The head of a southern Indian university cited an old Hindu text as proof that stem cell research was discovered in...

>The head of a southern Indian university cited an old Hindu text as proof that stem cell research was discovered in India thousands of years ago.

>G Nageshwar Rao, vice chancellor of Andhra University, also said a demon king from the Hindu religious epic, Ramayana, had 24 types of aircraft and a network of landing strips in modern day Sri Lanka.

>Another scientist from a university in the southern state of Tamil Nadu told conference attendees that Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were both wrong and that gravitational waves should be renamed "Narendra Modi Waves".

>Dr KJ Krishnan reportedly said Newton failed to "understand gravitational repulsive forces" and Einstein's theories were "misleading".

>education minister Satyapal Singh in 2017 said that airplanes were first mentioned in the ancient Hindu epic, Ramayana. He added that the first working plane was invented by an Indian named Shivakar Babuji Talpade eight years before the Wright brothers

>Also in 2017, the education minister for the western state of Rajasthan said it was important to "understand the scientific significance" of the cow, claiming it was the only animal in the world to both inhale and exhale oxygen

>In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told medical staff at a Mumbai hospital that the story of the Hindu god Ganesha - whose elephant head is attached to a human body - showed cosmetic surgery existed in ancient India

>Geologist Ashu Khosla said that Hindu god Brahma discovered dinosaurs and documented them in ancient Indian scriptures while presenting a research paper at the Indian Science Congress on Sunday

>Lawmaker Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank prompted outrage in 2014 when he said that "science is a dwarf in front of astrology". He added that astrology was "the biggest science" and that India conducted nuclear tests more than 100,000 years ago

That's right, white*ids, we have been a super power for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Name ONE scientific discovery that wasn't first made in INDIA!

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>Name ONE scientific discovery that wasn't first made in INDIA!
The toilet

I attended the fucking conference. Left in the middle of it.

Holy shit, I was there too. IISc?
Thankfully this made global headlines finally. Hindu Nationalists are scum and deserve to be called out. Ancient India had it’s achievements, and those need to be historically researched, not this wewuzzing shit. Fuck them all. May they burn in hellfire, even though I’m atheist

>self hating

Go to Pakistan

nope, not a student. i work as a teacher myself in NCR. attended it since I had a great time last year. turns out this year, they wanted to get a bit more political and wewuzzery because of elections this year. there was some interesting research in the start of the conference, on semiconductors and nuclear sciences, mostly in biology but it got completely derailed by the time our Hindu Nationalist friends entered, and started talking about science in Hindu scriptures. the entire student body was trying to hold their laughter, I left. Fuck's sake.

shut up nigger
pakiland has this kind of shit right in their textbooks, fuck 'em too.
religious radicals ruin society for everyone. i will not let my children be taught bullshit over actual science.

We wuz scientists n poo

>, Ramayana, had 24 types of aircraft

Ah, the Vimanas. Little is funnier than watching morons try to misinterpret these as actual aircraft.

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You hate your own people and their achievements. You are nothing but a muslim.


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WE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you fucking shitskin dravidians were not the fucking Aryan Nomadic Invaders who conquered India and subjugated your dark inferior race.
No they were fucking not, how do we know? Because we have the Persian Aryan Tocharian Mummies discovered in fucking Western China who date around 5,000 years ago.
Proof that the Aryan Race was in those neck of the woods in the distant past.
And further proof that these Chariot Riding Aryans conquered India thousands of years ago and introduced Proto-Hinduism
Now fuck off fucking filthy shitskin subhuman POO IN LOO Dravidian scum.

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the aryans in the hindu scriptures were pretty much pooinloo indians
like it or not,
despite the wewuzzery claims by some retard HNs, this doesn't rule out the fact that the majority of Indian art, philosophy, and linguistic poetry is the work of pooinloo indians, not your nordic race.

Germans had these towards the end of the Second World War using the same technology. Jews want you to think it was ancient ayylmaos instead of just what happens when Aryans aren’t infected by Jews

Let's take an actual look at Indian history.
1400 BC

Attached: A_Battle_Of_Ten_Kings.png (4248x3480, 756K)

They also invented the flush toilet for all that amounts to today

^this was literally the only period pure aryans existed. It's Aryo-Dravidian from here.
600 BC.

Attached: A_Mahajanapada_Era_600BC.png (2016x2544, 586K)

246 BC

Attached: C_Mauryan_Era_250BC.png (2040x2576, 773K)

438 AD

Attached: D_1_Gupta_Era_438CE.png (2688x2448, 695K)

512 AD

Attached: D_1_H_Fall_of_the_Guptas.png (2528x2376, 628K)

Based India BTFO globalist science

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815 AD

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Reminder that India used to be white, or at least the people of importance. You're welcome, Pajeet.

1047 AD

Attached: D_2_Chola_Era_1047CE.png (4384x3344, 1.38M)

This is a nation that has nuclear arms capability.

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1300 AD

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1410 AD

Attached: E_2_Medieval_Era_1410CE.png (2096x2528, 607K)

Almost as bad as those black nationalist dudes. You're insecurity sure shows in events like this. You lack contribution to the world so you have to compensate by coming up with weird shit like this to make yourselves feel better and more important. Feels bad man.

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1700 AD

Attached: F_1_Mughal_Era_1700CE.png (2184x2720, 869K)

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Not in the Rig Veda. That originated out West. The oldest copy was found in Syria. Perhaps some newer texts; though, those are, of course, going to be focused on the whiter diluted upper caste types. The important parts of Hinduism were already created before it was mixed with local religions.

1758 AD

Attached: G_1_Maratha_Era_1758CE.png (2208x2736, 1015K)

inb4 "your* learn English mutt"

That poo's are indistinguishable from each other, and are insufferable when they're playing their caste bullshit internationally.
btw, your books got nothing on star-wars, which proves the Jedi had lasers before you were past eating raw shit.


>Rig Veda
>Originated out of the West

RV is the oldest Indo-European text, however, it does not mention any locations outside India.

The Syria one you're talking about is the Kingdom of Mitanni, in the Hittite-Mitanni treaty where they invoke Indo-Aryan Gods, the split happened after their arrival into India. No written scripture of the Veda can be found in Syria because the Indo-Aryan migrants to Syria were pre-1700 BC, and the whole of the Rig Veda was only compiled by 14th century BC, much later, that is, and that too, in oral form. India did not discover writing until 3rd century BC.

No one gives a shit what your kangz ancestors did 100 gorillions years ago, because all that knowledge (if any) was lost and your people are now famous for shitting at city streets.

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You head the squarehead Pajeets its time for you to all fuck off back to your jobs in taxis and 7/11's now. BTFO

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Nobody self-hates dumbass. There are actual ancient Indian philosophers who wrote great works, like Aryabhatta, Varamahira, Kautilya etc., we’re only calling out this blatant historical revisionism.

>teacher in ncr
>hates hindu scripture
>probably has phd in islamic history

t. abdul

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way to miss the point dumb nigger
do you believe ancient India had nukes because the description of the brahmaatra sort of matches a nuclear strike? for all we know it must be some author who thought of such a weapon and wrote about it, like fiction
do you really believe that Kauravas having a 100 sons in the Mahabharata was a result of fucking stem cell research?
fuck off
you guys will turn this country into Hindu Pakistan

>probably has history major
> "talking about science in Hindu scriptures,Fuck's sake,"
tha'ts because you majored in dumb humanities , and has little knowledge you dumb.

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>100 sons in the Mahabharata was a result of fucking stem cell research?
it's called test tube baby you faggot

Of course, that's how Krishna had blue skin.

seriously dude? lol

we wuz scientists n sheit my nigga we wuzz doing stem cells n sheit whoooo but now we be shittin in street

you are literally a nigger
congrats on destroying any credibility of actual Indian achievement with this kangz tier crap.

what a nigger. fuck of abdul
and the migration might be much older there is no way its under 2500 bc. and dravidians are also elamites and there was no sino nor tibetan tribes there if we consider tarim basin. you are a copypasta faggot that shills as a teacher , go fuck yourself.

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>You hate your own people and their achievements
They are fake achievements. It just fanfiction.
It's like Europeans claiming they were the first to genetically engineer because Sleipnir was an 8 legged horse.
Complete bullshit.

have you ever wondered why a majority of our fields medal receipients, nobel laureates, and well-known scientists have been awarded outside India?

because of this crap. because we let our universities be infiltrated and used for political and revisionist bullshit.

The school is a place for learning, not this WE WAS KANGS N SHEIT IN 200 BC N SHEIT, and if somebody wants to study Ancient Indian history, then there should be appropriate departments that deal with this, but the ASI is the only organization that does anything relevant to Indian history, and they're severely underfunded.

i'm not a western dicksucker, but I am going to criticise the current state of affiairs of both history and science in this country.

Leftists are subhuman sacks of shit that will not even bother writing anything (good) about Ancient Indian history only to criticize it from their socialist point of view and suck muslim dick and praise islam, while Hindu Nationalists will spout kang-tier crap. this is why we cannot have decent material on Hindu history, Leftist Hindus hate themselves, and right-wing Hindus are we wuzz kangs.

we need *moderation*. none of what this prof. said is true. he only stirred more animosity towards Indian history thus allowing an absolute mockery of it.

it's not like hindu nationalists aren't known for their mockery of hinduism... cow is our mother, drink cow piss, oh wait. their entire ideology is a funny joke on hinduism.

>the education minister for the western state of Rajasthan said it was important to "understand the scientific significance" of the cow, claiming it was the only animal in the world to both inhale and exhale oxygen
Love how someone this dumb is an education minister. Pretty sure every animal exhales oxygen, we don't use up all of the oxygen we breathe in.

It's like the Japanese cuber-security minister who had somehow never even used a computer in his life before.

> destroying any credibility of actual Indian achievement
we are not talking about stem research but its about the "idea" or "theory" not "practical" , just like even novels are copyrighted. and you are a faggot.

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education ministers aren't appointed by any selection process, it's literally a political party putting their favourite on the position of the minister

>have you ever wondered why a majority of our fields medal receipients, nobel laureates, and well-known scientists have been awarded outside India?
because people like you thinks they are smart when they have major in history


>conducted nuclear tests thousands of years ago
>doesnt even have nukes today despite larping as having them for a couple decades
yea india confessed to not having nukes. it turned out india just used a shit ton of dynamite and the water pressure from the depth generated a mini earthquake that americans though had to be nuclear testing. they didnt even buy one from russia to cover for it

cope. i'm not a history major. i teach physics to JEE aspirants. pretty sure that's as science-y as you can get.
>we're talking about the idea
read the whole article
>India conducted nuclear tests more than 100,000 years ago
>Hindu God Brahma discovered dinosaurs and documented them in Ancient Indian scriptures
>gravitational waves should be renamed to "Narendra Modi waves"
K- oh fuck I lost it, here, I'm laughing as it type this.
>understand the scientific significance of cow, claiming it was the only animal to both inhale and exhale oxygen
>astrology was the "biggest science"

Pure science right here bro


i'd point out it's not just retarded HNs that do this shit, I mean the Chinese wuz kangs n sheit as well

The Kaaaaannnnngggsssssssss of the Eastern world, China and India, the two great shitholes, that became so big, they might have accidentally influenced the world.

Krauts aren't funny is that you mehmet

>>India conducted nuclear tests more than 100,000 years ago
>Hindu God Brahma discovered dinosaurs and documented them in Ancient Indian scriptures
it is false as he is creator himself
>>gravitational waves should be renamed to "Narendra Modi waves"
these are stupid but you are not completely right too
>>understand the scientific significance of cow, claiming it was the only animal to both inhale and exhale oxygen
its may sounds backward to you but there are scientific papers on it,
>>astrology was the "biggest science"
of course it is. actully you are confusing astrology with fortune telling which is not, its about calculation or psychology
ever heard jung. according to you he was idiot?


Jesus Christ this is hard to read through. Who's teaching English over there? You learn in high school only or something?

China and India did influence the world significantly. It's just people forgot about their achievements after the industrial revolution and the rapid development Europe faced.

>t. reddit spacing and punctuation fag.

If we don't have nukes then why don't you try to bring Freedom here and find out???

>he was idiot?
No, you was idiot.

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yep , a lot of mistakes happened as i was triggered.

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