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when can we kill all niggers? this shit cant continue
Twitter endorses the racially-charged term “mayonnaise mafia”.
But they’re totes not anti-white!
>cokewhore lies about attack on her to frame someone
>entire news media and twitter gang together to falsely claim that a white MAN murdered a black GIRL
>don't play by our rules whitey
No. To quote the bald personification of the "Libertarian to NatSoc pipeline", the time arguments is over.
>mayonnaise mafia
This is it. White people are FINISHED.
M-Mayonnaise Mafia!?
I'm keeping this fagt
nigs are just pissed off there's +1 to add to black on black crime.
This. This shit happens all the fucking time, we figured out your playbook blacks, we aren't stopping anytime soon
Black people love Mayonnaise to an absolutely disgusting degree. Ever wonder why they put so much Mayonnaise on your sandwich by default at any sub shop? Because no matter how much you put on a nigresses sandwich she always wants more.
Only question I have is how many people of any colour have blacks killed in america since this entire debacle started?
The police gave the info?
The MOTHER gave that info out and it informed the police's search for the video proof.
I used to like mayonnaise. Another thing ruined.
Why do you Americans take this shit from niggers, if this type of treatment happened in Russia they wouldn't last a week.
>the people who reported on a nigger's lie are responsible for the lie, not the lying nigger
Fucking monkeys
>black woman gives cops description of atttacker
> cops distribute discription given to them by black woman
>its the polices fault
Hhahahahahaha....society is fucked
Because that's the description lying niggers gave the cops, you lying nigger.
that dude is a dumbfuck just report him
>Rimes claimed her attacker was a black male wearing a hoodie with a jacket over it. She said another man, who she referred to as an “angel,” stepped in and yelled in their direction while her assailant was pulling on her pants, scaring the attacker away.
>But now, police are calling it all a lie.
>She was charged last month with filing a false police report, the City of Columbia Police Department announced this week. It said investigators determined she was never even in the Walmart parking lot.
so she lied about getting randomly beaten by a black guy (cuz that never happens), but what IS the truth then? this article doesn't have it. Was it a random white guy who hit her and she's covering for him? because that would make this story analogous to Jazmine Barnes. Otherwise she's probably covering for someone she has a relationship with, or some such, and chose to tell a plausible lie.
>society is fucked
get a load of this
>Mayonnaise mafia
We should appropriate this
This is why eye-witness accounts are retarded but that doesn't stop faggots on Jow Forums speculating based on bullshit "evidence" everytime a happening happens.
Meanwhile there's no peanut butter mafia because niggers have no organisation whatsoever, except when it comes to chimping out and destroying everything in their city
This same fucking moron tariq nashiiet is constantly running with absolutely everything. His only goal in life is to pit dumbass niggers against white americans and demonize white americans. it's literally EVERYTHING he fucking does is about trying to destroy white americans in USA. And acting as if blacks are victims.
He runs around and calls every white american a suspected white supremacist if they don't want to lose their country to other immigrants. He´s the stereotype of why everybody hates niggers and the dumb shit they constantly say.
You don't get it, the whole reason why he finds some desperate anecdote like that, is because him and shaun kang have just been running with the narrative that some white guys killed a little black girl. And then they found out surprise, it was two fucking niggers. So now he's doing damage control.
can we get a term for black people?
>onions sauce syndicate
>truffle troop
Tariq nashieet is probably one of the american niggers i hate the most. he constantly sits around and tries to find cases in a country of 328 million where some white american did anything he can try and shit on and blame on racism and 'white supremacy' whilst he ignores that 50% of the murders in USA is committed by blacks. he represents the PEAK of niggerdom, hypocricy, lies, manipulation, guilt tripping and just being a total dishonest fraud in general. And then he puts a little suit on as if that can conceal the gigantic fucking nigger he is.
I hope to see Tariq Nasheed hanging from a streetlight one day.
This post brought to you by mayonnaise gang
>No national news coverage prior to the lie reveal
>Woman was arrested for giving false information to the police
>No black man is currently being sought by police as a "witness"
>No racial angle inferred by police before the reveal
Never understood why you post this dumb nigger here.
fucking filter
>s.o.y sauce syndicate
>The mayonnaise mafia
>be nigger go to college
>get a degree in marxisim and community organizing
hes still a slave and hes too stupid to realize it.
mayo mafia is code word for jews. this is definitely antisemetic
Wh*tes can never compete with black banter
>s.o.y sauce syndicate
Mayonaise gang. Doesn't even make sense. Also nigger literally means black in latin, aka niger. You are so fucking stupid useless and at the same time spiteful this is why everybody hates you and don't want to fucking live in the same country as you. Yet you act as if nobody wants to leave you alone. My goodness. Who the fuck wants to live in same zipcode or as neighbourgh to some moron like tariq nashieet? You almost want to kill him just for him being so fucking annoying.
when will twitter shitters start linking the tweet pictured in their post?
What? It's literally so ingrained in pop culture as nigga kryptonite even we in Finland know they hate mayonnaise.
I wish tariq nashieet went to some african country, and then a real african kills his ass. And he can call it black supremacy, he should go to africa and tell them it's bad with all this black supremacy how niggers have their own countries and shiieet.
are those etriams?
If mayonnaise Mafia doesn't bother you, why are you so upset? You just said you almost want to kill him. Isn't that the behavior of a niger?
I am angry everytime i see tariq nashieets face. Because she's such a fucking gigantic nigger i almost can't stand to see his stupid little dishonest lying little dumb nigger face. It's like watching some kind of pest you want to step on and splat out.
Becuase if you're not a lazy fucking retard you can find it easily yourself.
she hot
tarique naschad the professional race provocateur (aka jew puppet) consciously avoids a simple emulsion of egg yolks and olive oil, and to what end?
la kosher nostra runs twitter
mayonnaise mafia kek. that nigger is alright
I hate him because he's a fucking liar and a bullshitter, he's the peak of niggerdom and why it's like almost no matter who you are you end up going ah so this is why people hate niggers. I totally get it now. Niggers have absolutely no excuse why they are not hated. Everyone should hate them for acting like this. There's no defense.
Yeah. That’s fucking ridiculous.
I mean what would black “people” even be capable of plotting? It’s absurd. Nonsense. Let’s leave the subject alone now.
>peanut butter mafia
I would kill myself if I lived in a crowded area like that. Imagine not even being able to open a window without the possibility of people being there. Imagine being constantly surrounded by others, all the time. Theres no time to cool down and relax. You're just stuck. Christ I'm getting sweaty palms typing this out.
Tariq Nasheed is based as fuck.
>mayonnaise mafia
Fuck I love this guy.
Peanut Butter Mafia is now a New Meme
Praise Kek
>racist blacks showed their true racist selves when they thought it was a racist white guy
Not talking about the wrong sketch, talking about the "Evil white people" comments that ensued.
Then everybody should hate white people too because one asshole made them mad.
meh, this was not a national story. I live in Columbia, and havent heard of this story
No there's no rational reason to do that.
Niggers as a group however are fucking annoying bastards. Nobody wants to live next to them. FIND ME SOMEONE WHO SAYS. YES. The place i want to live is next to niggers. Find me them. Why you think that is? They go to where other people are and then annoy them and try to manipulate them to feel sorry for them or whatever. So they get preferential treatment.
Tariq nashieet is not the only one. He's just the classic sjw nigger the peak of sjw niggerdom. He literally just sits and fishes around with his dumb nigger brain. And finds some american that won't succumb to some bullshit guiltrip to give niggers everything they want. And then calls them a suspected white supremacist (which means white majority) meaning people of european ancestry can't have their own country. Everyone else can though. This is what he does. He's such a fraud because he's so full of shit that it should be illegal to be so much full of shit.
You sound pretty unhinged user. I don't mind living next to neekeri. They don't do anything special. Russians are loud as fuck though.
You are not suomi just stfu.
who the fuck is tariq nasheed ans why does he dress like a belligerent nigger
In no way should niggers live anywhere in europe. They should be quarantined in africa and in the shitholes in USA where they already reside. I'd rather that everyone who is ok with them coming to europe, all those get bansished from europe forever and forced to live in africa with the nogs. THen everybody wins. There are already more fucking niggers in USA than there are people in australia and new zealand combined. Nobody needs more dumb niggers NOBODY. Nobody should be forced to live with dumb niggers. They should fix their own fucking nations and get the fuck out of everybody elses. Including USA for that matter, especially people like tariq nashiieet who only is there to complain about white people existing in their own countries.
This is exactly the same as all the major news networks banding together to spread misinformation in order to inflame racial tensions and promote civil unrest. great thread OP
White people brought them there though, to Europe too for that matter.
I'm so glad I'm not a nigger. I love being white.
>Bungled Stefan quote
Here ya go, user
Leave it to the niggers to call us mayonnaise thinking it’s offensive. You know what really offends me is that the niggers put mayonnaise on everything they put it on fucking eggs and Italian cold meats it’s repulsive.
No, they didn't you dumb fuck. Who the fuck brought niggers to europe? Are you a retard?
With the USA, less than 1% of white americans at the time owned any vs 40% of jews. And it was other africans who enslaved them and sold them. So when it's that few why don't they just fuck off quite frankly? And they had 150+ years to fuck off to liberia, but they'd rather stay and sabotage a nation they shouldn't have been in. Don't give me that horseshit.
Tell me exactly why a single nigger should be in any european country. Tell me, and which ones. Nope.. Niggers should be in africa. they have 54 nations there. There is already way too many niggers in the world. Get the fuck out and stop complaining about people in a country you shouldn't have been in.
No. The kikes brought them to the US to make a buck. They needed cargo FROM Africa so that their boats would not be empty while circling the Atlantic.
Every nigger knows this from the teachings of Louis Farrakhan. Jews love to make a buck at someone else's suffering.
Why did the mother lie about who killed her daughter? From an user's investigation into her FB account she knew the killer.
Just a typical ignorant nog who is seething with hatred for Whitey.
I think he played one of the ball games, not sure which.
Pretend to burn the coal, pretend to pay the toll
Probably some nigger and she's a coalburner. It'd be fucking hilarious if nashieeet is going to jump on anything like the dumb nigger he is and then be wrong about it twice. Either way he'll still deny half the murders in USA is committed by niggers. It's the anecdote game without the proper statistics that explain the actual situation. It's always the same with these dumb insincere lying their ass off niggers. They always complain about everything. Complain complain complain, and make up bullshit. All the time.
You can blame msm for that because a nigger allegedly raping a white girl is already suppressed to begin with. The fact that she was a lying whore wouldn't change that and if it were to be pushed in the media, most whites will condemn her anyways. The problem with niggers is that it's always "he dindu nuffin"
>You can blame msm for that because a nigger allegedly raping a white girl is already suppressed to begin with. The fact that she was a lying whore wouldn't change that and if it were to be pushed in the media, most whites will condemn her anyways. The problem with niggers is that it's always "he dindu nuffin"
Niggers are dysgenic. They kill eachother and then they say the ones who did it dindunuffin. So they never get them out of the genepool. He go fuck laqueesha and get 5 hellspawn that go out and join a gang when they grow up. Who also happen do do absolutely nuffin if police arrive after they just dindunuffin to a whole bunch of other people. They have absolutely no concept of purging their own bad elements. That's why they are so full of shit to begin with.
>social interaction makes me nervous
You might just be autistic.