Brits will pay for Bexit

was it really worth it?

Attached: file.png (827x845, 508K)

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How much will mainlanders need to pay to enter Britain?

Then we'll charge them to come here. Don't forget, more Eurofags come here (especially from Ireland) than go the other way.

one 7 year old girl for grooming.

premium jej

Oh no
7 euro
A whole 6.29 in gbp


More and more Brits are trying to get EU passports, the UK will lose a lot of tax revenue

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not after the GBP tanks because EU nations refuse to trade with it as punishment for rejecting jewish overlords

GBP will be worth less than a maplebuck in 5 years time, mark my shitty leaf words

Attached: UWO-1-635x344.jpg (635x344, 52K)

We'll trade with them. Fuck off leaf, you don't get to trade with them.