect.

Trump is pozzed as shit with his kids all being married to (((them)))

why, what's wrong with tucker

>Pierce and Rockwell


I liked Bannon but then he got cucked by Jared, got super boomer-tier cringey... and his backing was the Mercers...

Since you made the claim, the weight of proving he isn't competent and effective rests on your shoulders faggot.

Make your case or leave this place.

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Except the spics are our allies, they've just been led astray. In 20 years the spics will all be speaking english and will want the country to be secure. Most spics are white with a tan.

>Support for a welfare state will fall, not rise, as the country becomes more ethnically diverse
You're delusional. All of Central and south America is far left by American standards. They don't change their voting patterns when they come here.

Exacty, say what you want about the beans but how many of them are on welfare? How many homeless mexicans have you seen asking for change? They work, they have our ethics, they are catholic and won't put up with the liberal bullshit once they see the light.

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I meant more radical than Tucker and Trump. They will be effective because this time around they have the public as I said. This time it's not threats of a brown future but a current reality where whites rapidly lose their place on earth, actively attacked across (almost) the entirety of Western Culture.
(And Rockwell was killed, you can't really blame him for being "ineffective". Pierce, on the other hand, was extremely effective, just not as a politician. He did a lot to further WN.)

Tuck would fucking destroy Warren in a debate

TV anchors don't have any experience in governing

For once the checkmark is right. The GOP is not going back to the Romney cuckold-for-the-almighty-dollar conservatives. They are either going to have to embrace economic nationalism or they will never be elected to the white house. The genie is out of the bottle and we're not going to return to the boring 1990s-2000s era of neoliberalism and "Compassionate Conservatism" or "New England Republicanism". Except for the inevitability of having to vote for someone other than a democrat who the fuck is going to be enthusiastic about that Ohio faggot whose a democrat in all but name or a Romney who is the same? If the candidate isn't going to curtail illegal immigration and pursue america-first policies why the fuck should I vote for them? I'm not voting for someone to put the EU or Africa ahead of the United States.

This is what you see on the right at the moment and may see on the left if the more far-left commies/socialists continue to rise and actually maintain their policies and don't just sell out (I am pretty sure they will sell out): The gnashing and hair-pulling of 1990s-2000s era conservatives furious that the world order they envisioned and enshrined into dogma is crumbling. It's also why so many liberals and neoliberals are seethingly mad at Trump and Bolsonaro among others - they are facilitating the dismantling of their inept, decrepit and already falling apart at the seams post-cold war international order.

>the spics are our allies
You will be killed on the day of the rope

That 15 minute monologue is better than any speech I've seen a politician give in 30+ years


Accelerationism is truly the only way, why are most modern day whites so cucked anyway? I don't the whole media brainwashing angle, even as a child I knew that both sides were full of shit.

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You bet your fucking ass I would vote for Tucker.

Murdochs would easily subvert Tucker's campaign flirtation by offering him an O'Reilly tier $30M per year Fox News extension. Tucker ain't walking away from $100M+. Maybe that's Tucker's motive here in the first place, to gin up a story that he could walk away from tv, to net a fat contract

The majority of them, yes, because the ones we're getting are the poor laborer class. The difference between them and the common nigger is that some of their children will go on to be educated professionals. This is by no means the "they'll vote conservative they're catholics meme" this is more of a 15-20% of them will be conservative for economic reasons and presumably by then nearly all whites will be and that will be enough to keep the parties gridlocked at 50/50ish.

i will vote against every single traitor Dem every time. do not care who i vote for as long as they are running against the democrats

It doesn't really matter because Trump will be the last Republican President. He may win 2020 with the incumbent advantage but when it's time for a successor in 2024 things will be too far gone and victory just won't be possible anymore.

I'd vote for Tucker. No question. The dude is level headed as fuck, intelligent and immune to the corrupt logic of leftists and marxism.


>Except the spics are our allies
Is that why every spic nation is a bastion of conservative thought?
Oh, wait... they're all socialist.

I'm not a civcuck but around 30% of Latinos are steadfastly right wing. I imagine that those are the ones with higher white admixture. But for the most part Latinos will buy into the anti-white narrative.

>I'm not a civcuck but around 30% of Latinos are steadfastly right wing.
Latino right wing =/= Euro right wing =/= Semite right wing, unless you are in fact a civcuck.

I'm confused, I see your flag but you're talking about Pierce without speaking ill of him. I'd be interested to hear you clarify your stance a little bit more.

Being right wing here is mainly about being as tough as you can get on crime, cause that's what our military regimes did.
Many boomers miss the military regime because of that.
In fact, half the reason Bolsonaro got elected was because of crime. The overwhelming majority of the population ltierally cheers every time a criminal is killed by the police.
Also, we don't have a pro democracy liberal conservativism as the Anglo world has, although Bolsonaro is kind of this.
I suspect if tomorrow the military do a coup and shut up the press majority of the people wouldn't even protest so long the regime killed criminals and don't fuck up the markets.

>kills criminals*

> I will support the Left
Do not listen to these two fucking faggots. They are shills trying to use subversion tactics.

"I will support the left." Fucking kidding me thinking you'll dupe ANYONE here with that kinda shit.

I'll try to make is as short as possible - I'm Russian, I wasn't born in this geo-location on purpose, and in any other nation, I'd be considered as just another "antisemite". I understand Judaism, thus I support WN (and such). I'm also not an evil and paranoid retard so I have no inherent problem with any group wishing for ethno rights. Furthermore, due to my blood, I feel a kinship towards Europeans, something which I can't control.

>Would you vote for a cable news media man?

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Oh, and as a consequence, Pierce for me is just a great an interesting man and thinker. I somewhat admire him even. I remember how I used to listen to his archive daily.

its actually Sam Hyde

Right wing JFK?

Actually, I think Tucker might make a great president.

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Experience isn't required directly. He understands politics and the game you have to play but also isn't afraid to speak his mind.


ive been posting on Jow Forums since it was /new/ and I never gave a fuck about Trump I saw right through him for day one but if Tucker ran for prez I'd volunteer for his campaign and donate all the money I have

Your too much of a brainlet to see the plain truth before you. BTW I'm ready for it, and if I am killed; it will be defending our culture and civilization.

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I said this a few months ago. I fucking trust Tucker even more then Trump. I would be even more hyped for him then Trump.

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oh fuck yeah

Is Tucker legit NatSoc now?

I was really hyped for Trump, supported him from the very beginning, though I don't know if anyone actually thought he would be that effective at implementing our policy. It was more to give out ideas exposure, stop immigration, and throw a wrench in the system.

Tucker however would severely change the foundations of the system, that I have full belief in.

Trump has been trying to get into the White House for over two decades. He was waiting for a really long time. You're really naive if you think Trump is a lame duck. There are no doubt many things going on that we simply aren't aware of.

> Not posting the original

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Rand the Grand, and Tucker the Cucker 2020. We need to meme this into reality.

>trust the plan
Look I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020 just because he's better then anyone else, but please don't be as naive as your post implies you to be.

If Trump actually pulls the national emergency and gets us a real wall instead of slats, keeps the shutdown going for months so snap niggers starve to death, pull out of Syria & Afghanistan, or pulls out of NATO, or something of that nature I'll celebrate him as the God emperor you want to be, but so far he's had pretty unimpressive results. On top of that he sounds like a tard anytime he says this is the best economy in the history of America when really its just being kept afloat by tax cuts & low interest rates, has completely abandoned us on gun rights, and if immigration and deportations continue at the rate its at now Texas will be blue by 2030 at least. Millions of deportations are needed and Trump is too much of a pussy to go full "Operation Wetback".

I give Trump credit as being the cultural figure we needed at the exact right time, but Trump planning for decades to run for office is more an example of his ego then any kind of 36d underwater chinese checkers masterplan.

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Married to his high school sweetheart. Phenomenal optics

I'm pretty sure we all knew he was saying that.

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>Rand Paul

Yeah, like that trash would be good for anyone

They might vote Democrat, but all of the Mexicans i’ve known are hardworking or run their own businesses. It’s a couple of generations in that they become super liberal because muh immigrant solidarity/identity as the “other.”

Im not a Q faggot, but consider for a moment what it is you're wanting out of him. Consider exactly what would have happened if , in his first day of office, he declared he wanted to audit the fed, change birthright citizenship, deport all illegals, abolish income tax, etc etc?

Theres no way he would be president right now. We live in a quasi plutocracy with a uniparty that agrees: fuck over Americans. Trump has done a lot just by being Trump. He swung the overton window right. Obama ruined this country in more ways than one. Trump has a lot of damage to undo. The man has appointed more judges than anyone else since GW himself. I just think you're not paying attention to groundwork that he has to do. I think personally him stalling on the wall is intentional and he'll use it to motivate votes for 2020. Incumbent presidents get low voter turnout as you should know.

Definately would BUNP

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>TV anchors don't have any experience in governing
Neither do half of the people in Congress. What is your point exactly?

He (((knows))).

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bolsanaro is not left.

>>but consider for a moment what it is you're wanting out of him

> pulls the national emergency and gets us a real wall instead of slats, keeps the shutdown going for months so snap niggers starve to death, pull out of Syria & Afghanistan, or pulls out of NATO, or something of that nature

All I'm saying is I'll celebrate Trump if he actually does something worth celebrating. I hope what you're saying is correct but I've not seen any of it yet.

honestly? why the fuck not.

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That coward ran away from Aventti in the end and coward away when Antifa broke his house door, then ran crying to a Switz tabloid to whine about Trump not being fit for office. Cucker is a dumb faggot who still defends worthless Sessions.

kikes are scared

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